
The Death Of A Mental Patient

On December 30, 2008, Jilu TV aired a news story about the abrupt death of a woman from Laiwu at a mental hospital. The segment included several video clips taken by a surveillance camera. On December 31, the videos began circulating on the Internet and drew a huge public response. The segments show a female nurse wearing a white coat kicking the patient, tying the patient down with a rope and hitting the patient with a broomstick.12月30日,齊魯電視台分別以《萊蕪一婦女在精神病院突然死亡》、《病人死亡疑點重重》為題,報道了這個悲劇。12月30日晚,齊魯網以《萊蕪精神病院涉嫌虐待病人,病人死後轉院》為題,再次報道。12月31日,各大網站論壇開始轉載視頻,在網路上引起巨大反響。轉帖者基本上都以精神病人在醫院被虐致死為基本事實加以傳播。It was Zhu Chuanming, the son of the deceased patient, who provided the video clips to Jilu TV. Many netizens were curious as to how Zhu procured these video clips which were highly negative about the hospital. Zhu said, "It was actually very simple. I asked them and they gave it to me." The hospital was not even aware that their videos contain such scenes.向電視台提供視頻的是死者的兒子朱傳茗。昨晚,他接受了本報記者的電話採訪。很多網友都好奇朱傳茗是怎麼弄到這段對院方極為不利的視頻的,「其實很簡單,我跟他們要,他們就給了。」朱傳茗說。院方起初自己都不知道視頻里有這樣的內容。According to the published report of an official investigation, the family of the deceased discovered that the hospital workers had assaulted her. The hospital identified three workers named Liu, Lu and Jia. The three were interrogated and it was confirmed that they assaulted the deceased on December 9, 11, 12 and 13 by punching, kicking or hitting her with a broomstick.據官方公布的調查情況,王秀英家人在觀看錄像時發現,王秀英在住院治療期間,醫護人員有毆打王秀英的行為發生。後將情況告知了侯明進,侯明進在觀看該院的錄像時也發現該院醫護人員劉某、呂某、賈某對王秀英確有毆打行為。經詢問三人及調取該院錄像均證實,三人分別在12月9日、11日、12日13日對王秀英實施毆打,或是腳踢或是用拖把推搡。At issue is now the cause of death. The hospital is claiming that the deceased died due to a sudden cardiac arrest. An autopsy remains to be conducted due to lack of concurrence about the procedures. On December 19, the family of the deceased filed a lawsuit against the mental hospital. A trial will be scheduled. The public security authorities have begun their investigation. They have viewed the videos, interviewed the hospital workers and the family of the deceased but they could not determine the cause of death until after the autopsy.精神病醫院的說法稱,王秀英是心臟病突發猝死。怕對方操縱了屍檢,得出對院方有利的結論,,家屬目前不同意屍檢。12月19日,王秀英家屬到萊蕪市萊城區法院起訴精神病醫院,21日獲通知已立案。公關機關迅速展開死亡情況調查。公安機關調看了王秀英在精神病醫院的監控錄像,並對有關醫護人員和死者家屬進行了調查。但由於死者家屬不同意進行屍檢,屍檢工作無法進行,所以還不能查清王秀英死亡情況。The family of the deceased has demanded (1) determine the time of death; (2) the hospital must apologize to the family; (3) the hospital must compensate the family in accordance to the requirements of the law. The Ministry of Health has barred the mental hospital from taking in more hospital. Present patients are being transferred out as quickly as possible to other institutions. Then this hospital will be re-organized. The three hospital workers involved in this case have been suspended from their duties pending investigation.目前,死者家屬委託律師提出了三個要求:一是查明死亡時間,二是院方向家屬賠禮道歉,三是院方依照法律和有關規定給予賠償。根據這個要求,有關部門稱將積極工作,給死者家屬以負責的交代。其次,衛生部門立即按照有關規定對該院進行調查整頓。一是責成其停止接收病人,儘快轉移現有病人,進行全面整頓。二是對三名責任人員,立即停止工作,接受調查,待全面調查清楚後再作進一步處理。三是將該院情況在全市醫療單位進行通報。There is another post on the Internet: "According to the Ministry of Health in Laiwu city: This entire incident was fabricated. The deceased died because of a "sudden cardiac arrest," which is a difficult medical condition. But the family of the deceased demanded a sky-high price of 400,000 yuan in compensation and brought idlers and loafers to cause trouble at the hospital for an entire week. They broke down the gate, they injured many hospital workers and they created a bad social influence. These complaints have been reported to the Laiwu city police."網上有帖子稱:「據萊蕪市衛生局稱:此次事件純粹是捏造事實。死亡的患者王秀英死因是『心臟猝死』,屬於醫學難題,患者家屬漫天開口,要求索賠40萬並糾集社會閑雜人員在醫院鬧事一周之久,並將防盜門砸爛,打傷多名醫院人員,在社會上造成了惡劣的影響,萊蕪市110報警中心備案為證。」


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