
每次出國跟老外聊天,大家的一句話讓我非常觸動,「You can"t be Chinese, Chinese speak rubbish and lousy English!" (你不可能是中國人,中國人只能講垃圾英文。)這句話在歐美國家聽到很多次就算了,可在柬埔寨,馬來西亞,印度這樣的地方他們也都敢這麼說。我覺得是時候做些什麼了!我在他們面前飆英文,讓他們明白中國人也可以說很好的英文。但他們會說少數畢竟是少數。提高自己的語言水平,不僅能讓旅程方便很多,提高旅遊的質量,而且能更深刻的了解當地文化;因為語言溝通沒有障礙了,你對當地的認識和理解會很不一樣;其次語言好了,還能提高中國人的整體形象,和老外擁有平等的話語權。很多朋友都為自己在國外受到的冷遇和誤解而憤憤不平,然而靜下來想想,很多時候誤解源自不了解;能讓彼此了解的方式絕非逃避和憤怒,而在於溝通,而沒有好的語言,溝通的層次就上不去。所以當你在講垃圾英文時就別埋怨指責老外的誤解。我們每次旅行都該想想,離開後我們帶走了什麼又留下了什麼?只是某某到此一游的照片嗎?我想把我們的文化和精神帶給他們也很重要;這需要大家共同的努力。我們一起努力!加油哦,說地道的英文,讓老外的鄙視見鬼去吧!應網友要求,特將所需旅途英文總結如下,如有不全的,大家可提供中文,我可以做英文支持。先來點馬上就能用到的,最簡單最實用的:P1---1樓--------------------------------------在機場、過安檢、飛機上P1---3樓-------------------------------------兌換錢幣P1---7樓-------------------------------------手機辦卡充值充電P1---20樓----------------------------------打車P2---27樓----------------------------------訂火車票坐火車P2---33樓----------------------------------討價還價P2---41樓----------------------------------搭訕P2---42樓----------------------------------訂酒店,住店P2---49樓----------------------------------問路P3---54樓----------------------------------飯店點菜P7---155樓-------------------------------飯店補充P5---110樓-------------------------------坐地鐵P5---127樓-------------------------------在郵局寄名信片P6---143樓-------------------------------搭訕女生P8---180樓-------------------------------看醫生打疫苗P8---197樓-------------------------------在旅遊中心P9---229樓-------------------------------租自行車P10---242樓---------------------------在博物館P10---253樓----------------------------照相玩轉單反P11---266樓----------------------------回應不公正待遇P11---285樓----------------------------包車,租車P13---330樓----------------------------在紀念品商店P14---365樓----------------------------在麥當勞快餐店點餐P14---367樓----------------------------在星巴克P14---393樓----------------------------出入境表格填寫P16---428樓----------------------------關於報團一日游P17---451樓----------------------------出國工作證明P18---489樓----------------------------關於轉機P22---595樓----------------------------售票點買機票P28---729樓----------------------------尼泊爾英文大全 (P31--811樓以上內容總結下載)P31---812樓----------------------------關於機場退稅(一) 機場換登機牌:Your passport and your e-ticket (paper-ticket), please! 請出示您的護照和電子機票。(我們通常都是網上訂票列印出來的電子票叫electronic ticket or paper ticket).How many pieces of baggage/ luggage do you have? 你有幾件行李?I have a huge suitcase, a carry-on bag and a backsack. 我有一個大箱子,一個手提擰包和一個背包。(小背包一般用Rucksack)Are you checking the backsack or carrying on? –你的背包要託運嗎?Sorry, your luggage is 2 kilos overweight! 對不起, 您的行李超重2公斤。How much is the excess baggage charge? 超額行李費多少錢?It』s 50 ringgits. 50馬幣。Can I change my aisle seat to window seat? 我能把靠走廊的位置換到靠窗位嗎?Here"s your boarding pass. 請拿好您的登機牌。(上有座位號和登機信息)After the security check, board your flight at gate B17, please!通過安檢後請在B17登機口登機!I have to transit from Kuala Lumpur. 我得在吉隆坡轉機。The flight is never on time these days because of the rainstorm in KL, it』s delayed an hour again! 這些天有于吉隆坡暴雨,飛機總不準時。這下又晚點1個小時了!過安檢Please put your lap-top and all electronic things in this tray! 請把背包的筆記本和電子產品拿出來放在這個托盤裡。 Do you have lighters/ water in your bag? Sorry, it』s not allowed, we have to confiscate it or you can go back and have it checked in. 你包里有打火機、水嗎?對不起,不允許,我們要沒收或者你可以託運。Do you have anything to declare? 你有什麼需要申報嗎?No, it』s all personal stuffs and cosmetics. 沒有, 這些都是私人物品和化妝品。Passengers of flight D2057, now on board please. 請航班D2057的乘客登機。Welcome on board! Your boarding pass please! This way please! 歡迎登機,請出示您的登機牌,請這邊走!飛機上Please fasten the seat belt and switch off your mobile phone and all electronics.請大家系好安全帶,關閉所有手機及電子產品。Please fill in this disembarkation/landing card.請你填寫這張入境卡(或者叫immigration form入境表格)Excuse me, where is the baggage claim? 請問行李領取處在哪兒?My baggage didn"t come out, can you put a trace on it? 我的行李沒有出來,能幫我查一下嗎?兌換錢幣「Hi, can I help you, Mme? 有什麼可以幫您「I wanna change some US dollars into Ringgit.」 我要用美金換點馬來西亞林吉特「 How much do you want to change?」 你要換多少「250 US dollars, what』s the exchanging rate today?」 250美金,兌換率多少啊?「It』s one US dollars to three point three five (3.35) ringgit, 250 dollars, um, 837.5 ringgit, how would you like your money?」 1美金兌3.35林吉特; 250美金,就是。。。837.5林吉特。錢幣要百元的還是小額的?「In hundreds.」 百元的「Here you go!」 好的手機 保持通話I wanna buy a local Sim card, please. 我想買一張當地電話卡。Please fill this form and give me a passport photo. 請給我一張護照照片,並填妥這個表格。You gonna stay here for a whole month, so you can deposit an initial amount of 500 ruppees. 你要呆一個月,可以卡存金額500盧比。Sorry, this is poor connection, please text me! 抱歉,手機信號很差,請給我發簡訊(很多同學喜歡說send me a message, 裡面倆錯誤,而且不地道)。"Excuse me, my mobile is out of balance, where can I recharge it? 我的手機餘額不足了,請問哪裡充值?餘額要用「balance", 充值是" recharge", 」charge"是充電。 There"re a lot of voucher centres in the Paharganj market. 帕哈甘吉市場里有很多充值中心。My mobile is running low, (手機快沒電了),My mobile is runing out of power(手機沒電了), where can I charge it? 請問哪裡可以充電?Oh, my god, I don"t have the adaptor with me, where can I buy one? 電源轉換器沒帶,哪兒有賣呢?打車--- 口語更多講究的是交流,只要你說出來的話讓別人聽明白了,甭管語法正確否,發音漂亮否,只要清楚,達到目的就算成功。Take me to Kalkaj please! 請載我到Kalkaj.How much is that? Let』s run the meter! 多少錢?我們打表計價吧!How long it gonna take? 大概多久能到?An hour if there』s no traffic. 不堵的話一個小時。Oh, my God, you don』t have to drive that fast! I』m not in a hurry! 大哥!