
  Here』s some cutting-edge research from Penny Mansfield, director of the marriage think-tank One Plus One, that points to a long and happy marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton.   某婚姻智囊團的帶頭人Penny Mansfield的一些前沿研究表明,威廉王子和凱特的婚姻將會長長久久,幸福美滿!   Mansfield has spent the last 30 years collating more than 3,000 academic studies into marriage and divorce. And, she says, William and Kate』s relationship is likely to be strong. Here』s why:   Penny Mansfield在過去的30年里搜集了3000多份關於婚姻和離婚的學術研究文件,她說,威廉王子和凱特的婚姻將會牢不可破。有以下七條原因:   1. The bride is religious: Kate was confirmed into the Church of England in March, apparently at her own insistence, while William was confirmed at the age of 14.   1.新娘信教:凱特在3月份出於自我意願堅持加入了英國國教,而威廉14歲時就已加入。   2. The bride』s parents did not separate: Michael and Carole Middleton have been married for 30 years.   2.新娘的雙親沒有離婚或分居:凱特的父母已經結婚30多年了。   3. There are no children of previous partners in the household.   3.他們都沒有和前任愛人留下的小孩。   4. They both have high levels of education – both William and Kate graduated with a 2:1 honours degree from St Andrews.   4.兩人都是高學歷——威廉和凱特都擁有聖安德魯斯大學的榮譽學位。   5. William and Kate own their own home – no fears about getting on the property ladder certainly, with a large detached property in SW1 eventually awaiting them.   5.新人有自己的婚房——不用擔心房子問題,有一處獨立別墅正等著他們入住。   6. They have received marriage preparation, which is known to improve the quality of relationships.   6.新人接受了婚前培訓,可以提高婚姻質量。   7. They are not too young. Kate is 29 and William is 28. The last census shows the youngest married adults, aged 16-24 in 1991, were less likely to be living with the same partner in 2001 compared with older cohabiting adults.   7.新人年紀剛剛好,不算過於年輕:凱特29歲,威廉28歲。統計表明,1991年在16-24歲之間結婚的青年十年以後更容易有婚姻問題而導致分居。   All this is in contrast to Charles and Diana』s marriage, where the bride was just 19, had no higher education, and came from a broken home.   所有這些都和當年帶黛安娜王妃與查爾斯王子的結合完全不同,當時戴妃只有19歲,也沒有高學歷,且來自一個婚姻破裂的家庭。


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