


(2009-03-28 23:27:40)


標籤: 六道輪迴圖 wheel of life 放生 唐卡 教育 分類: 佛學資料





Wheel of life

The above is the basic view of the universe of Buddhism. It tells about the truth of the world that we are living and the world we have been or will be in and how and why. What is stated below is the illustration and explanation to the above picture (it is called Tangka in Buddhism).

The Twelve Interdependent Causes and their Effects-The outer rim of the wheel is the depiction of the 「Twelve Interdependent Causes and their Effects」

(Starting clockwise from top right)1.The first depiction is of a blind old man with his stick unable to find his way. This represents spiritual blindness and ignorance2. This picture shows a potter whose pots symbolize his own deeds (thinking, speaking, and acting) with these he moulds his own karma (fate).3. A monkey is shown in a tree springing from branch to branch which symbolizes the major consciousness which ignorant people spring uncontrolled from object to object.4. A boat is show with two people which symbolizes name and form, spiritual and physical energy, inseparably floating on the stream of life.5. A house with five windows and a door. The five windows symbolize the five senses and the door symbolizes the faculty of thought. These are the things by which the outer world is perceived.6. A man and a woman embracing symbolizing the consequence of sensual perceptions.7. This picture shows the emotions by which one is stuck like an arrow to the eye.8. A woman offering a drink to man represents desire (falling in love), stimulation by perception and emotion which leads to a 「thirst for life」.9. A man is shown picking the fruits from a tree which represents 「sensual entanglement」 which is the longing to keep what is desired.10. Procreation is depicted through the illustration of a man and wife sleeping together in a tent symbolizing becoming or existence.11. The consequence of the previous picture is shown through the depiction of a woman giving birth to a child symbolizing birth.12. The illustration of inevitable old age(decay) and death in earthly existences symbolized through the depiction of the Tibetan tradition of feeding a corpse to the vultures.

The Symbolic Six Worlds-The areas between the six spokes represent the six forms of unenlightened existence.

(Starting clockwise from top)1. Abode of the Gods: a temporary paradise achieved by the action of good deeds. Buddha is illustrated in the top right section with a dramnyen (lute) reminding the gods of their limited pleasures and guarding them against vanity and arrogance which deceives them into believing themselves to be everlasting. However these gods are not free from suffering, after thousands of human years, they are too are subject to old age and death. Thus their suffering is the illusion of eternity in their state of paradise. Their suffering lies in the eventual realization of this error.2.The World of Men: driven by egoism and ignorance they suffer from the permanent repeated cycle of birth, sickness and death3.The Realm of the Insatiable: Greedy ghosts suffer from hunger and thirst which they cannot appease or quench. They are depicted with tightened throats and bloated bellies. Buddha is also depicted with a jar of nectar for the hungry ghosts.4. The World of Hells: There is a cold and hot hell. They are a place of torture for those who have committed evil deeds out of hatred and anger. This life is not eternal however, after being punished for their sins, rebirth into a better life is possible. Yama, the Lord of Death weighs the deeds of the deceased who enter into his kingdom, but he does not decide their fate since their fate has already been decided by themselves. The Buddha is depicted in the top left bringing light and hope to those even in the darkest region.5. The World of Animals: They suffer from oppression by other beings and they devour each other and become 「beasts of burden」6. The World of the Titans: The titans are permanently warring against the gods and fighting for the fulfillment of their desires. They suffer due to the endless war and the result of envy and insatiable ambition.

The White Path(Shown in the right of the ring surrounding the very center circle)-This is the 「Path of Bliss」 which leads to better rebirths and towards a final liberation. Saints and sages are shown leading the virtuous along the path.

The Dark Path(Shown in the left of the ring surrounding the very center circle)-This is the path where the ignorant and sinners are dragged along by demons armed with nooses. This is the path for those who engage in ignorance, envy and hatred, and greed. This path leads to hells and bad rebirths.

The Roots of Evil(Shown at the very center of the wheel)-The force that drives the wheel from its hub. Depicted are 3 symbolic animals known as the 「Three Unwholesome Roots」 because from them grow all the evils of life, or as the 「Three Poisons」 because they corrupt from within. The cock represents greed, the snake hatred and the pig ignorance, and these are the three things that create all human bondage and misery.

Buddha(Shown at the very top right of the illustration)-Buddha is shown representing the potential nirvana possible for all living beings. Nirvana is also possible for all of the beings depicted in the wheel of life.

Bodhisattava(Shown at the very top left of the illustration)-The Bodhisattava of compassion looks down in compassion. He is saddened for those suffering in all the six realms. The Bodhisattava is the link between the mundane and the transcendental. He represents the drive within the ordinary to fulfill the transcendental. This link is depicted, if you look closely you can see a discrete line drawn from the top of the 「White Path」 leading to Buddha representing those beings attaining nirvana.