你沒必要開這麼快吧,我不趕時間!You need to hurry up! Or I gonna miss my train! 你得快點兒,不然我要錯過火車了!Can you drop me off at the gate? 你能在門口把我撂下嗎?Is there any way around the traffic? 有沒有路可以避開堵車?Can you go to the fastest way? 請你走最快的路!Can I stop over at the stall? I wanna buy a samosa! 你在這個攤子前停一下,我要買個三角餃子(印度有名的小吃,油炸的,口味一般)吃。Thank you, keep the change! 錢給你,不用找了。火車 火車票Excuse me, where is the International Tourist Bureau? 請問國際旅行局售票中心怎麼走?( 問路一定要問三個,最好是火車站工作人員,否則一定會有人帶你去假冒的地方)。Excuse me, can I have a booking /cancellation form please. 請給我一張訂票/ 退票表格。I wanna go to Agra from Delhi tomorrow, is there any train available? 我要從德里到阿格拉,明天有票嗎?Which class would you like? 你要哪個等級的?AC Chair Car. 空調軟座。(詳見《獨闖印度》)Sorry, it』s not available, we only have second sitting. 空調軟座賣完了,只有二等硬座。What』s the train number? 請問這趟車的火車號是什麼?What』s the departure/arriving time? 出發和到達時間是幾點?It』s a direct train, only takes 2 hours and a half. 這是直達車,只要兩個半小時。Which platform does the train leave from? 這班車從哪個站台發車呢?Sorry ,sir, I』m afraid you』re sitting on my seat. 你坐了我的座:(I wanna go to Varanasi, would you please remind me when I get there? 我要去瓦拉納西,我到了能提醒我一下嗎?印度火車沒有報站,到站了自己下車,怎麼知道哪是哪呢?跟身邊人講一聲大家就都會來幫忙了。[b]討價還價--- Bargaining"How much is this?" 這個多少錢"600 rupees." 600盧比"That expensive? Cheaper?"這麼貴? 便宜點兒!"500" "what"s the lowest price?"最低啥價啊?"This is the lowest price!" 這就是最低價。佯裝不感興趣,準備離開「What"s the highest you can pay?"你最高出什麼價「200 ( is the highest I can pay)」 200「Not possible, we』re losing money with that price,you get what you pay for!」 不可能,要賠錢了,一分價錢一分貨「You』re not possible to lose money, I know what this is worth. 200 tops.」 你不可能賠的,我知道這個價值,200最多「No, it cost me more than that, 350.」 進都進不來,350「 It』s still too high for me,you know I』m sincere to buy this」 還是太貴,我老誠心買的「 I appreciate your sincerity, I give you 300, last price, take it or leave it.」 謝謝你這麼誠心,給你300,最後價,買不買隨你「 Then I have to leave that, I can』t pay that much.」 那我只好不買,太貴「OK, OK, 250, the lowest we can go. I make you happy, you make me happy.」 好好好,250, 吐血價了。我讓你開心,你也讓一步。「250 is a very bad number in Chinese, I』ll give you 208, this is a number of bless.」 250中文不吉利。208,吉利啊!」248 is also a good number in Chinese」 老闆娘還有點中國文化的底子。「 No, 208,I』ll introduce your store to many friends and you can earn a lot.」 我介紹朋友過來「 We』re losing money on this, come again next time, and don』t tell your friends you bought them with this price, you are a smart buyer!」下次再來哦, 別告訴你朋友你用這個價格買的哦。你真能砍!(印度人最喜歡說這樣的價格全世界只給你,only for you in the world!)「You』re a smart seller! Thanks, c ya!」你也不差。我這樣砍價很費時但真鍛煉口才,感興趣不嫌麻煩的朋友都來實踐實踐。因為在印度一般可以砍掉一半,而我的原則是2/3. 一些small talk 閑聊的句子:Indians love to be photographed. It is beside the point that they will never see that photograph but they really want to have their photographs taken. 印度人喜歡被人照相,就算他們永遠不會看到他們的照片,他們仍然很喜歡被拍照。What are you gonna do with it? 你打算怎麼做?Honestly, sir, I try not to think about it that much. 老實說,我努力不去想太多。Excuse me, your name again?"I didn"t catch your name. 能再說一次你的名字嗎,我沒記住。It』s nothing new, really.沒什麼新意思,真的。I』m just curious to see what it』s truly like there. 我只是好奇想看看那邊到底是個啥樣.I』d love to learn firsthand about how diverse their culture is from ours. 我喜歡親自體會和我們不一樣的文化。Everywhere you looked, there was a great picture. 看出去到處都是很好的風景照。I don』t care how awful my accent is or whatever.我才不管我的口音啊什麼的如何糟糕。This traffic is insane. 交通堵到瘋That traffic is a freaking nightmare. 交通是噩夢。It』s deserted.很荒涼。Do you feel weird? 你覺得奇怪嗎?I can』t wait to be done with this guy.我很想擺脫這個傢伙。Why do I feel like we didn』t go the right way? 為什麼我覺得我們沒走對反向呢?We should just go back to that street we were on. 我們應該回到剛才我們呆的那條街。It was ridiculous. 豈有此理You』re going too much. 你也太那什麼了。Don』t ever mistake my kindness for weakness. 不要把我的仁慈當成軟常見搭訕的句子,其實很多時候微笑是最好的搭訕:)1) Hi, how are you? 招呼一下問候一聲一般情況下陌生人見面打招呼常用「How do you do?」, 而」How are you?」也是常常問到的。大家給的回答大多是千篇一律的,」Fine, thank you, and you?」, 除了」Fine」, 我們還可以使用的回答有:」Grand! How about you? 」「Great!」「Cool!」「Good! Yourself?」「Not bad!」「Terrific!」 「Just fine, thanks!」「Super!」「Very well!」「Fantastic!」「Can』t complain!」「 Couldn』t be better!」等等。2) Nice day, isn』t it? 今天是個好天氣天氣是初次見面時最保險的話題, 由於西方人注重自己的隱私,他們不願意被人問及自己的年齡,收入,婚姻,所以天氣成為最沒有冒犯意思的破冰句(Weather is one of the least offensive topics of conversation)。我就曾經在倫敦的站台邊碰到一個朝我微笑的英國帥哥,當我給他眼神回應時他問候我,「Nice day, isn』t it?」 很顯然他不是在跟我詢問天氣狀況,而是和我搭訕,所以如果當時回答「Yes, it』s sunny.」顯然多麼不合時宜。我答道 」Yes, isn』t it! It』s rare to have such a nice day here in London!」 高級的回應不應該只是簡單的一問一答,而是應該給對方留有繼續話題的引子。 「 You』re right, always too changeable. How long have you been here?」 這樣兩個人的話題一直繼續了下去。美國人搭訕喜歡用「I must have met you somewhere before!」 「I think I know you from somewhere!」 「Have we met somewhere before?」如果你頭也不抬地回答,」Not possible!」就已經拒人於千里之外,使對話很難繼續。而如果你回答,」Very likely, it』s my second time here.」 「Doubtful, I just moved here from Shanghai.」這就給對方留下了繼續對話的餘地。3) Nice shoes! 讚美是人類最美的語言人人都喜歡被欣賞被讚美。以對方身上一件亮眼的東西作為破冰句也是很常見的。諸如:Nice suit! Nice hair! Nice bag! 等等。你只需表示謝意並輔作解釋就是一個很好的回答。「Thanks, these are my favorite shoes, I just got it from my boy friend as my birthday gift!」4) Where"re you from? 找到共同點,比如讚美一下這個國家你所熟悉的美好。 5) You』re not quite yourself, what』s up? 你臉色不怎麼好,沒事吧? 表示關懷6)Are you here alone? 一個人是很容易被撿的。7)What"s your plan here? 