


中國留學生服務中心 (Overseas Student Service Centre, O.S.S.C) 簡介

中留服(Reg. 5487820 in England and Wales),作為英國最大的留學服務機構旗下還有, 《中國留學生》雜誌,我們致力於為留學生提供包括英國大學申請、簽證申請、留英生活、就業移民等各方面的信息資訊。O.S.S.C,a leading education consultancy in the UK. The subsidiaries, CNoverseas.com; UKuni.net, and Overseas Chinese Student Magazine exerts to a neutral platform, provide variety going abroad information, including: Study abroad, Emigration, Job seeking oversea, Language study, Paper"s preparation, College information and so on.

憑藉與英國各大院校,英國文化教育處,英國移民邊防局的良好關係和及時的溝通,為用戶提供各類出國相關信息,包括:留學、移民、海外生活就業、語言培訓、考試指導、文書寫作、院校資料等等,內容客觀準確、全面及時,深受用戶信賴。並要求使領館官員,大學國際辦公室官員,資深教育諮詢顧問來英國留學網開通個人博客,與學生直接的溝通和交流It has the authoritative information from various official organizations. We invite embassy officers, visa officers, educational counselor, university international officer and so on to come to UKUNI.com International Officer Blog, communicate with our user face to face. Our editors filtrates the latest, most exact, neutral, most comprehensive and impersonal studying abroad, emigration information for our users.

你是學生?英國留學網,CN社區作為旅英學生人氣最旺的論壇有超過15萬的英國留學生註冊會員,社區互幫互助、親切和諧的氛圍為那些即將赴英留學的用戶提供了一個交流交往的重要平台。他們的經驗將無私的與你分享。。位於中英兩國的各地辦事處也提供從材料準備,語言考試,院校申請,簽證辦理,住宿預訂,接機註冊,學習指導,升學轉學等一系列服務。並提供24小時應急電話,你們將不再孤獨,無助。Are you student? CN is the most popular overseas student online community in the UK with over 15,0000 members, which is devoted to diversification, friendship, sharing and mutuality, an inter-communicative bridge. Our community has different sections, such as BBS, Blog, Album, Friend finder, Events, Travel Companion and so on. We are offering 24/7 Emergency call service, we would not be alone. OSSC Branches offers comprehensive services that assist students through their entire application process till departure, test preparation, application documentation, visa interview training, accommodation, travel details, and provide free drop-in counseling follow-up services for students considering change institution, or apply futher education.

您是家長?中國留學生服務中心總部設在英國倫敦,並在劍橋,盧頓,中國上海,北京,南京等地設有分支機構,任何申請中英同時處理,無論是處理周期還是與院校溝通上都有獨特的優勢,對學生赴英前後都服務周到。 旅英後提供接機,住宿安排,轉校,續簽,升學指導等服務。對年齡17周歲以下的留學生提供監護服務,將全程監管您孩子的學習和生活,並與您進行及時的溝通,讓您人在中國,但對自己的孩子安心放心。Are you parents?Our head office is in central London, has branches in Cambridge, Luton etc., and is responsible for arranging airport pick-up, accommodation, offering study guidance, providing free service for students who change their schools or enter a higher school. We also provide guardian service for the student aged below 17. Through monitoring your children"s life and study in the UK, we promise to give you their first hand feedback from school.

你是院校?OSSC擁有龐大的留英學生用戶群,下屬的網站是眾多院校發布信息(如面試計劃,新設專業等)的重要平台,我們的合作夥伴有超過50家英國合作院校。Are you educational institutes?CNoverseas.com and UKuni.net have large student user group; and it is also an important platform for universities, colleges and schools to release their latest information (interview trip plan, new courses and programmes etc.). We have established a great partnership with more than 50 British educational institutes.

你是媒體?OSSC第一時間擁有來自英國文化教育處,移民邊防局等官方機構的權威信息,專業編輯篩選核實最新、最准、最公正中立、最全面客觀的留學、移民信息分享給用戶。與多家媒體合作(搜狐留學頻道、BBC 中文網,英中時報,英國華商報)信息共享。Are you Media?All the information on CNoverseas.com and UKuni.net are updated, fine selected and edited according to British Council, UK Broader Agency and other official organisations. So far, It is the prior cooperative partner of many famous China website, such as (SOHU Education, BBC China, UK-Chinese Papers.

教育展OSSC 在英國舉行一年一度倫敦教育展,是唯一一個針對旅英學生的教育展,提供了留學生和英國院校全方位地接觸,更詳盡更準確地了解院校的最新信息的平台。通過教育展,可以現場向院校提交申請、確定課程、接受評估。 London Education Exhibition (LEE) was the first UK Education Fair in London organized by theO.S.S.C with target at overseas students who are currently in the UK seeking higher education opportunities. It is also widely considered as the most prestigious education fair in UK organized by non-local education consultancy other than British Council.



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