最內圈在圖的正中央,亦即大輪的軸心部份,是一個小圓圈,圈內有三種畜牲:鴿、蛇及豬;蛇及鴿由豬口而出。這三種動物,分別表義貪、瞋、痴這三毒。這三毒念,是凡夫的根本煩惱,也是令我們不斷生死輪迴的根本原因。 鴿的特徵是貪慾無足,這是傳統的說法。現代的西方動物學家經研究後,發現鴿是所有生物之中性交頻率最密的,這似乎與佛教傳統說法不謀而合。 蛇是瞋恨的表義。如果你以手指頭輕輕碰一下一條蛇,牠馬上便會發怒、馬上便會咬人還擊,所以畫中便以蛇代表瞋恨。 豬不會分辨好、壞、乾淨或骯髒,牠只會狼吞虎咽地把任何東西吃下肚子。在平時,豬也只懂吃、睡及拉糞,其它就甚麼都不幹了。可見以豬來表義愚痴的確是貼切的 在圖的中央最內圈中,蛇及鴿都畫成由豬的口而出,這就正是表義貪慾及瞋恨源出於愚痴。

內第二圈 環的半邊是黑的,另半邊則是白的。在黑的半邊環中,有三個小圖形,這是代表了將投入畜牲、餓鬼及地獄道的中陰身。這半個環,開示說眾生因貪、瞋、痴三種煩惱驅使造作黑業或不善業(此半環的底色為黑色,表示了黑業),便會在死後感召黑業果而投生於畜牲、餓鬼及地獄道中。圖中的畜牲、餓鬼及地獄眾生的頭部都向下,表示這三種生命形式是痛苦的下道轉生。在另半邊環中,背景是白色的,內有三個頭部向上的圖像,代表將生於天道、阿修羅道及人道這三種生命形式的中陰身。這半邊環,開示說眾生因造作白業(以白背色所表),將感召業果而於死後受生於天界、阿修羅界或人間。這三種生命形式比前述的三惡道較為少苦,故稱為「三善道」。

中圈 生死之輪圖主體之中圈,是描述眾生輪迴的處所(也即六道)之部份。圖中的這部份分成六格,每一格中是六道的其中的一道之景況。中圈上方是天道,再順時針方向數下來是阿修羅道、畜牲道、地獄道、餓鬼道及人間。在其它的圖中,我們也會見到另一種畫法,把天界與阿修羅界合成一格,所以一共只有五格,而在其中一格內可見到天界眾生及阿修羅道眾生分開上下而處。不論是五格的畫法或六格的版本,都包含了六道在內。 地獄道 六道之中,生於地獄道內所受的苦是最為可怕的 餓鬼道 餓鬼所受的苦比畜牲道眾生為大 畜牲道 畜牲的特點是愚痴,餓鬼痛苦雖比畜牲為重,但牠們卻能明白佛法。畜牲中雖也有某幾種略有較高智力,但普遍來說牠們愚痴及無太精密的思考能力。所以,牠們幾乎不可能作任何善業。 人道 人間的苦有很多,但可把它們歸納為八苦:生苦、老苦、病苦、死苦、愛別離苦、怨憎會苦、求不得苦、五取蘊苦 阿修羅道 這一道中的眾生福報極大,壽命又極長,與天界眾生分別不太大,所以阿修羅道亦稱為「非天」。生於此道中的眾生雖有極大的善業力,但瞋恨及妒忌心強,故不能生於天界,而生為阿修羅這一種似天而非天的生命形式。 阿修羅道中,有一棵如意果樹,樹身在阿修羅道世界,樹頂卻延伸至天界之中。三十三天的有情,可以盡情享用這樹所結的果實,但阿修羅眾生卻無法享受果實,所以便十分妒忌。他們不甘天界眾生坐享其成,所以便會常常嘗試以斧頭砍斷如意樹,以令大家都沒好處。但天界的眾生只需由上灑下一種甘露,樹便會馬上重活過來,這隻令阿修羅更加生氣和妒忌。同時,天道中的有情,常對阿修羅世界中的女色垂涎,時常搶奪阿修羅女。為這些原因,阿修羅便常常向天界宣戰。 天道 天界分為欲界、色界及無色界天。 欲界天雖然享樂無窮,但由於這裡的有情難遇痛苦,所以也無從生起修行之心,雖然欲界天有情的福樂極大,他們卻也並非全無痛苦。在與阿修羅作戰時,他們或會受傷。有時候,他們又會被更大的天神欺侮,或者因自己的榮華不及其它天界有情而感到自卑。此外,由於他們能知自己的前生及預見未來的一生,預見自己由六道高處將墮入最臟及最苦的地獄中,在臨死前他們便經歷很大的恐懼。


外圈 在生死大輪的最外環,是十二個小格子,每個格子中都有一個小圖。這十二個小圖,表達了眾生在六道中生死流轉的運作過程,亦即「十二因緣」。 環上端右邊的小格,表達的是無明。其餘的十一格,順時鐘反向數下來便是行、識、名色、六入、觸、受、愛、取、有、生及老死等其餘十一支。 它們一支引致另一支,互相有因果系,十二支串起來就如一個環,令眾生頭昏腦脹,不知情地不斷作業、不斷生死輪迴。這十二支,並沒有首尾。它們一支引致另一支,串連引發一次又一次的輪迴。

無常死主 整個生死大輪,由一個兇惡的怪獸掌持。這個露出獠牙的兇猛怪獸,便是無常死主(亦稱「閻王」)。包含了六道在內的大輪,由死主手持及口咬,表示六道內的有情眾生,上至天界的生命,下至地獄眾生,無一可逃離死主的掌握,也不可避開被死主吞噬的命運。



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