問問對方的計劃,說不定可以共同改進旅行方向。8)Can I join you?如果是一個人,聽到對方有好玩的地方要去,不妨加入,一般不大會被拒絕。9) What"s your sign? 你是什麼星座的?聊深了,星座也是很不錯的話題。10)Do you need a hand? 看到別人拿很重的東西,走過路過幫把手。比如在飛機上看到一個漂亮mm, 行李太重,能幫把手把行李放到行李架上的男人太加分了。住店訂酒店1. Hi, I wanna book a single room with hot water bath for three nights from March the third to March fifth. 我想訂一間單人房,帶熱水,3個晚上。 (3月3到3月5日)2. We only have a single room for tonight, but we can change you to a double room tomorrow.單人房我們只有一個晚上,明天可以給您換到雙人房。3. Would you like breakfast?要帶早餐嗎?4. Free internet access? 上網免費嗎?5. I"d like a quiet room away from the street please. 我們不要靠馬路的房間。6. Do you provide free pick-up service? 你們提供免費接站嗎?7. Yes, Our Free Pick up service starts at 6:00Am and Stops at 4:00PM. Free Pick-up service from Varanasi Junction Train Stations only. 我們的免費接站時間是早上6點到下午四點,瓦拉納西junction火車站。8. If you come by plane, our pick-up fee is 200 Rs and please find our driver at Arrival Exit with your name on our sign, ONLY IF you have given us IN WRITING, your Last Name and CORRECT Airline and Flight Number with Date/Time of Arrival.如果要接機的話是200盧比。 您必須寫信告知正確的姓名,航班號和到達的時間和日期, 我們的司機會拿著寫有您名字的牌子在到大出口等待。standard room 標準房single room 單人房double room 雙人房(一張床)twin room 雙人房 (兩張床)triple room 三人房suit 套房deluxe suite 豪華套房presidential suite 總統套房garden view room 園景房sea view room 海景房superior sea view room高級海景房deluxe sea view room 豪華海景房cancel the reservation 取消預訂modify the booking修改預訂已經網上訂好直接入住1. Hi, I booked a single room here through the internet. 你好,我在網上訂了你們一間單人房 2. Your paper reservation please. 列印的單子給我看下3. ah, yes, Mr. Dingding? Would you please fill the form? 哦,丁丁先生嗎? 請填一下這張表格4. Your passport please? 您的護照5. Here is your key card. 這是您的房卡6. Our check out time is 12 o"clock in the noon. 我們退房的時間是中午12點。 問路Where can I find the nearest railway station? 請問最近的火車站在哪裡?Can you tell me how to get to the nearest metro station? 請問最近的地鐵站在哪裡?但我建議在國外問路要一次至少問兩個,方向一致說明人沒有忽悠你。然後每走幾百米再問兩個。這樣就不用一次消化下面這麼多東西了。沿著這條單行道直走, 在第一個紅綠燈時左轉, 就看到浦東大道. 是一條雙線道. 往下走, 你會在你的左邊看到一個加油站, 繼續走50 碼, 直到看到一個三叉路口, 右轉, 經過二個 stop sign. 你就會碰到 Wal Mart. 郵局就在 Wal Mart 的對面. 地鐵站在郵局後面。1. Take the one-way street. 走這條單行道. Walk straight along this one-way street. 沿著這條單行道直走。2. You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light.你會走一會兒, 直到你遇到第一個紅綠燈.Stay for a while 通常指五到十分鐘的時間, 不會太久. 遇見某樣東西, 可以用 hit 這個字, 如 hit the traffic light, hit the stop sign 等等. 3. Then take a left.向左轉.向左轉可以說成 turn left, take a left 或是 Make a left. 有時光講 take a left 不明確, 你可以加上路名, 明確地告訴人家要轉哪一條路, 例如 Take a left into Century Avenue(世紀大道).4. It will be Century Ave. It"s two-lane traffic. 那就會是世紀大道, 它是一條雙線道.5. Come down Century Avenue,you will see agas station on your left.在你的左手邊你會看到一個加油站.6. Keep going 50 yards before you come to a fork road. 繼續走 50 碼, 直到你走到一個三叉路口.繼續往下走可以用 keep going 這個字, 或是 continue straight 或是 keep straight 也很常用. Fork road 就是我們說的三叉路口. 那如果是丁字路口要怎麼說? 你可以說, This road will dead end into 10th Street. 就可以表達出丁字路口的意思了.8. Make a right, pass two stop signs and you will run into a Wal Mart.向右轉, 經過二個 Stop sign, 你就會遇到 Wal Mart.You"ll run into it! 意思就是, 我會遇到的. 也可以這麼說, You can"t miss it! 就是說, 你絕不會錯過的.9. The post office is just right across the street of it. 郵局就在 Wal Mart 的正對面."right" across 表示出 "正" 對面的意思. 還有一個很常用的就是在什麼什麼的旁邊, 這個要用 The office is next to it. It 代表之前已經提過的 Wal Mart, 如果之前沒有提及, 這裡也可以直接說成, across the street of Wal Mart.10. The metro station isbehind the post office. 飯館點菜A Table for 4 please.我們要一張4個人的桌子。Excuse me, menu, please! 不好意思,菜單拿一下!(如果進去沒人招呼)Order, please! 麻煩點單!What would you like to drink?要喝點什麼嗎?I"ll take a coke. 我要一聽可樂Can I have a glass of water,isn』t for free?能給倒杯水嗎,是免費的嗎?May I take your order? 現在點單嗎?"What would you like to order?" 您想點些什麼呢?"Are you ready to order?" 準備好點單了嗎?"Can I have a couple more minutes?" 請等一下「Just a minute, please.」 等幾分鐘I』ll have the same. 我和他點一樣的。It』s been 20 minutes, my order hasn』t come yet! 都20分鐘了,我的菜還沒上!Check, please!麻煩買單!或是「Bill, please!」Can I pay by credit card? 我能用信用卡嗎?Sorry, you can only pay by cash, but there』s an ATM around the corner. 對不起只能付現,但街角有個自動取款機。I』m afraid there』s a mistake here. 你這兒算錯了吧。May I have the receipt? 給我開張發票。坐地鐵(關於德里地鐵,詳見《獨闖印度》)1. Look at this traffic, I think we』ll take the subway ( metro). 瞧瞧堵成這樣,我覺得我們應該坐地鐵。2. You』re right, metro is free from traffic, it might be quicker than taking a taxi in the rush hours. 你說得對,地鐵不堵車,這種高峰期有可能比打車快。3. And it』s much cheaper. I was told it』s one-price ticket, either one stop or 5 stops.而且要便宜得多。聽說是統一票價,坐一站和坐5站都一樣。4. Ok, let』s go to the Metro station and find the ticket office first.行,那我們去地鐵站先找到售票處。5. Hi, excuse me, two tickets to New Delhi railway station, please.麻煩,兩張去德里火車站。6. It』s 20 Rupees, it』s different price for different stops.20 盧比,每站不同計價。7. This is the first time we take a metro here. How can we get there?這是我們第一次在這兒坐地鐵,能告訴我們怎麼坐嗎?8. Ok, first go security check and then tap in, 好的,你們先過安檢然後打卡進入you take violet line from here to Central Secretariat坐紫線到Central Secretariatand transfer the Yellow line to New Delhi station, 然後轉黃線到德里站that』s 3 stops away from Central Secretariat. 德里站離central secretariat只有三站路Tap out and take exit 4, the railway station is right in front of you.