!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(周運)克里斯汀 9.11
譯文:白羊座——譯者:冒險家Amanda自由飛翔之前的最後一道坎兒。隨著你的守護星火星逐步離開土星和北交點形成的刑克--它們既代表著你過去和未來,同時也與靈魂之星冥王星形成了不良的角度--你終會胸懷釋然抵達劇烈變化的另一頭,而你的世界將變得無比寬廣。毫無疑問,你將明確地感受到這股推動著你前進的力量,並且盡你所能積極地將負能量排出,如果這樣做,本周末你將體驗觸電般的感覺。掌控著積極性的火星,接下來將會和改變之星天王星形成良好的支持相位,它將為你的生活帶來一些翻天覆地的新變化,尤其是關係領域。在漫長艱辛的苦逼和糾結之後,任何的突破都會讓你內牛滿面。別痛哭流涕了大白羊。你馬上就要喜大普奔喜極而泣了 咩哈哈~金牛座——譯者:冰冷安魂曲無論什麼樣的行動,特別是你的靈魂的方向受命運指引,很多時候都會有。當位於你感受宮的火星與北交點相刑你會覺得感情受阻,這些星相連接你的過去和未來,置身事外最快的辦法就是動起來。身體上的運動有辦法改變你的「氣」,這也可以把你的情緒帶動起來。在西方時間的9月10日周二午夜,金星,你的主星,進入了天蠍座,你的對宮星座,這有助於你的所有關係。但本周我最喜歡的星相是周末火星和天王星形成的三分相,意味著宇宙變了個期待已久的小戲法。不管怎樣,你需要贏在當下!同意么?雙子座——譯者:熒光草本周如果你不跳出固有思維模式,那麼你的靈魂會非常受限制。本周是怪誕而充滿異數的。你離經叛道地打破慣例並帶來一系列新事物。你下意識的極富表現力,你靈魂中的野性得以釋放。一些人可能會覺得你完全失去理智,如果你給別人留下這樣的印象,那麼我的朋友,這就對了。生活一直太嚴肅,對你這樣擁有無憂無慮靈魂的人來說,它太過嚴肅,本周,你有一個難得的機會來轉而給生活增添樂趣。不管你做什麼,「第一次」很可能就是這個周末。你對結果可預見的事情已經厭倦了,你渴望那些不同尋常的事。這感覺真好,在你的理智說服你打消這個念頭之前,去做吧。老天爺說:「去嘗試一下吧」!巨蟹座——譯者:兔子如果你能消除內心的恐懼,你的生活將會變得有多自由呢?那麼你將會多了多少能量來讓你的世界變得更加明亮和美好呢?近來你覺得自己好像被拉扯得像一顆太妃糖,人們處處都在拉扯著你。一直以來似乎都有某種沉重的潛意識中的情感拉力,這讓你覺得在某一關鍵情景中有點無能為力。不過,在這周末當火星與位於你限制宮內的天王星產生輝煌的聯繫的時候,這一切都將要改變了。近來宇宙的趨勢讓我想起來一直以來都十分鼓舞我的一句電影台詞。「你知道,有時候你需要的只是二十秒鐘瘋狂的勇氣。就只需要二十秒也許會讓人覺得尷尬的勇敢。然後,我向你保證,某些偉大的事情將會降臨。」(我家買了動物園)。如果你遵循這一建議,尤其是在接下來的這個周末,我保證這句話對於你來說同樣適用。」獅子座——譯者:Currency當暴躁好鬥的火星在你的星座,可能會煽風點火助長你的慾望,但有時你會感覺最近,精力太過旺盛,在某些情況下並不是你所想要的那種精力。生活一直很沉重,生活經歷帶來的情緒紛紛擾擾,但是這個周末你終於找到愉快的感受,就像乘坐火箭逃離你不斷深陷的地方。在你星座的活性與天王星相位和諧,幫助你從根本全新的有利角度看問題,提供根除限制你激發真實潛力的舊習的方法。本周末下周初你與自己內在訴求的親密接觸,將點燃新的靈感,現在你能更清晰的看見前方等著你的是什麼。美好遠景是你唯一所需的指南針!處女座——譯者:Mononoke如果本周為你帶來何物,那它就是用來提醒你要銘記自己是誰,你的天性是何,你是如何被創造的。當你能夠觸摸到自己的靈魂和內在共同打造的真實自我時,世界上沒有比這更令人興奮的事了。本周以一系列的動蕩煩惱和真相作為開場白,將你的注意力放置到令人痛苦的現狀之上。一旦你開始意識到自己一直以來在哪裡跌倒和讓你如此失落頹喪的是什麼時,你就有機會扭轉局面。天王星在掌管你靈魂的宮位,本周末直到下周初都將與火星形成治癒性的角度。你的主星水星也將會進駐天秤座,為火星提供一臂之力,為你帶來解開混亂感情局面的事件。你已經抵達了變革之門的門檻,你可以稱之為革命之門,如果你有勇氣邁入這道大門,那麼你的心靈旅程從此將會永久性地改寫。你的直覺將會抓住這把鑰匙。天枰座——譯者:冰冷安魂曲當你的主星金星在9月10日周二晚些時候離開你的星座進入你的價值宮天蠍座的時候,有些事你覺得有必要在一開始就全都算計好,特別是錢的事。別懷疑你已經被迫去做了,環顧四周沒什麼事情會比整個周末和下周初的精確火天拱更令人輕鬆了,或者組織里的某個人看到了你的獨特之處並讓你有活干。本周早些時候水星會進入到你的星座,這對你的交流和談判大有助益。這會讓你最終有勇氣去討論點荒唐的事情。隨心所欲暢所欲言吧!跟著感覺走,你會成功的!天蠍座——譯者:子夜本周的行星相位有足夠的力量和動能來永久扭轉那些貌似不可能之事。你一直都是那種不肯屈服或放棄的人。除非你掛了,沒人能阻止你,而世界也敬重你的韌性和真正的勇氣。但是本周,你會發現自己變得柔和,且隨柔和而來的,你也變得更加寬容。9月10日的周二,金星進入天蠍座,為你增添多一些平靜,減少許多的傷痛。當你放鬆地接納金星的關照,你會發現自己變得更多寬容和足夠有趣,足夠創意。但本月我最青睞的趨勢發生在9月13日的周五,你的副主星火星拱修復宮位的天王。這意味著無論什麼破裂的東西,都能以光速在一瞬間得以修復。本周你會找到一些疏漏了的質素,將某事立即扭轉向積極的方向!射手座——譯者:Lizz就在不久之前我觀看了Ron Howard的最新大片「Rush」的預告片。「比對死亡的恐懼更強有力的,是對勝利的渴求!」這句話帶給我莫大的震撼。有些時候,射射,有些事情對你來說是真的很重要,你一定要去做,以至於可能隨之而來的風險都被你拋在了腦後。這正是你卓爾不群之處。最近幾周你不會感到特別有勇氣,這是因為幾位掌控著各種力量的行星大佬們正在你頭頂上方的天空中「打仗」呢。但勇氣之火一定會重新在你心中燃起的射射。本周末,火星在獅子座聯合起了同樣位於火象星座白羊座的天王星,將確保你的引擎重新開啟,會有能量一路護送你駛及嶄新的人生跑道。一旦恐懼全然消散,你的力量將無可匹敵。記得到時候一定要來個漂亮的急轉彎,加足馬力把黑暗甩在身後的塵埃里。很快你將重新找回那種良好的自我感覺。很快你將感到再次加速的必要!好運要抓住你了!摩羯座——譯者:腳步你是更願意聽到「最壞的都已過去了」還是「最好的還未來」?也許它們最終都代表著相同的意義,但兩句表述卻帶著甚為不同的曲調。前者意味著你一路而來經歷著考驗與動蕩,而後者則暗示某些好事情已經發生了但顯現在你眼前還需要些時日。在你當下的世界裡這兩種情況也許都不假,但在火星與你的守護星土星之間的刑相逐漸解開之際,在某一你不希望再次經歷之事上,你大可期盼著能夠安全地與它隔岸相望。上一周對許多的摩羯而言簡直就是一坨屎。謝天謝地沒有什麼是一成不變的,火星繼續前行,你所能指盼的便是改變。代表著行動力的火星將在這一整個周末直至下周早些時日里都會輕鬆聯絡上掌管解放的天王星。要在近期某一讓你焦急期盼結果的轉向之事上看到獲益之處也許會是一場考驗,但我可以向你保證,到了這周末的時候,一場不謀而合的事態會將你的內心置於那完全嶄新的情感領地之上。準備好迎接新的景緻吧!