【茶非茶】Healthy Living + Healthy Eating 健康生活 + 健康飲食

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作者:Angela Bi, 匯加溫哥華總經理。Angela Bi 是生活在中國上海及加拿大溫哥華兩地的世界公民。她從事專業移民行業已有十餘載,並掌握著旅居海外的一手樂活體驗。 I had a chance to meet my friend"s personal trainer Anna Wong; she is one of the most sought-after celebrity trainers out of Vancouver and is listed as one of the "Top Personal Trainers in the world".我很高興有機會見到了我朋友的私教Anna Wong;她是目前溫哥華最炙手可熱的明星教練,還被評為「世界頂尖私人教練」。

Anna has been a personal trainer for over 20 years and been featured in a number of TV, radio, magazines and newspapers.Anna作為私人教練從業已超過20年,很多電視、廣播、雜誌和報紙揭載過她的故事。

We had a nice conversation about her philosophy of health which recognizes the importance of balancing diet, mental, and physical strength.通過愉快的交流,我們了解到她的健康哲學,即膳食均衡,強調身心的協調統一。

Besides exercising, healthy eating is half of the battle!! Here is one of her favorite recipes she shared with me…..除了運動,健康的飲食能讓我們事半功倍!以下是她和我們分享的她喜歡的一些食譜…Thai Basil Garlic Ginger Sauteed Chicken(2 servings)泰式羅勒蒜姜香煎雞(2人份)

Ingredients· 1 whole skinless boneless chicken breast (about 8 ounces), chopped in bite-sized cubes· 1 tbsp grapeseed oil· 4-6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped· 2 tsp fresh ginger, finely sliced· 1 cup fresh Thai basil leaves· 1 tbsp Tamari or soy sauce· 4 tbsp filtered water· Sea salt to taste (Optional)· Optional: 2 tbsp crushed peanuts or cashews for garnish原料· 一整塊去皮無骨雞胸肉(約8盎司),切丁· 1茶匙葡萄籽油· 4-6瓣大蒜,切碎· 2茶匙鮮姜,切片· 1杯新鮮泰式羅勒葉· 1茶匙日本醬油或普通醬油· 4茶匙過濾水· 根據口味取適量海鹽(可選)· 可選:2茶匙花生碎或腰果碎用來裝飾Coconut Rice· 1 cup Jasmine rice· 1 cup filtered water· 1 cup coconut milk椰香飯· 1杯香米· 1杯過濾水· 1杯椰子汁DirectionsCoconut Rice方法椰香飯

1. Wash and rinse rice thoroughly with cold water. Drain.2. In a medium saucepan, add rice, water and coconut milk. Give it a quick stir to even the mixture.3. On the stovetop, bring rice to a boil and then immediately reduce heat to low for a low simmer. Cover and let simmer for 18-20 minutes. Turn off heat and let rice sit for 5-10 minutes.1. 用涼水洗凈香米。瀝干。2. 將香米、水和椰汁放入中號煎鍋,快炒直至混合。3. 置於爐上,等米飯沸騰後快速降到低火燉煮。蓋上蓋子並繼續燉煮18-20分鐘。關火併再放置5-10分鐘。Thai Basil Garlic Ginger Sauteed Chicken泰式羅勒蒜姜香煎雞

1. Heat oil in a pan on medium-high heat for 1 minute.2. Add garlic and ginger and sauté for 1 minute.3. Add chicken and sauté for 3 minutes.3. Mix soy sauce with water. Add into the pan and saute for another 2-3 minutes.5. Add fresh basil leaves and sauté for another 1 minute.6. Add sea salt to taste. (Optional)7. Optional: Garnish sautéed chicken with crushed peanuts or cashews.1. 在煎鍋中倒入油,用中高火加熱1分鐘。2. 將蒜末和薑末煸1分鐘。3. 放入雞肉煸炒3分鐘。4. 在醬油中加入水。倒入鍋中煎炒1分鐘。5. 依據口味加入海鹽。(可選)7. 可選:在煎雞胸肉上撒上花生碎或腰果碎裝飾。Enjoy!!可以享受美味啦!


【北美稅務安居 分享會-北京 】

時間: 2015年5月31日(周日)下午2時 地址:北京市朝陽區朝外大街乙六號朝外SOHO A座2601-2603室

電話: 010-50947777

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