打卡出地鐵走4號出口,火車站就在前面。在郵局Hi, I』d like to mail the postcards abroad, please. 我想把這些明信片寄出國。Where do you want to send them? 你要寄到哪裡?China. 中國You just stick a stamp on the postcard and put it in the mailbox over there. 貼張郵票再扔到前邊那個郵筒里就可以了。How much does it cost for a postcard? 一張明信片要貼多少錢的郵票It』s 15 rupees for each postcard. 15盧比I wanna 10 stamps of 15 rupees, please. 那請給我10張15盧比的郵票。其他補充:I』d like to mail this letter abroad by regular mail. 我要寄平信。平信還可以用:ordinary mail 或者 surface mail.I』d like to have this letter registered. 我要寄挂號信。I』d like to mail this parcel to China. 我要寄包裹到中國。I』d like to send an airmail express. 我要寄國際快遞。每天都來學習一下。其實我最想學的還是搭訕美女的情景語句。每次見到外國美女,一句「你很漂亮」,「你很迷人」後就不知道如何進行下一句了。搭訕女生在國外是很考驗素質的活。你不需要有很強的話語能力,但必須有堅定地眼神和讓人舒服的肢體語言。這對中國人而言是相對欠缺的,大都眼神遊離,身體僵硬重心不穩。碰到這樣的人美女的反應就是,「He totally turns me off."--- 他讓我完全沒興趣。所以有時候男生很有風度很淡定很自信的走過去,打聲招呼,」Hi, how are you?" 已經很迷人了。然後主動報上名字,「I"m Jack , nice to meet you!" ,如果女生對你有興趣,她就會主動報上芳名,」Hi, I"m Sabrina." 如果她沒有告訴你名字,也不妨主動問問「Can I have your name, please?」搭訕女生跟搭訕一般人一樣最重要的就是在每個句子中找個自己熟悉的切入點扯下去。所以這時你可以扯下名字,「Oh, that"s a very beautiful name, like you

" 這個女生一聽到表揚肯定開心," You turn me on!" 他肯定覺得你人不錯。 然後你就可以繼續說,Sabrina, Maybe you wouldn』t believe, I don』t always do this, but you』re cute as hell!也許你不信,我不總這麼說,但你實在可愛至極。如果你壓根沒聽懂美女的名字,不要不懂裝懂,因為在對話中,不出現名字也是中國人不受歡迎的原因之一。你可以說,」Excuse me, your name again?" " Oh, god, it"s too charming word for me, I need write it down, can I have your signature?" 你的名字得寫下來才記得住。然後聊聊國籍,聊聊愛好,扯扯最棒的經歷,別忘了經常在句子里加上她的名字。我舉個老外成功搭訕我的例子:我記得當時手裡拿著地圖迷路了。「Can I have a look at your map?」 是一個男人的聲音,我回過頭把地圖遞給他---一個帥氣的韓國背包客,「You know where we are now?」又是一個迷路的人。「I don』t know either, I』m lost, but it』s OK, and this map is a crap.」他正抓耳撓腮地看著那張讓我抓狂的地圖。「haha, I agree. You are traveling alone? (這就是在旅程中經常碰到的搭訕語, 他可以搞清楚自己有沒有下手的機會,如果我告訴他有朋友一起,他自然會知趣離開, 如果我覺得這人可以一聊,不妨繼續)」「Yep, why everybody asked that?」「 Many people asked you that? Maybe because it』s not easy to travel alone.(這是他找到的切入點)」「Why?」 「Even a man need courage to travel alone, not to say a girl like you, you』re courageous!」這時他就會表揚我的勇氣「I guess so.And you? You are traveling alone, too?」我也可以藉此讓對話繼續「Yes, I』ve already stayed here for a month, how long you have stayed here?」他會進一步了解有沒有機會可以同游「2 days. You』ve stayed here for a month? And you still get lost? Good for you!」如果我有興趣,我可以問問他遊了哪些地方,以備借鑒「No rush! I just get up late every morning, take a shower, then muck about, see one or two places, then have a couple of beers near the Jetty」他引出自己最喜愛的地方。「The jetty? where?」我順勢提問。我如果不問,他就會問」 Have you ever been there?」「The Jetty, near the sea. Come, I show you.」他於是把我帶到海邊,當地人休閑的地方。「Can I buy you a drink or something?」 我能請你喝點什麼嗎?這是搭訕女生最常用到的句子。我們在那裡喝啤酒聊天,呆了一下午。那裡是我在那個陌生國度最美的經歷之一。補充:I"d like to talk to you.Because I guess we are in the same wavelength. 我想和你聊天,我猜我們是一個頻率的人。你要引起某位異性的注意, 你就可以這麼說 相信她就會很清楚你對她有意思了.如果你不喜歡物理上的頻率, 你可以試試化學的講法, 叫作 We have chemistry. 所以物理化學在這裡都派上用場了! 我在41樓講到過的搭訕的句子全都可以在這裡繼續用上。最後走時,如果還想有機會交流,別忘了問一句:Do you want to exchange numbers? 能留個電話嗎?菜單各國都不盡相同啊,每個地方也都不一樣,而且菜單是你完全可以不用努力記只要看得懂就可以的。還是再發些餐廳用語吧!What do you recommend? (有什麼菜可以推薦的嗎?)The seafood is good here. (我們店的海鮮很可口。)Do you have any local specialties? *local 「這一地區的」,specialty 「特色,特產」。 您這兒有什麼地方風味嗎? 我要一份牛排。 I"d like a steak.. How would you like it?要幾成熟的? 或者說How would you like it done?烤熟點。Well-done, please. rare「三成熟(中嫩的)」,medium rare 四成熟medium 「五成熟的,半成熟」,medium well 七成熟well-done 「全熟的,八成熟」。 請做得清淡些。 Can you make it mild? 套餐里包括咖啡嗎? Is coffee included with this meal? 請給我來一杯咖啡。I"d like a cup of coffee, please. 您喝什麼樣的咖啡? How do you like your coffee? *這樣詢問是表示「咖啡里要加糖和牛奶嗎?」Black will be fine.清咖,謝謝Just sugar, please.只加糖Just cream, please.只加奶With cream and sugar, please. (放牛奶和糖的。)How Would you like the egg? 雞蛋您要怎麼樣的?蛋的回答方法是 1. Scramble 炒蛋 2. Sunny side up 只煎一面的荷包蛋, (這句話很有意思, 因為荷包蛋像太陽, 所以用 sunny side 來形容) 3, Sunny side down 二面都煎或是 ease over.白煮蛋的話也分二種, 一種叫 soft boil 一種叫 hard boil. 所謂的 soft boil 是指讓蛋黃的部份還有點液體狀, 而 hard boil 則是指整個的蛋黃都煮成固體狀的。表示埋怨這咖啡不夠熱。This coffee is not hot enough.This coffee is lukewarm. 麵包沒烤透。 This bread is soggy. *soggy 「麵包等沒有烤透的」狀態。 這土豆片變味了。These potato chips are stale. *stale也可用來表示麵包等「不新鮮」、「走味」、「有霉味的」。These potato chips are soft. 這牛奶酸了。 This milk is sour.This milk is sour. (這牛奶酸了。)I"ll buy more today. (今天我再買點吧。) 這咖啡太苦了。 This coffee tastes bitter.This coffee is bitter. 這肉太老。This meat is tough.This meat is tender. (這肉挺嫩。) 味很重。 This has a strong flavor.This has a weak flavor. (味道淡。) 太咸了。 It"s too salty. 太油膩。 It"s too greasy.It"s too oily. 太燙了。 It"s too hot. *語氣上是「太燙了」。It"s too cold. (太涼了。) 我的嘴都麻了。 My mouth is burning. *吃了辣椒或芥末等辛辣的東西時。burn除了「燃燒」、「燒焦」以外,還有「嘴和舌頭都麻木了」的意思。My mouth is on fire. Sorry, your luggage is 2 kilos overweight! 對不起, 您的行李超重2公斤。How much is the excess baggage charge? 超額行李費多少錢?It』s 50 ringgits. 50馬幣。After the security check, board your flight at gate B17, please!通過安檢後請在B17登機口登機!Passengers of flight D2057, now on board please. 請航班D2057的乘客登機。樓主的英語太地道了不僅僅是地道,簡直是專業!這些數據都是真實的哦?我看旅遊教材也無非如此!莫非樓主是教科書的」老「編?還是業餘愛好?竊以為您在海外得七年以上才致如此 清醇!有無博物館的內容?收藏、受教 ----------------------------------------路漫漫其修遠兮 吾等上下瞎忙活 看醫生 打疫苗Help, doctor! Help! I got bitten by a snake. 醫生救命啊!