水瓶座——譯者:與神對話不同於其他各星座,你比任何人都更懂得馳騁在狂野的邊緣是一種什麼感覺。不管什麼群體你都不感興趣,因為你更願意做一個獨行俠。於是你打算跳出來,在你不想再把之前那麼想要的東西當回事的時候。不是所有瓶子都會把頭髮染成粉紅色,紋身,在奇怪的位置穿個洞,不過你可能會在精神上叛逆或者以博出位的方式作為對自由的表達。鬼馬的瓶子們,大家需要你們的不同凡想,需要你帶來新一輪的發展。本周末到下周的前段,對面獅子座的火星與白羊座里你的守護星天王星形成令人振奮的拱相,你將擁有一個機會創造更多令人吃驚的價值,你一馬當先做出一些出色但令人意外的事情將四分五裂的人們聚集起來,不管你喜歡與否,人們都將開始追隨你。如果你在天空中尋找體育場中的響應,將會看到以你為名,群星掀起星浪!雙魚座——譯者:PM海王星足足經過了160餘年才回歸雙魚座,因此情況若有些迷濛不清也不足為怪。海王星掌管夢想與看不見的世界,它亦代表幻覺與妄想,所以有時當你困惑自己是否被漫無邊際的想像力支配、是否足夠清晰地看待人們與生活,的確是有些無從應對。其次,要實現某個夢想,對魚魚來說,沒有什麼比精明的洞悉、讓你願意賭上一輩子的確鑿的明晰更珍貴了。本周末,當入駐獅子座的火星與駐守白羊座的天王星深情相拱時,夢想就能成真;火天拱預示著你所追尋的、真心渴求的事務不止是真實存在的,也即唾手可得。你已成竹在胸、等待機遇降臨!原文:Starcast for the week beginning September 11th, 2013ARIES [Mar 21 - Apr 19]One more hump til you glide. With Mars, your ruler pulling out of a square to Saturn and the Nodes, those symbols that represent your past and your future, as well as making an awkward angle to Pluto, the planet of the Soul, you are going to feel relieved to be on the other side of an intensity that was making you borderline crazy. No doubt it will take a conscious push on your part and an active participation in craning open the door for the hard energy to exit, but if you do, you will experience a rush of an electric release this weekend. Mars, your motivated ruler, will then form an angle of great support to Uranus, the planet of change granting some form of a face lift on your life, specifically in the area of relationships. Breakthroughs of any kind following a long, hard haul through taxing territory can bring tears to the eyes.Get out your Kleenex Aries. Happy tears are soon to flow!TAURUS [Apr 20 - May 21]Movement of any kind, in particular in the direction of your Soul』s intended destiny, but there are times when any kind of movement will do. When you are feeling emotionally stuck, which can happen when Mars in your feeling house is squaring the Nodes, those symbols that connect to your past and your future, the fastest way to pull yourself out of a flat or trapped place is to move. The physical activity has a way of shifting your 『chi』 which can also help move the emotion to a higher vibrational place. Venus, your ruler, enters Scorpio, your opposite sign close to midnight in the west on Tuesday, September 10 which can serve to help all of your relations. But my favorite aspect this week is when Mars forms a trine to Uranus the entirety of this weekend suggesting the universe has a little long overdue magic up its sleeve. However, you will need to be 『present』 to win!Any takers?GEMINI [May 22 - Jun 21]If you are not thinking way outside the box this week Gemini, then your Soul is too hemmed in. This week is about the outlandish and the outrageous. It is about the non conformist in you breaking free from tradition and bringing a slew of new things to the table. It is also about spontaneous bursts of expression and a wild abandon bursting from your Soul. Some folk may feel you have downright lost your mind, and if you get this feedback my friend, then know that you are right on track. Life has been too serious, far too serious for a lighthearted spirit like you, and