
41.be on a gravy train 走運,有賺錢的機會gravy在美國口語中有「容易賺得的利潤」的意思,gravytrain意即「輕易發大財的工作」。該習語直譯為「在一輛容易賺錢的火車上」,所以引申為「走運,有賺錢的機會」。A: John seems to be on the gravy train these days.約翰最近看起來很走運。B: Yeah. He got a chance of going abroad to arrange an exhibition.是啊。他得到了一個出國去辦展覽的機會。A: I don』t know why the sun is not shining on me.我不明白為什麼我的運氣總是不佳。B: Don』t worry. You』ll be in the chips sooner or later.別著急,總有一天你也會很富裕的。42.be on cloud nine 高興得飄飄然該習語原為美國氣象用語。該習語的流行據說應歸功於50年代播放的一個名叫《約翰尼·多拉爾》的廣播節目。Be on cloudnine的字面意思是「坐早九重雲霄之上」,引申為「高興得不得了」或「飄飄然」。例如:He was on cloud nineafter winning the competition. (他在比賽勝利後欣喜若狂。)A: You seem to be on cloud nine these days. How is your restaurantbusiness? 你近來有些高興得飄飄然。餐館的生意怎麼樣?B: How is my business? It』s none of your business!我的生意怎麼樣?這不關你的事。A: It』s rude of you to talk to me like this. 你這樣跟我說話太粗魯了。B: I was only teasing you. You see, we have our clients eating outof our hands now. Both Mark and I are feeling on the top of theworld. 我只是在逗你玩兒。你看,我們現在已經有了許多回頭客了。馬克和我都感到非常高興。43.be on pins and needles 坐立不安pins指「大頭針」,needles指「針」,be on pins andneedles的字面意思是「如坐在大頭針和針上」,喻為「坐卧不安」或「如坐針氈」。A: It seems you』re on pins and needles today. Anything troublingyou? 你今天似乎坐立不安。有什麼事嗎?B: Yeah. I don』t know why bad things keep happening to me. You see,my car was stolen and the warehouse had been broken into. I can』tput my finger on the causes of this damned thing.是的。我不知道壞事為什麼總是找上我。你看,我的汽車被偷了,貨倉也被盜了。我弄不明白怎麼會發生這些倒霉事。A: There must be someone who had planned that. He threatened toshow you the color when you refused to give him a promotion.也許這是有人精心策劃的。因為你沒有提升他,他要給你點顏色看看。44.be over the hump 已度過難關hump的本義是「小丘,山脈」,over the hump直譯為「越過山脈」,引申為「度過難關」。A: The Asian financial crises have almost paralyzed Asian economy.亞洲金融危機幾乎使亞洲經濟癱瘓。B: Your company must be influenced by it deeply.你們的公司肯定也很受影響吧A: Yeah. But we are over the hump now. 是的。但我們現在我們已經渡過了難關。45.be saddled with 把任務或責任強加在某人身上saddle在這兒作動詞,意為「使負擔,強加」,saddle sb. with sth.意為「為某人負重擔」,因此該習語意為「把任務強加予某人」。例如:I can』t be saddled with any moreresponsibilities.(我再也不能承擔更多的任務了。)A: How is George recently? 最近喬治怎麼樣?B: Not very good. I hear that he is saddled with debts of hiscompany. 不太好。我聽說他的公司現在債務纏身。A: What happened? 怎麼回事?B: It』s said that he was cheated by his partner. 據說是他的合伙人把他給騙啦。

46.be short of hands 缺乏人手,人手不夠short作表語時指「某物不夠,缺乏某物」的意思,常與介詞of搭配使用,既短語be short of something。A: You look worried about something. What』s the matter?你好像很著急,怎麼了?B: My computer isn』t working and I have got an important contractto type. 我的電腦壞了,可我還有一份重要合同要打出來。A: Why don』t you call the computer company? 你為什麼不給計算機公司打個電話?B: I did, but they said the company was short of hands and couldn』tsend any man today. 我打了,可他們說人手不夠,今天不能派人來。A: What should I do? 我該怎麼辦呢?47.be supposed to 認為應該,必須;認為可以此語用被動語態表示「被許多人相信」,如:The castle is supposed to behaunted.(人們都說那座城堡鬧鬼。)此語在口語中表示「認為可以做某事」,如:None of us girls issupposed tosmoke.(我們女孩子都不吸煙。)此語中的supposed是動詞的過去式,supposed作為形容詞,意指「假定的,被信以為真的,想像中的」。A: The train was supposed to get to Beijing at eight o』clock.