我被蛇咬了!No worries, it』s not poisonous. 別擔心,這是無毒的。We need to treat you with tetanus vaccine and antivenin immediately. 我們需要馬上給你注射破傷風疫苗和抗蛇毒血清。Doctor! I got a bite from a dog. 我被狗咬了一口。You need an injection of rabies vaccine. 你需要馬上注射狂犬疫苗I don』t feel well today. 我今天不舒服What seems to be the problem? 你哪兒不舒服Are you running a fever/ have a temperature? 你發燒嗎We need to take your temperature. 我們要給你量下體溫How is your appetite? 你胃口怎樣I have indigestion.我消化不良I feel dizzy. 我頭暈I feel like vomiting./ I feel sick. 我覺得噁心,想吐I have a sore throat. 我喉嚨疼I cough all the time. 我一直咳It』s been like these for three days. 我這樣已經三天了I』m suffering from chest pain. 我胸口疼My ears are ringing and my cheeks are burning. 我耳鳴,臉發燙My toothache is killing me. 我牙疼得要命Don』t worry, it』s not serious. 別擔心,不嚴重Please fill the form of registration card and pay for it. 請填一張挂號卡並繳費I feel short of breath these days. 我這些天感覺氣短We need to give you an x-ray.我們需要給你找張X光片。When will I know the results?什麼時候能出結果?Half an hour after the examination. 檢查之後半小時。在旅遊中心Excuse me, we are here to get some information about the tourist attractions in Delhi. 你好,我們來諮詢一下德里有哪些旅遊景點。We are here to get a free map.你好,我們來拿一張免費地圖。Tomorrow is the National Day, do you have any celebrations for it?明天是國慶節,你們有什麼慶祝活動嗎?There will be a parade going on at 2 o』clock in the afternoon from Connaught Place to Chandni Chow. 明天下午兩點從康諾特廣場到月光集市有一個大遊行。Any other activities? 還有其他活動嗎?There』ll be a firework show after that at 8 o』clock in the evening. 晚上8點又焰火表演。Where is the best place to see that? 哪裡看最好?Go to the minaret of Jama Masjid, you can have an open and wide view there.去賈瑪清真寺裡面的宣禮塔,那裡視線最開闊。Is there any festival happening these days? 這些天這兒有什麼節日嗎?There is an Elephant Festival the day after tomorrow. 明天會有個大象節。How many people can fit in your car? 你的車子可以載幾個人?I can take 4 people我能載四個人Can you pop the trunk? 你能不能打開行李箱.What is the fastest way? 哪一條路最快?Which way is quicker? 走哪條路比較快?How far from here? 從這裡去有多遠?What are the landmarks around there? 那附近有沒有什麼明顯的建築物沒有?Pictures time! / Photo time! 照相了!Could you take a picture for me? 你能不能幫我照張相?Take one more shot 再來一張Scoot over. 往旁邊靠一點.Just in case someone steals it! 以防萬一有人偷走它.That"s a rip-off. I want my money back. 真是坑人, 我要把我的錢要回來.I can hold the cup for you. 我以幫你拿著這個杯子.  Anybody needs a fork? 有沒有人要叉子的啊?Do you want to separate check? 你們要不要分開付帳?一起付, 則簡單地說, together 或是 one check 就可以了.Check, please. 結帳.Anybody has to pee? 有沒有人要去上廁所?We need to go back down. 我們該下山了。How far did you go? 你們走到多遠?(問迎面走來的人)There are six of us. 我們有六個人。We have to get to the foot of the mountain before it gets dark. 我們必須在天黑前下到山腳下。How much to get in? 就是門票多少錢? Ten bucks to get in. 入場費是十元.It"s hilarious. 真是太好笑了.Safety in numbers. 人多安全些。Woah, don"t freak out, it"s not the end of the world. 不要驚慌,這不是世界末日。The power is off. 停電了。The power is running low. 快要沒電了。 租自行車Hi, I wanna rent a bicycle. 你好,我想租輛自行車。Sure, you wanna road bike or mountain bicycle? 你是想租普通的自行車還是山地自行車呢?(山地車還可以說 all-terrain bicycle)Women』s mountain bicycle, I gonna go to the forest. 女士山地車,我今天要去森林裡。How long you want to rent it? You can pay by the hour or pay by the day. 你要租多久呢?你可以按小時付費,也可以按天付費。How much are they respectively? 那分別是多少錢啊?10 Rs per hour, 100 Rs per day,that means 24 hours from now. 每小時10個盧比,一天是100盧比, 從現在算起24小時內都算一天。I』m gonna rent it for a day. 那我租一天Sure, you need to give me 1000 deposit for each mountain bike and you will get a full refund when you return it. 好的,每輛車你需要付1000盧比的押金,押金退車是全額返還。No problem. 沒問題This is your receipt. 這是您的單據Can I have a pickproof lock? 有防盜鎖嗎?Yes, sure, this is for free. Here you go, have a nice trip! 有的,這個是免費的,給您! 旅途愉快!在博物館Now we are going to Sarnath Museum. Where is the ticket office? 售票處 The admission charge is only 5 Rs to everyone. 進門費每人5盧比It was closed 2 months ago, but it is now again open to public.兩個月前關閉了,現在再次向公眾開放。It』s not allowed to touch the exhibits/objects勿觸摸展品/物品 Exhibition opening times: 開館時間: 9:30am -5:00pm every day throughout the year 全年每天9:30am - 5:00pm 開放。Open 7 days a week 每周7天開放Extended opening hours during weekends 周末延長開放時間。Flash photograph is not permitted 不準用閃光燈拍照。Photography and video are not permitted inside the building 樓內不許拍照錄像。Forthcoming exhibitions are the statues of Buddha in different countries即將展出的各國的佛像。Unemployed, disabled, students and children free 失業者,殘疾人,學生和兒童免費。There』s an electronic touch screen in it which introduces the development of Buddhism. 那邊有個電子觸摸屏,裡面介紹佛教的發展。我想了解攝影方面的話題該如何表達Picture Time!1. Are you ready? Don』t move, say 「cheese」! 準備好了? 別動,「茄子」!2. I』m not photogenic. / I don』t take picture well. 我不上相。3. I think my face in this picture is a bit out of focus. 我覺得這張相片里我的臉有點虛。4. Do you know how to work the single-lens reflex camera. (SLR).你知道怎麼用這個單反機嗎?5. Please turn on that built-in flash in the camera. 請把內置閃光燈打開6. A close-up lens is ideal for taking close-up pictures. 近攝鏡最適合拍特寫。7. My camera has automatic focusing. 我的相機可以自動對焦。8. How can I use the zoom on this? 這個怎麼調焦啊?9. Press this button on the right, it』ll zoom in; on the left, it』ll zoom out.這個按鈕朝右,鏡頭拉近;朝左鏡頭拉遠。10. I think you blinked, one more shot! 你眨眼了,再來一張!11. The sun is behind us, our faces are too dark. 這裡逆光,我們的臉太黑。12. I』ll go set up the tripod, it』ll be more stabilized. 我去支三腳架,就不抖了。你有碰到過這種情況嗎?把你的經歷發上來我們才知道遇到哪種危險怎麼講。Hey please help me, there is guy always following me! 請幫我,有個人一直跟著我!My wallet was robbed. 我的錢包被搶了。I lost my passport. 我的護照丟了

