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  1. An individual human existence should be like a river—small at first, narrowly continued with in its bank, and rushing passionately past boulders and over water-falls.  人生好比一條河,開始是峽谷細流,接著是激流勇進,衝進巨石,飛下懸石.  2. She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. Her head was leaned against the window curtains, and in her nostrils was the odor of dusty cretonne. She was tired.  她坐在窗前,頭靠在窗帘上,獃滯的雙眼望著窗外,目睹著夜色漸漸浸沒街道.鼻孔里呼吸的是帶有提花的窗帘上的塵土氣的空氣,也渾然不知.她太疲憊了。  3. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and at the end, without any visible break, they become merged into the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.  其後河面逐漸展寬,兩岸相距越遠,水流也越趨平緩,最後則流入大海,與海水渾然一體,看不出兩者有任何界限,自然而然地結束其單獨存在的那段歷程.  4. Forms leaned together in the taxis as they waited, and voices sang, and there was laughter from unheard jocks, and lighted cigarettes outlined unintelligible gestures  inside.   那些坐在計程車里等候開車的人,影影綽綽的地依偎在一起.他們情語綿綿,雖不知在竊竊私語什麼,但卻能聽到從窗內傳出的陣陣嬉笑聲。還能隱隱約約地看見點燃的香煙隨著手勢一閃一閃地跳動.  5. Some had beautiful eyes, others a beautiful nose, others: beautiful mouth and figure; few, if any, had had all.  她們裡面,有的美目流盼,有的鼻準端正,有的櫻唇巧笑,有的身體苗條;但眾美兼備的,固然不能說沒有,卻少得很.  6. She was a product of the fancy, the feeling, the innate affection of the untutored but poetic mind of her mother combined with the gravity and poise which were characteristic of her father.  原來她的母親雖沒受過教育,卻有一種含有詩意的心情,具備著幻想,感情和天生的仁厚;她的父親呢,又特具一種沉著和穩重的性格,兩方面結合起來就造就了她這樣一個人.   7. It is necessary for young people to understand the situations that our society depends upon scientific and technological advancement and to realize that science is a basic part of modern living.  青年人懂得目前的形勢,知曉我們的社會依賴科學和技術的進步,並認識到科學也是現代生活的基礎部分之一,那是十分必要的.  8. He would never let the history books say of him that he had been content to sit on the sidelines, to be a gentle, leisurely President, letting events take their course.  他決不肯讓將來的歷史書說他目當一個袖手旁觀,悠閑自在而讓事情隨其發展的總統.  9. She read widely in an attempt to have herself entirely exposed to new ideas and great wisdom for more vivacity, and to noble personality and fine tastes for an elevated mind.  她博覽群書,讓新思想諸如體內,以增添活力.於是,美麗的思想滲透細胞,高尚的人格融入骨髓,純真的情緒充實機體.


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