

2009年挑戰每天戴領帶上班2010年挑戰學習漢語2011年挑戰只吃自己親手屠宰的動物2012年挑戰每天寫代碼2013年挑戰每天跟除臉書員工之外的不同的人見面2014年挑戰每天寫封感謝信2015年挑戰每個月讀兩本書2016年挑戰開發一款私人專屬人工智慧助手以及全年跑步 587 公里(365英里)


Mark Zuckerberg really wants to escape the Silicon Valley bubble.看來扎克伯格的確想要逃離矽谷泡沫。

The Facebook CEO and cofounder said Tuesday that his New Year"s resolution is to visit and meet with people from every state in the US by the end of 2017.臉書網首席執行官兼聯合創始人扎克伯格3日表示,他的新年願望是在2017年年底前到訪美國各州,與各州民眾見面。

"I"ve spent significant time in many states already, so I"ll need to travel to about 30 states this year to complete this challenge," Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post.他在臉書上發帖稱,「我已經在許多州呆過很長時間,因此今年我需要再去30個州來完成這項挑戰。」

Zuckerberg is famous for his ambitious -- some might say eccentric - New Year"s challenges, including learning Mandarin, meeting a new person every day and only eating meat that he kills himself.扎克伯格壯志滿懷的(有些也可以稱為古怪的)新年挑戰廣為人知,其中包括學習普通話、每天見一個不同的人以及只吃自己親手屠宰的動物肉等。

In 2016, he tackled two challenges: running 365 miles in a year and designing a personal AI assistant to help automate tasks in his home.2016年,他完成了兩項挑戰:一年內跑365英里,設計一款私人人工智慧助手幫其自動打理家務。



This year"s challenge was informed by what Zuckerberg describes as a "turning point in history" caused by the combination of "technology and globalization."扎克伯格將今年制定的挑戰稱為由「技術和全球化」相互結合引發的「歷史轉折」。

While Zuckerberg does not refer to the 2016 election explicitly, he alludes to a "greater sense of division" in the country and a need to make sure "the game... works for everyone."扎克伯格雖然沒有明確提到2016年的大選,但他暗示美國的「分裂感更加強烈」,需要確保「遊戲適合所有人」。

"After a tumultuous last year, my hope for this challenge is to get out and talk to more people about how they"re living, working and thinking about the future," Zuckerberg says.「在經歷了過去一年的動蕩後,我希望自己通過這項挑戰走出去,與更多人交流,了解他們如何生活、工作,以及他們對未來的看法。

After Donald Trump won the presidential election, some in Silicon Valley admitted they were disconnected with much of the country. One SpaceX exec, who previously worked for Zuckerberg, went so far as to quit his job to travel the country and bridge the "Growing gulf... between coastal elites and communities left behind by globalization."特朗普贏得總統大選後,一些矽谷公司承認他們與美國的大部分地區是隔絕的。一位曾效力於扎克伯格的太空探索技術公司高管甚至因此辭去工作周遊全國,以消除沿海精英階層與在全球化中掉隊的群體之間的隔閡。

Now Zuckerberg is following suit - while keeping his day job, of course.如今,扎克伯格正在效仿此舉——不過他當然還要繼續自己的正職。

"Recently, I"ve traveled around the world and visited many cities," Zuckerberg wrote in his post. "Now I"m excited to explore more of our country and meet more people here."扎克伯格在臉書上寫道,「前不久,我周遊了世界各地,也到訪了許多城市。現在,我非常期待能多多了解美國,見到更多的美國民眾。」



每當新年倒計時的時候,朋友圈裡最不缺乏的就是「My New Year"s Resolution」這樣的話題。不過,最常見的內容卻是這樣的:






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