Do you remember where you lost it? 你記得在哪弄丟的嗎每次坐飛機,都會有一大段固定錄音,我仔細想聽清楚說的是什麼,雖然每次都一樣,但就是聽不懂開始辦理乘機手續通知前往xxx的旅客請注意:您乘坐的xxxx次航班現在開始辦理乘機手續,請您到xx號櫃檯辦理。謝謝!Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please:We are now ready for check-in for flight xx

航班號) to ____ (目的地)at counter No. XXThank you.推遲辦理乘機手續通知乘坐____次航班前往____的旅客請注意:由於1.本站天氣不夠飛行標準2.航路天氣不夠飛行標準3. ____ ①天氣不夠飛行標準4.飛機調配原因5.飛機機械原因6.飛機在本站出現機械故障7.飛機在____ ①機場出現機械故障8.航行管制原因9. ____ 機場關閉10.通信原因〉(11),本次航班不能按時辦理乘機手續。〔預計推遲到____ ⑤點____ ⑥分辦理。〕⑩請您在出發廳休息,等候通知。謝謝!Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Due to 〈1.the poor weather condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition over the ____ airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at our airport 7.the aircraft maintenance at the____airport 8.air traffic congestion 9.the close-down of ____ ①airport 10.communication trouble〉(11),the flight ____ to____ has been delayed . The check-in for this flight will be postponed 〔to____ ⑤:____ ⑥ 〕⑩.Please wait in the departure hall for further information.Thank you.還有很多(候機廳廣播和機上廣播),有人需要再慢慢發。 關於包車Rent a car/ hire a car 一般是自己開,帶司機的一般用charter a car.I want to rent a car. (hire a car) 我想租輛車How many people do you have? 你們一共幾個人Six. 六個Then you need a off-road van. 那你們需要一輛越野麵包車What model do you have? 你這兒有什麼型號We only have one spare(空的) van, it』s Tata safari suv. This is the high season, you know. Almost all of our cars have been reserved. 我們這兒只剩下一輛塔塔越野。現在是旺季,基本上我們的車全被訂了。Can I take a look at the van? 可以看一下那輛車嗎?Sure. This way, please. 當然,這邊請Is it in good condition? 它性能好嗎?Definitely, it is in perfect condition. We don"t allow even slight problems. When customers return them, we always have a thorough examination and give them good maintenance. You can have a test drive if you like. 當然,性能相當好。 我們不容許有一點小問題。每次客人把車還回來,我們都會徹底檢查然後做維修和保養。 如果你願意可以試駕。That』s great. 那太好了。Please give me your passport and driver"s license, oh, good, here is the key. 您的護照和駕駛證,好的。 這是鑰匙。Well, how do you feel? 怎麼樣?Not bad. The seats are comfortable as well. 不錯,座椅也挺舒服。I』ve told you, this is No. 1 SUV in India. 我早說了,塔塔越野是印度排名第一的SUV.Ok, I』ll take this one. How much is the rent for this one? 好,就它了。 租金多少錢?Are you gonna drive by yourselves or with a driver? 您是要自己開呢還是我們配司機?We need a driver. 我們要配司機的。Then it』s 4000 Rupees per day. 4000盧比一天That』s too much. And this van is the last one, we don』t even have a choice. 這太貴了,而且你這是最後一輛,選都沒得選。That』s not too much, it includes the insurance, the lease car charge, driver』s pay, repairing expenses , toll fee and gas, everything. How many days are you gonna charter it?這不算貴了。我們的價格包括保險,租車費,司機費,維修費,過路費,油費,所有全都包括了。 你們要租幾天?8 days. 8天Ok, we give you 3000 Rs per day. 那好,給你們3000盧比一天It』s still too expensive, our budget is 2000. 還是貴,我們的預算是2000盧比一天。What』s your schedule? 你們行程怎麼安排的?We plan to go to Agra first to see Taj Mahal, then to Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer, finally drive back to Delhi. What do you think of our plan? Do you have any suggestions? 我們先去阿格拉看泰姬陵,然後去齋普爾,烏代普爾,焦代普爾和 扎伊薩梅爾,最後開回德里。你覺得這個線路怎樣?有何建議?I think this is a perfect route, but 8 days is too short to have good fun there. 我覺得線路很好,但8天太短,玩不盡興的。OK, we make it 10 days, you give us 2000 rs per day. We might need many days more to other places if time permits.這樣,我們安排十天,你給我們2000盧比一天。如果時間允許我們可能還要加時間。Ok, then. Now please fill in this form and this is the rental contract. If you have no questions, please sign here.那行吧,填一下表格,這是租車合同,如果沒什麼問題,在這兒簽字。Can I pay by credit card?能刷卡嗎?Sure.應網友要求,特將所需旅途英文總結如下,如有不全的,大家可提供中文,我可以做英文支持。先來點馬上就能用到的,最簡單最實用的:(一) 機場換登機牌:Your passport and your e-ticket (paper-ticket), please! 請出示您的護照和電子機票。(我們通常都是網上訂票列印出來的電子票叫electronic ticket or paper ticket).How many pieces of baggage/ luggage do you have? 你有幾件行李?I have a huge suitcase, a carry-on bag and a backsack. 我有一個大箱子,一個手提擰包和一個背包。(小背包一般用Rucksack)Are you checking the backsack or carrying on? –你的背包要託運嗎?Sorry, your luggage is 2 kilos overweight! 對不起, 您的行李超重2公斤。How much is the excess baggage charge? 超額行李費多少錢?It』s 50 ringgits. 50馬幣。Can I change my aisle seat to window seat? 我能把靠走廊的位置換到靠窗位嗎?Here"s your boarding pass. 請拿好您的登機牌。(上有座位號和登機信息)After the security check, board your flight at gate B17, please!通過安檢後請在B17登機口登機!I have to transit from Kuala Lumpur. 我得在吉隆坡轉機。The flight is never on time these days because of the rainstorm in KL, it』s delayed an hour again! 這些天有于吉隆坡暴雨,飛機總不準時。這下又晚點1個小時了!過安檢Please put your lap-top and all electronic things in this tray! 請把背包的筆記本和電子產品拿出來放在這個托盤裡。 Do you have lighters/ water in your bag? Sorry, it』s not allowed, we have to confiscate it or you can go back and have it checked in. 你包里有打火機、水嗎?對不起,不允許,我們要沒收或者你可以託運。Do you have anything to declare? 你有什麼需要申報嗎?No, it』s all personal stuffs and cosmetics. 沒有, 這些都是私人物品和化妝品。Passengers of flight D2057, now on board please. 請航班D2057的乘客登機。Welcome on board! Your boarding pass please! This way please! 歡迎登機,請出示您的登機牌,請這邊走!