this weekend a rare opportunity exists in the ethers for you to spice things up with an alternative twist. Whatever you do, make it new, and may it be a weekend of 「firsts」. You are tired of the predictable and hankering for the unusual. It it feels right, do it before your mind talks you out of it.The universe says 『it』s a go』!CANCER [Jun 22 - Jul 22]If you could remove one fear, how free would your life feel to be? How much more energy would you then have to make your world brighter and better? Lately you may have been feeling pulled like taffy, people tugging on you at every turn. There may have also been some heavy unconscious emotional pulls that have caused you to feel somewhat powerless in a key situation. However, this is all going to change this weekend when Mars connects brilliantly with Uranus in your house of limitations. This cosmic trend reminds me of a line in a great movie that will forever encourage me along the way. 「 You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.」(We Bought A Zoo).If you follow this advice, especially this coming weekend, I guarantee the same will be true for you.LEO [Jul 23 - Aug 22]With fiery and ever so feisty Mars in your sign, it can have a way of fanning the flames and fueling your inner desire but there are times and you may have felt this recently, when there is far more energy than you want, and in some cases not the 『kind』 of energy you were hoping to feel and find. Life has been intense and the emotion within life』s experiences has been immense but this weekend you finally connect with a feeling groove that sky rockets you out of a place you have repeatedly found yourself pinned. Mars in your sign makes an enlightening angle to Uranus and helps you see something from a radically new vantage point, offering revelations that eradicate old habits and thought patterns which have kept your Soul distanced from the true power of your potential. You connect with your inner calling this weekend and into early next week in a way that ignites new inspiration as you see more clearly now what awaits you on the horizon.This vision is the only compass you need!VIRGO [Aug 23 - Sep 22]If this week offers you anything, it is a one in a million opportunity to remember who you are, how you are naturally wired and how you were created. When you can connect with your Soul and the inner workings that when combined make you who you are, there is no better buzz in the world. This week initiates with a hiccup of trouble and a trigger of truth that draws your attention to the painful present. Once you become aware of where you have been getting tripped up and what has been causing you to feel so worn down, you have a chance to address it head on. Uranus is in your house of the Soul and will be making a healing angle to Mars throughout the weekend and into early next week. Your ruler Mercury will also move into Libra and support Mars in his efforts which means there will be clear events that give you the knowledge to unravel an emotional mess that has held you captive. You have reached