關於伊麗莎白二世的26件趣聞 原來你是這樣的女王[6]

She bought a luxe apartment in New York City.女王在紐約購買了一處豪華公寓

Back in 2015, the queen purchased a $7.9 million, three-bedroom apartment near the United Nations headquarters in New York City. It"s got a staggering 3,000 square feet of living space, and the building itself was designed by a British architect the queen once knighted.早在2015年,女王就在紐約聯合國總部附近購買了一套價值790萬美元的三居室公寓。這套公寓約有3000平方英尺的使用空間,設計該建築的英國建築師曾被女王封爵。

Every year she publishes a list of gifts people give her 女王每年都會公布一份人們送給她的禮物清單

Every year the royal family releases a report detailing all the gifts they"ve received from the public and world leaders during the previous 12 months.每年王室都會發布一份報告,詳細說明他們在過去12個月里從公眾和各國領導人那裡收到的所有禮物。

The latest gift list for the queen includes some gems: A silver sticky note holder, a bag of salt, a glass cupcake, and pair of deer are just some of the weird and wonderful items she received during 2016.女王最新的禮物清單包括一些有趣的東西:2016年她收到的奇怪而精美的禮物是一個銀制的便條夾、一袋鹽、一隻玻璃杯和一對鹿等。

British royals are allowed to wear and use their gifts, but they don"t personally own them. Instead, the items will become part of the Royal Collection, which is held in trust by the queen.英國王室可以穿戴或使用收到的禮物,但它們不歸個人所有。相反,這些禮物是王室收藏的一部分,由女王以信託形式保管。

英文來源:This Insider翻譯:董靜、陶佳琪(中國日報網愛新聞iNews譯者)編審:丹妮、董靜



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