飛機上Please fasten the seat belt and switch off your mobile phone and all electronics.請大家系好安全帶,關閉所有手機及電子產品。Please fill in this disembarkation/landing card.請你填寫這張入境卡(或者叫immigration form入境表格)Excuse me, where is the baggage claim? 請問行李領取處在哪兒?My baggage didn"t come out, can you put a trace on it? 我的行李沒有出來,能幫我查一下嗎? 哎呦!偶還在南亞板塊等著美女的帖子呢,原來在這裡集中來了!汗!我就是屬於垃圾E文族,這次印度之行感觸很深!決心不再阿Q的想:靠,不會E文我照樣能游世界!樓主MM思想的高度和深度,還有這種樂於施教的無私精神很令偶佩服!有這樣語言能力的人也許不少,但是肯拿出時間、精力來為素不相識的人做如此公益教授的人並不多見!菜鳥我感激、感動之餘,唯有使出吃奶的勁兒努力做個好童鞋了!雖然,可能達不到「那一世」老師希望的水平,但是一定要擺脫"day day up"的垃圾E文! 繼續機場廣播(2):催促辦理乘機手續通知前往____ 的旅客請注意:您乘坐的____次航班將在____ 點____ 分截止辦理乘機手續。乘坐本次航班沒有辦理手續的旅客,請馬上到____ 號櫃檯辦理。謝謝!Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Check-in for flight ____ to____will be closed at ____ :____ Passengers who have not been checked in for this flight , please go to counter No. ____ immediately.Thank you.過站旅客辦理乘機手續通知乘坐___次航班由____經本站前往____的旅客請注意:請您持原登機牌到〔____號〕〈1.櫃檯2.服務台3.問詢台〉換取過站登機牌。謝謝!Passengers taking flight____ from ____ to ____ , attention please:Please go to the 〈1. Counter 2.service counter 3. Information desk〉 to exchange your boarding passes for transit passes.Thank you.候補旅客辦理乘機手續通知持____次航班候補票前往____ 的旅客請注意:請馬上到____ 號櫃檯辦理乘機手續。謝謝!Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:Stand-by passengers for flight ____to ____ , please go to counter No. ____for check-in .Thank you. 不正常航班服務通知〔由____ ①備降本站〕⑩乘坐〔補班〕⑩____②次航班前往____ ①的旅客請注意:請您到〈1.服務台2.餐廳〉(11)憑〈1.登機牌2.飛機票〉(11)領取〈1.餐券2.餐盒3.飲料、點心〉(11)謝謝!Passengers for 〔supplementary〕⑩ flight ____② 〔alternated from____ ①〕⑩to ____ ①, attention please:Please go to 〈1.servce counter 2. restaurant〉(11)to get 〈1.a meal coupon 2.a meal box 3.the refreshments〉(11)and show your 〈1.boarding passes 2. Air-tickets〉(11)for identification.Thank you.機上廣播:女士們,先生們: 歡迎你乘坐XX航空公司航班XX_____前往_____(中途降落_____)。有_____至____的飛行距離是_______,預計空中飛行時間是________小時_______分。飛行高度______米,飛行速度平均每小時_______公里。 為了保障飛機導航幾通訊系統的正常工作,在飛機起飛和下降過程中請不要使用手提式電腦,在整個航程中請不要使用手提電話,遙控玩具,電子遊戲機,激光唱機和電音頻接收機等電子設備。 飛機很快就要起飛了,現在有客艙乘務員進行安全檢查。請您坐好,系好安全帶,收起座椅靠悲和小桌板。請您確認您的手提物品是否妥善安放在頭頂上方的行李價內或座椅下發。(本次航班全程禁煙,在飛行途中請不要吸煙。) 本次航班的乘務長講協同機上_______名乘務員竭誠為為您提供及時周到的服務。 謝謝! Welcome Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______) The distance between______and_______is______kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hours and_______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptio computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing. We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.) The (chief) purser _________with all your crewmembers will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank youMM,想知道在星巴克和麥當勞點餐的英語。我在星巴克想點熱摩卡,結果上來一杯冰摩卡。還有在麥當勞點早餐全餐,我說combo A, 可她好像沒聽明白,最後我直接說A, 才點到了。Thanks a million.雖然麥當勞是垃圾,但在異國他鄉,沒有熟悉的口味時,麥當勞也是一種不得已的選擇。在麥當勞( Let"s go to Micky D"s)1. What can I get for you today?/ May I help you? 今天想吃點什麼?2. For here or to go?要這裡用還是外帶?3. To go, one Big Mac with medium fries. 一個巨無霸和一份中袋薯條帶走。4. For here, number one combo. 在這兒吃,一號套餐。套餐 (combo) 通常看著圖片就知道幾號是什麼套餐, 點套餐時只要說 Combo number one, 或是 number one 就好了. 有時店員會問, Do you want to go large? 如果你需要, 他會給你大的薯條和可樂.5. What would you like to drink? 要喝點兒什麼?6. A big coke. 大杯可樂。 (diet coke 健怡可樂;sprite雪碧;iced tea冰爽茶)7. Can I refill it? 可以續杯嗎?麥當勞食物介紹早餐:Hash browns 脆薯餅Egg McMuffin with Chicken roll 雞蛋麥滿分加雞肉卷Sausage McMuffin with egg豬柳蛋麥滿分中餐晚餐:cheeseburger吉士漢堡包Double cheeseburger 雙層吉士漢堡Beefburger牛肉堡Currry PGCS(Premium Grilled Chicken Burger) 咖喱板燒雞腿堡Double Mala PGCS雙層麻辣板燒雞腿堡Premium Grilled Chicken Burger原味板燒雞腿堡Spicy Chicken Wrap麥辣雞柳卷Mala Chicken wings 麻辣雞翅McNuggets 5 pieces 麥樂雞五塊Premium Chicken Burger 特級脆雞堡Garden Salad田園沙拉Premium Chicken Salad 田園脆雞沙拉Corn Cup 玉米杯在星巴克 (In Starbucks)如果能這樣點單,你就是大牛了。I wanna a half-caf, double tall, easy hazelnut, non-fat, non foam with whip, extra hot latte. 我要一杯咖啡因減半,中大杯,少許榛果糖漿,無脂牛奶,不要奶泡,要打過,特燙的拿鐵。Single(單份濃縮咖啡) Double(雙份濃縮咖啡) Short(小杯) 在Starbucks,Short指的是8盎司(約240毫升)大小的飲料。 Tall(中杯) Tall指的是12盎司(約360毫升)的飲料。Double tall (中大杯)(420毫升) Grande(大杯) 在Starbucks,Grande指的是16盎司大小(約480毫升)的飲料。 Low-fat(低脂) No foam(不加奶泡) Dry(奶泡較多的)意指奶泡的量比牛奶多。With room(留點空間) 意即"我想在我的美式咖啡/每日經選咖啡里加些牛奶,麻煩您幫我留些空間"。 Whip(鮮奶油) 我不要加鮮奶油"(no whip)。 Vanilla(香草糖漿)、Hazelnut(榛果糖漿)Light 少量加入某種配料。比如:light whip.light syrup . light foam。 Sugar free 不要加糖, Extra hot 超燙的 星巴克飲料單(Caramel Macchiato)焦糖瑪奇朵   (Caffe Latte) 拿鉄  (Cappuccino) 卡布奇諾  (Caffe Mocha) 摩卡  (espresso) 濃縮咖啡(Caffe Americano) 美式  (Iced Caffe Latte) 冰拿鐵(Iced Caffe Mocha) 冰摩卡  (Iced Caffe Americano) 冰美式  (Coffee Frappuccino) 星冰樂  (Mocha Frappuccino) 摩卡星冰樂  (Espresso Frappuccino) 濃縮星冰樂  (Mango Citrus Tea Frappuccino) 芒果茶星冰樂  (Caramel Cream Frappuccino) 焦糖星冰樂  (Vanilla Cream Frappuccino) 香草星冰樂  出入境表格填寫世界各國的出入境表格可以說是大同小異,最基本的信息如下:Immigration and Naturalization Service   移民局 Arrival Record   入境記錄 1. Family Name ( Capital letter)   1. 姓氏 (大寫)2. First (Given) Name  2. 名字3. Birth Date (Day/Month/Year)  3. 生日 (日/月/年)4. Country of Citizenship/ Nationality of passport holder   4. (護照持有人)國籍 (Chinese)5. Sex/ Gender (Male or Female)   5. 性別 (男性或女性)6. Passport Number and kind   6. 護照號碼和種類7. Airline & Flight Number  7. 航空公司和航班8. Country Where You Live/country of residence   8. 