a threshold of change Virgo, call it an evolutionary gate, and if you have the courage to enter, it will forever change the direction of the journey of your Soul.Your instinct will holds the key!LIBRA [Sep 23 - Oct 23]As your ruler Venus exits your sign and enters Scorpio in your house of what you value most late Tuesday, September 10, there will be something you feel that you need that you can finally count on as things start going your way, finances in particular. No doubt you have had to work for it, up down and all around as nothing may have come easy but with Mars connecting with precision to Uranus this entire weekend and into early next week, either someone a group of people will see that unique and special something in you that sets you apart from the rest. Mercury also entered your sign earlier this week which will help you with all of your communications and negotiations. This will allow you to finally have the courage to talk about the pink elephant in the room.Free yourself and speak! Following this release, you will prosper!SCORPIO [Oct 24 - Nov 21]There is enough power and enough momentum in this week』s planetary alignments to permanently alter the seemingly impossible. You have never been one to give in or give up. Someone literally would have to remove the air from your lungs to stop you Scorpio and the world admires your tenacity and your true grit. This week however you may begin to feel yourself soften and when you soften you become more receptive. Venus enters your sign late Tuesday, September 10 and has you attracting a little more peace and resolution and a lot less pain. As you relax into her care, you will also find yourself more tolerant and also interestingly enough, more creative. But my favorite trend this month occurs Friday, September 13 when your younger brother Mars forms an auspicious angle to Uranus in your house of repairs. This suggests that whatever feels broken can be remedied in a New York minute.This week you find the missing ingredient to turn something immediately and positively around!SAGITTARIUS [Nov 22 - Dec 21]Just recently I saw the trailer for the new movie 「Rush」 produced by Ron Howard. I was positively struck by these words, 「More powerful than the fear of death itself is the will to win.」 There are times when something becomes so important to your Soul Sag that the risks involved take a back seat. This is what separates you from the pack. You may not have felt particularly courageous in recent weeks as the energetic forces have been symbolically at war but you are going to get your fire back without question. This weekend, Mars in fellow fire sign Leo combines with Uranus in fire sign Aries which proves to get your engine started and escorts you to a brand new race track. When the fear leaves you Sag, you are invincible. Turn a hard corner full speed this weekend and you will leave the dark in the dust. Soon you will be feeling like your 『ol self again. Soon you feel the 『need for speed』!Good luck catching you!CAPRICORN [Dec 22 - Jan 19]Would you rather hear that the 