火車該八點鐘到北京。B: Eight o』clock? It』s already eight-thirty. 八點?現在都八點半了。A: What if he didn』t see us? 要是他沒看見我們怎麼辦?B: He would take a taxi, I think. 他會打計程車的。A: Maybe the train is late. 不會是火車晚點了吧。B: It is impossible. I have heard the broadcast. 不可能。我已聽見廣播了。48.be too quick on the trigger 操之過急,行動過於倉促trigger指槍的「扳機,觸發器」。該習語直譯為「過早地扣動扳機」,引申為「行動過於倉促,操之過急」。A: You shouldn』t have had Bob do that job. He is still a greenhand. 你不該讓鮑勃做那項工作,他畢竟還是一個新手。B: But he needs to be given a chance. 但是他也需要機會呀!A: You should not have been too quick on the trigger.可你不該太性急呀!49.bear down 加倍努力該習語本身就有「竭盡全力、加緊努力」的意思。例如:You will bear down if you expect to passthe exam. (你要是指望考試及格的話,就得加一把勁。)A: If we can』t finish the work before deadline, we will be finedaccording to the contract. 如果我們不能在規定的期限內完成工作,根據合同,我們將會被罰款。B: We are already bearing down to do the work. 我們已經在很努力地工作了。A: I know. What I mean is that we should improve our efficiency.我知道。我的意思是我們必須提高效率。50.beat someone at his own game 將計就計地懲罰某人習慣用語beat someone at his owngame直譯為「以某人自己設計的把戲打擊某人」,與漢語的「將計就計」近似。A: You seem to be worried about something. 你看上去很擔心。B: Yeah. I don』t know how to deal with that smart businessman.是呀。我不知道該怎麼對付那個狡猾的商人。A: Don』t worry. Let』s beat him at his own game. 別擔心,我們可以將計就計。B: A good idea. 好主意。

51.behind schedule 落後於計劃或預定時間該習語的字面意思是「落後於預定時間」。例如:The train is two hours behindschedule.(火車晚點兩小時。)與之相關的習語還有on schedule,意思是「按時間表;及時;準時」;ahead ofschedule,意思是「提前」。A: Are you OK? 你沒事吧?B: Yeah. 沒有。A: I worried about you all the time. You』ve come back at last!我一直擔心你。你終於回來了。B: I』m sorry to have kept you waiting. 對不起,讓你久等了。A: What happened to you? 怎麼回事?B: The train is behind schedule. 火車晚點了。A: No wonder. 怪不得。52.behind the eightball 處於非常不利的地位eightball指「撞球比賽中的8號黑球」。在撞球比賽中,只有將其他所有的球都打進袋中才能擊打黑球。因此,其他的球如果在黑球的後面,則是「非常不利的處境」,behindthe eightball即比喻某人「處於非常不利的地位」。A: New computer companies have mushroomed in our city.我們城市裡的電腦公司好像雨後春筍般冒了出來。B: With so many competitors, our company is behind the eightballright now. 有這麼多的競爭者,我們公司正處於一種非常不利的狀況之中。A: Why not try a new line of business? 為什麼不試一試其他行業呢?B: I am looking for opportunities now. 我也正在尋找機會。53.bell the cat 為眾人利益而冒險該習語出自一則貓和老鼠的寓言故事:老鼠們為了不被貓抓住,就想出了一個在貓的脖子上系鈴的良策,但是誰去給貓系鈴呢?(Who willbell the cat?)。沒有一隻老鼠敢去。因此bell the cat指「捨己救人,為他人利益冒險」。A: It』s harder and harder to find clients because of the financialdepression. 由於經濟蕭條,尋找新客戶越來越難了。B: Yeah. But the boss wouldn』t want excuses, he only wants theresult. 是啊。可老闆不會聽什麼借口,他只要結果。A: Someone should talk to him. 應該有人去和他談談。B: Who is it? That』s as good as belling the cat.誰去呢?那無異於老鼠給帽兒系鈴鐺。54.beside the point 離題,不中肯point是名詞,有「要點,中心意思,核心問題」的意思;beside thepoint字面意思為「在核心問題旁邊」,引申為「偏離中心」。A: Your plan won』t work. I think it』s your nonsense. That』s besidethe point. 你的計劃是沒用的。你簡直是在胡說八道。那根本是不切題的。B: How dare you say that? I worked it out after much calculation.你怎麼敢這麼說? 我是經過慎重考慮才提出來的。A: Sorry. Now let』s calm down and try to find a good way, OK?對不起。現在讓我們都平靜下來再想個好的解決辦法,好嗎?B: Well. Let』s discuss it again. 好吧。我們再討論討論吧。55.big bucks 一大筆錢buck的意思是「美元」,big bucks即為「一大筆錢」。A: You seem to be beside yourself today. What has made you sohappy? 你看起來得意洋洋的。什麼事讓你那麼高興?B: I made some big bucks last week. I didn』t expect that I couldmake so much money. 上星期我賺了一大筆錢,我可從沒想過我能賺那麼多錢。A: The sun is shining on you. You must have had luck going for you.你真是吉星高照呀,你的運氣來了。B: I guess so. 我想也是。

