Step away from that cookie if you want to keep your boyfriend, ladies.A new survey has found that nearly half of men would dump a woman who gained too much weight.The poll, of 70,000 people across the US showed that 48 percent of men would not want to be with their partner if she became fat.By contrast just 20 percent of women would stop seeing their man when faced with the situation.The poll found that over a third of men believed that women started to loose their looks at the age of 40, while a quarter believe that a woman is beyond her prime after 50. The same was true of women, though a further 23 percent believe a man will never lose his looks.The poll also found that men were more likely to lie about the number of sex partners they had been with, and 42 percent said that they would consider a woman sexually promiscuous if she had slept with over 10 men.By contrast, almost the same number of women said that they would consider a man overly promiscuous after 20 sexual partners.18 percent admitted they had told a woman he loved her for the sole purpose of sleeping with them.In what is likely to be a further blow to women"s relationship confidence, two-thirds of men admitted that they had fantasised about their partner"s friends - though the fairer sex is not guilt-free, with a third having done the same.Fifty-one percent of men even admitted that they would like to be better endowed - though just 18 percent of women wished that of their partner.James Bassil, editor-in-chief of AskMen.com, which conducted the survey with Cosmopolitan.com explained that differing attitudes between men and women towards relationships had not changed over the years.He said: "Even as men are getting more comfortable with meeting their girlfriends online... other romantic behaviors have proven to be timeless ones: chivalry isn"t dead, size matters, and women forgive while men forget."女人們,要想留住自己的男朋友,就離小甜餅遠點吧。一項新研究發現,近半數的男性表示,如果女友長胖太多的話,就會和她分手。這項涵蓋了7萬名美國人的調查發現,48%的男性表示,如果女友變胖,就不想再和她在一起了。相比之下,如果男友變胖,只有20%的女性會離開男友。調查發現,超過三分之一的男性認為女人從40歲起就開始色衰了。四分之一的男性認為女人在過了50歲之後就芳華不再。女性認為男人也是如此,不過還是有23%的女性認為男人的容顏永遠不會褪色。調查還發現,較之女人,男人更會謊報自己性伴侶的數量;而且42%的男性認為,跟10個以上男人上過床的女人就是蕩婦。與之形成對比的是,數量相近的女性認為,男人的性伴侶超過20個才算淫亂。18%的男性承認自己曾經為了和女人上床而對她說「我愛你」。還有一點可能會更加打擊女性對於感情的信心,那就是,三分之二的男性承認他們曾經對女友的朋友產生過性幻想。不過女性也好不到哪去,三分之一的女性也做過同樣的事情。51%的男性甚至承認,他們希望自己的生殖器更大一些,但是對男友有這樣期望的女性只有18%。此項調查是由AskMen網站和Cosmopolitan網站共同開展完成的。AskMen網站總編詹姆斯?巴希爾說,男人和女人對於戀愛的態度差異多年來都沒有改變。他說:「儘管男人現在也逐漸能接受和女友在網上進行約會,但事實證明有些戀愛行為並不會隨時間流逝而消失:男人對女人的殷勤體貼沒有過時,身材依然重要,女人通常會選擇原諒而男人則會遺忘。」
※"你家誰管錢"網帖走紅 調查稱南京夫妻各管各的
※調查顯示:超六女性看重男方有房 設婚姻高門檻
※調查顯示多數家庭幸福 40後進入幸福感收穫期