『worst is over』 or the 『best is yet to come』? They may equal the very same thing in the end but both expressions carry a very different tune. The first implies you have been through your share of trial and rocky trails and the latter suggests some good things have happened but there is still much more where they came from. Both may very well be true in your world now but With Mars moving beyond the square to your ruler Saturn, you can expect to be safely on the other side of something you would like not to have to go through again. Last week for many of you was totally nuts. Mars marches on as thankfully nothing ever stays the same, the one thing you can count on is change. Action Mars will connect effortlessly to Uranus, the planet of liberation this entire weekend and into early next week. It may be a challenge to see the benefit to a recent nail biting turn but I can assure you that by this weekend a synchronistic event will have your heart in an entirely new emotional ball park.Prepare for a new view!AQUARIUS [Jan 20 - Feb 19]Out of all the signs, you know more than anyone what it feels like to ride the wild edge. You have no interest in participating in whatever the herd is up to for you are far happier being the lone ranger. As a result you tend to stand out, you draw unwanted attention to yourself which is the last thing you are wanting is those moments. Not that all of you are dying your hair pink and getting tattoos and piercings in strange places but you might as well be as the spirit of your rebellion and need for freedom of expression is making the same sort of statements to the world. Heck Aquarius we need you to help us think differently, we need you to help this race evolve. You get a chance to create some more shock value as Mars in your opposite sign makes an exhilarating angle to your ruler Uranus in Aries this weekend and into early next week. You take the lead and put yourself out on a limb by doing something brilliantly unexpected and whether you like it or not, people are gonna start to follow.If you search the stadium in the sky for feedback you will notice on your behalf, the stars doing the wave!PISCES [Feb 19 - Mar 20]It has been well over one hundred and sixty years since your ruler Neptune has been in your sign so it is no wonder things can be a bit foggy for a while. Neptune governs dreams and the invisible world. It rules illusions as well as delusions so it can be tricky at times as you wonder if your wild imagination has gotten the better of you and if you are seeing people and life clearly. Second of course to a private dream being realized, there is nothing more priceless to a Pisces than cunning clarity, a knowing so certain you would be willing to bet your life on it. This weekend that dream comes true as Mars in Leo makes an unforgettable angle to Uranus in Aries suggesting that something you have been after, something you really want is not only real, it is at your door.You discover the steps that you need now to answer the bell!
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