56.bite off more than one can chew 貪多爵不爛,承擔了過多的工作而不能完成bite指「咬,叮」,biteoff意為「咬下」;chew為「爵」的意思。該習語的字面意思為「咬下的比所能爵的還多」,比喻「貪多爵不爛」。A: How』s Henry』s business? 亨利的生意怎麼樣?B: Not very well, I』m afraid. 恐怕不太好。A: Didn』t he invest in several projects and manage quite a fewbusinesses? 他不是投資了幾個項目,還管理著幾個企業嗎?B: Yeah. But he found that he had bitten off more than he couldchew. 是啊。可能發現自己的攤子鋪得太大,忙活不過來了。57.bite the bullet 下定決心;咬緊牙關bite指「咬,咬住」,bullet指「槍彈,子彈」。該習語的字面意思是「咬住子彈」,形容某人「咬緊牙關,下定決心」,不達目的不罷休的樣子。A: So you want to bite the bullet and sell your company?你真的下決心把公司給賣了?B: Yeah, I have no other choice. If I can』t pay back the loan, I』llend in prison. 是的,除此之外我別無選擇。如果還不清貸款,我就會進監獄的。A: Anyway, I think you should have second thoughts.你最好還是再好好考慮一下。58.book off (尤指因與僱主未達協議)宣稱某日不打算上班該習語常在英國英語中出現,原來的意思是指「僱員下班時在考勤表上登記」,現引申為「因與僱主未達協議便宣稱某日不打算上班」。A: Is your factory still in trouble? 你們工廠是否還有麻煩?B: Yeah. The unions declare that they will book off on May Day ifthe management doesn』t accept their requirements.是的。工會聲稱如果資方不滿足他們的要求,他們勞動節那天就不上班。A: What』s the management』s attitude? 那資方是什麼態度?B: They won』t compromise either. 他們也不願讓步。59.bore someone to death 使某人煩得要死動詞bore的意思是「使厭煩」。Bore someone to death的意思就是「把某人煩得要死」。例如:That guybores me to death. He never stops taking about his past history.(哪個傢伙讓我煩得要死。他總滔滔不絕地講他的過去。)A: Everyone knows the feeling of working with such a dreadful boss.人人都知道和這樣一個可怕的老闆一起工作會是一種什麼心情。B: I hate to work in the company now. It bores me to death.我現在真恨在這個公司里工作。它真讓我煩透了。A: Are you thinking of jumping ship? 你考慮過跳槽嗎?B: I asked several friends to keep an eye on a job vacancy. But Ihaven』t got one yet. Jobs are scarce, you know.我請了幾個朋友幫忙注意一下,看看有沒有空缺的職位。但現在還沒有找到。你知道現在工作很難找。60.brainstorm 絞盡腦汁,費盡心機brain指「智能,腦力,智慧」,storm指「激發」。兩者的合成詞的意思即為「突然想到」,頗像漢語成語「靈機一動」。例如:ThenI got a brainstorm.(於是我靈機一動,計上心來。)A: I hear that you』re designing a new building. Have you finishedit? 我聽說你正在設計一座新建築,是否已經完成了?B: Not yet. I am brainstorming for an unique one.還沒有。我正費盡心機,想設計一座風格獨特的建築。A: Why not ask Jack to help? Maybe he can give you some novelideas. 為什麼不讓傑克幫幫你呢?或許他能給你一點新奇的主意。B: That』s a good idea. 說得對。61.break a butterfly on the/a wheel 殺雞用牛刀;小題大做該習語的字面意思是「用車輪碾死一隻蝴蝶」,喻指「小題大做,殺雞用牛刀」。A: Who will be in charge of this plan? 誰負責這項計劃?B: Tom. 湯姆。A: It is simply breaking a butterfly on the wheel. He should beused to do more important jobs. 真是小題大做。他應該去做一些更重要的工作。B: Maybe you expect too much of him. 也許你對他的期望太高了。62.break even 得失相當,不賠不賺even有「平衡,均衡,不贏不虧」的意思。該習語的意思是「打破收支平衡」。例如:The zoo did slightly betterthan break even.(動物園的收入稍微多於開支。)A: How』s your business recently? 最近生意怎麼樣?B: Pretty bad, I only expect it to break even.糟透了。我希望只要能得失相當就行了。A: How come? 