您在哪個國家居住/居住國9. City Where You Boarded  9.搭乘飛機的城市10. City Where Visa Was Issued   10.簽證簽發城市11. Date Issued (Day/Month/Year)  11. 取得簽證的日期(日/月/年)12. Address While in the xxx(Number and Street)/ Accommodation  12. 在某國的住址 (門牌號及街名)13.Last city / Port of boarding/ Port of Embarkation13. 上一個到達城市/ 出境地14.Country to get off the flight/next city/ Port of disembarkation14. 下一站到達國家/城市15. Your Occupation 15. 您的職業16. Your intended length of stay 16. 計劃停留時間17. Main Reason/ purpose of coming to..17. 來我國的主要原因/目的18. Holiday or tourism/ business/ education/ employment18. 度假/商務/學習/工作/轉機/ / transit/ conference/ visit friends or relatives/ medical treatment會議/探望朋友家屬/ 就醫19. First time in the country ? 19. 是否第一次到我國20. Your signature 20. 您的簽名   (一) 機場換登機牌:Your passport and your e-ticket (paper-ticket), please! 請出示您的護照和電子機票。(我們通常都是網上訂票列印出來的電子票叫electronic ticket or paper ticket).How many pieces of baggage/ luggage do you have? 你有幾件行李?I have a huge suitcase, a carry-on bag and a backsack. 我有一個大箱子,一個手提擰包和一個背包。(小背包一般用Rucksack)Are you checking the backsack or carrying on? –你的背包要託運嗎?Sorry, your luggage is 2 kilos overweight! 對不起, 您的行李超重2公斤。How much is the excess baggage charge? 超額行李費多少錢?It』s 50 ringgits. 50馬幣。Can I change my aisle seat to window seat? 我能把靠走廊的位置換到靠窗位嗎?Here"s your boarding pass. 請拿好您的登機牌。(上有座位號和登機信息)After the security check, board your flight at gate B17, please!通過安檢後請在B17登機口登機!I have to transit from Kuala Lumpur. 我得在吉隆坡轉機。The flight is never on time these days because of the rainstorm in KL, it』s delayed an hour again! 這些天有于吉隆坡暴雨,飛機總不準時。這下又晚點1個小時了!過安檢Please put your lap-top and all electronic things in this tray! 請把背包的筆記本和電子產品拿出來放在這個托盤裡。 Do you have lighters/ water in your bag? Sorry, it』s not allowed, we have to confiscate it or you can go back and have it checked in. 你包里有打火機、水嗎?對不起,不允許,我們要沒收或者你可以託運。Do you have anything to declare? 你有什麼需要申報嗎?No, it』s all personal stuffs and cosmetics. 沒有, 這些都是私人物品和化妝品。Passengers of flight D2057, now on board please. 請航班D2057的乘客登機。Welcome on board! Your boarding pass please! This way please! 歡迎登機,請出示您的登機牌,請這邊走!飛機上Please fasten the seat belt and switch off your mobile phone and all electronics.請大家系好安全帶,關閉所有手機及電子產品。Please fill in this disembarkation/landing card.請你填寫這張入境卡(或者叫immigration form入境表格)Excuse me, where is the baggage claim? 請問行李領取處在哪兒?My baggage didn"t come out, can you put a trace on it? 我的行李沒有出來,能幫我查一下嗎?昨天最近的一期在旅行家雜誌上看到一篇文章, 講最近非常多的航空公司採用"代碼共享"的越來越流行的方式來合作. 因此產生了一種"南航出票, 上航執飛"的情況. 這樣就會導致乘客在"出票航空公司"的櫃檯上等了半天, 實際上要去另一個航站樓的"執飛公司"的櫃檯辦理登機. 如果這樣的情況發生在國外陌生的若干個航站樓間, 如果不知道一些應急的情景英語, 至少我是會暈了. LZ能提供一些基於這樣的情況下的情景對話嗎. 謝謝拉!1. 問清楚是不是在這裡等候Excuse me, may I ask is it the right counter to get the boarding pass of flight......? 請問這是南航航班Q12345辦理登機牌的窗口嗎?2. No, your ticket is issued by China Southern, but the flight is taken by Air Asia.不是,雖然你的票是南航出的,但執飛是亞航。3. Where can I get my boarding pass? 我在哪兒辦理登記手續?4. You should go to the Budget Terminal. 你要去廉價航空航站樓。5. How can I get there?我怎麼過去啊?6. There is a shuttle bus right in front of the gate, there! 在這個門口坐轉換大巴。出國工作證明樣本請用單位抬頭信紙列印,加蓋單位公章證明 茲有本公司XXX(護照號XXXX),在我公司擔任XXX職務, 計劃於2010年4月26日~5月4日前往新加坡旅遊,為期9天。旅所需的所有交通,住宿,伙食和醫療保險費用,均由其本人負擔。XXX的月薪為人民幣XXXX元我公司將保證其在旅遊期間遵守當地的法律法規,在旅遊活動結束後準時回國並仍保留原職務,請貴領館給予簽證的方便。領導姓名:領導職務:公司名稱: 公司電話:(固定電話 區號+本地電話)公司傳真: 公司地址: 郵件地址: 請蓋公司章並有領導簽名請用單位抬頭信紙列印,加蓋單位公章此頁面內容要求全英文列印Confirmation LetterTo whom it may concernedHereby confirmed that Mr./Ms.Li Wei (Passport NO. XXX) is the XXX of our company,he/she is planning to go to your country from Apr26th to May4th in Singapore of 2010 for 9days. All costs including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be coved by himself (herself). The salary of Li Wei is RMBXXXyuan per month.We hereby guarantee that during this trip, he will abide by the laws of your country and be back as scheduled. we resume his position in our company. Please kindly consider issue the visa to him. Sinature: positionCompany:Tel:Fax:Email:ADD: (包含英文內容:門牌、街道、區、市、省、郵編)請蓋公司章和領導簽名[quote=苗乘菩1) 911 (緊急救援電話號碼): the phone number of emergency services. (not 119 like in China) I need help, please dial 911. 我需要幫助,請撥打911。2) Ambulance (救護車): a hospital vehicle Quick, call an ambulance.快點兒,叫一輛救護車來。3) CPR (擠壓胸腔): pressing on the chest to help breathing The doctor has to perform CPR on the drowning victim. 醫生對溺水的人施行擠壓胸腔的救援[/quote]1)911是美國報警電話3)CPR簡單口語就是mouth-to-mouth breathing or rescuing breathing 人工呼吸How long can we stop here? 我們在這裡停留多久?Where can I get visa on arrival? 在那裡可以辦落地簽?(落地簽還可以用visa upon arrival/ landing visa)How much do I have to pay for that? 費用是多少?也可以用How much do they charge?Are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room? 在侯機室有免稅店嗎? I』m in transit to New Delhi. 我是換機去新德里。 How can I get to the connecting flight counter of Air Asia? 我如何找到Air Asia櫃檯辦理轉機? Where is boarding gate for AirAsia D72506? 亞航D 72506次航班登機口在哪裡? Where can I check in? 在哪裡辦理登機手續? What is the gate number? 在幾號登機口登機? 常見的簽證種類有entry visa(入境簽證)、exit visa(出境簽證)、visitor visa(旅遊簽證)、student visa(學生簽證)。簽證過期就說His visa has run out/expired。有些國家之間還會達成協議,雙方國民出入境可以實現visa exemption(免簽)。


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