
The Hong Kong authority has come up with six measures to tackle fraudulent group tour services from the mainland, according to So Kam-leung, Hong Kong"s Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development.

香港商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦梁近日表示,香港政府已經出台了6項措施來解決來自中國大陸的旅遊團出現的欺詐行為。 The move comes after the death of a mainland tourist, the result of an alleged attack over a shopping dispute in Hong Kong weeks ago. 這一舉動是在大陸遊客死亡之後出台的,而死因是由於在香港購物期間引發了爭吵。 So Kam-leung said a major target of the regulations will be the "shadow tour members" who hide in groups to persuade other members to spend money in shops. 因此,蘇錦梁表示,這項政策的主要打擊目標就是所謂的「影子團友」。他們通常隱藏在旅行團之中,並且從旁規勸其他遊客在購物店消費。

The secretary said mainland operators will be required to provide lists of group members for random checks by the Hong Kong Travel Industry Council. Hong Kong customs will also step up monitoring at shops and send out flyers to promote safety measures among tourists.

這位秘書長稱,大陸的旅遊組織者將會被要求提供旅遊團的人員名單,以便於香港旅遊產業協會的隨機例行檢查。而香港海關也會出面監督商家,並且會在遊客之間散發傳單來提高安全保障。 Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Travel Industry Council says they are discussing price guidelines for tours to Hong Kong, mainly aimed at suspicious "cheap" tour groups. 與此同時,香港旅遊產業委員會也表示,他們正在探討赴香港旅遊團的價格線標準,而這樣做的目的是主要針對那些不可信的「低價」旅遊團。

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