怎麼會這樣?B: There isn』t recent boom in real estate. 最近房地產業不景氣。63.bring home the bacon 某生bacon,臘肉,是英美餐桌上常有的食品,幾乎同bread一樣重要。由此,該習語「將臘肉帶回家」比喻「謀生」。A: How do you feel about your married life? 婚後生活過得怎麼樣?B: Generally speaking, I』m happy. But there』s a lot of pressure aswell. 總的來說我挺幸福的,但是壓力也很大。A: I see. Now you』re the one to bring home the bacon.明白了,現在要你賺錢養家了。B: That』s it. 正是如此。64.bring in new/young blood 引進「新鮮血液」;僱用有辦法的新人bring指「引進,帶來」,blood指「血液」,該習語直譯為「引進新鮮血液」,引申為「僱用有辦法的新人」。A: It』s said that your company has carried out some reformation.聽說你們公司進行了一些改革?B: Yeah. To be more specific, we have brought in some new bloods.是的。具體的說,我們僱用了一些有辦法的新人。A: Then your company must take on a new look now.那你們公司現在肯定呈現出一番新的面貌了。B: At least, it seems more energetic. 至少看起來更有生氣了。65.bring something to a standstill 停住名詞standstill的意思是「停止,停滯」。該習語的字面意思是「將某事物帶入停止狀態」,意即「停止做某事」。A: The storm brought air travel to a standstill. 空運因暴風雪中斷了。B: It』s too bad. We have to delay dispatching our goods.簡直太糟了,我們只能推遲發送貨物。A: I wonder when it』ll clear up. Good luck to us!不知道什麼時候才能放晴,祝我們好運吧!66.burn one』s boat/bridges 自絕退路,破釜沉舟據說愷撒在公元前49年率兵越過盧比孔河與政敵龐培決戰時,燒毀船隻,使士兵不能後退,只能戰勝或戰死,該習語就由此而來。從字面上看,它的意思是「把身後的橋、船全都燒了」,由此引申為「自斷一切退路」或「義無反顧」,相當於漢語中的「破釜沉舟」。A: Have you found a new job? 你找到新工作了嗎?B: It is settling into shape. 有一點眉目了。A: Why don』t you tell your boss the truth? He knows nothing aboutit. 你為什麼不把真相告訴你的老闆呢? 他對此事還一無所知。B: I don』t want to burn my bridges at this time. I』ll tell when allis set. 我不想自絕後路,一切妥當了之後我再告訴他。67.burn one』s bridges 自斷一切退路,義無反顧習慣用語burn one』s bridges或burn one』s bridges behindone直接翻譯成漢語就是「把自己身後的橋全給燒了」,此語比喻「自斷一切退路」或「義無反顧」。A: Have you made up your mind to quit your present job?你決定辭去你現在的工作了嗎?B: Yeah. I』m determined to become a boss of my own.是的。我決心要自己做老闆。A: Why? Nobody would sacrifice such a good job nowadays.為什麼?現在沒有人願意放棄這麼好的工作機會。B: Even if I burn my bridges behind me, I will not change my mind.I wouldn』t be led by the nose by someone else.即使我切斷了一切退路,我也不會改變主意。我不想讓別人牽著我的鼻子走。68.burn the candle at both ends 胡亂消耗精力;勞累過度該習語直譯為「蠟燭同時點兩頭」,用來比喻人「胡亂消耗精力、勞累過度」。A: You』re burning the candle at both ends again. You』d better get aperson to help you. 你又勞累過度了。你最好找個人幫幫你。B: That』s what I want. But you know, it』s difficult to find areliable person in a short time.我也是這麼想的。但是你知道,現在想在短期內找一個可靠的人有多難。69.bury one』s head in the sand 不敢正視現實,駝鳥政策據說,駝鳥遇到危險時就會把頭鑽到沙子里去,認為這樣就能避開危險。bury one』s head in thesand常用來指「不正視現實」或「逃避現實」的「駝鳥政策」。A: Try to hurry a little bit more, will you? 再快一點好嗎?B: I』m too exhausted to walk any faster. 我太累了,走不快。A: Cheer up. It』s no use burying your head in the sand.振作起來,在困難面前採取駝鳥政策是沒用的。70.button up one』s lips 閉口不言,守口如瓶button作名詞是「扣子」,此處用作動詞意為「扣緊上」。Button up表示「扣緊」,比如:button up one』scoat。(把外衣紐扣扣緊。)button up one』s lip常用於美國俚語中,表示「住嘴,閉口」。A: Did they find a way at last? 他們最後找到辦法了嗎?B: Yes, they worked out a plan. 是的,他們制定出一項計劃。A: I』m most curious about what the plan is. 我很想知道是什麼計劃。B: But they buttoned up their lips about it. 可他們對此守口如瓶。


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