

HK Disneyland Expands香港迪士尼樂園擴建

The Hong Kong Disneyland theme park recently opened Toy Story Land (反斗奇兵大本營), a new attraction based on the Toy Story (《玩具總動員》) [w]trilogy[/w].香港迪士尼樂園主題公園最近開設反斗奇兵大本營,是基於《玩具總動員》 三部曲的一個新景點。

Toy Story Land marks the first phase of a three-step [w]expansion[/w] that will cost $468 million, expand the park by 23 percent by 2013, and [w]boost[/w] the number of attractions and shows to more than 100. The hope is that the expansion will boost business at the park, which has performed below expectations since its opening in 2005.反斗奇兵大本營預示著三步擴張的第一步,它將花費4 億 6800 萬美元的成本,到 2013 年,將擴展公園的23%,增加展示100 多個景點。希望能推動公園的商業發展,因為 2005 年開業以來的公園的收入低於人們的預期。

「We believe it will be a strong boost in terms of business,」 said Andrew Kam, Disneyland managing director. 「I』m really happy about that, too, because not only does it bring business to Hong Kong Disneyland, it actually creates [w]demand[/w] for [w]tourism[/w] to Hong Kong.」安德魯?卡姆,迪士尼樂園董事總經理說:"我們相信它對商業將產生強有力的推動"。"我為此感到十分高興,因為它不只會為香港迪士尼樂園帶來繁榮,實際上也會提高香港旅遊業的需求"。

Toy Story Land is [w]situated[/w] in a space that makes guests feel as if they have been [w=shrink]shrunk[/w] to the size of a toy. Among its attractions is an 80-foot 「Toy Soldier Parachute Drop (玩具兵團跳降傘).」 Over the next two years, the park will add 「Grizzly Gulch (灰熊山谷)」 and 「Mystic Point (迷離莊園)」 theme areas.反斗奇兵大本營坐落在一個讓客人感覺好像他們已被縮減到玩具的大小的空間。其景點之間有一個80 英尺的"玩具兵團跳降傘"。未來兩年內,公園將添加"灰熊山谷"和"迷離莊園"的主題領域。

Visitors invited to the [w]launch[/w] of the new area said they enjoyed it. 「Great view of the park when you get up to the top and it was just great dropping down,」 said Mandy Petty, who had just tried the Toy Soldier Parachute Drop. 「It wasn』t too scary, just within the comfort zone.」遊客應邀遊玩推出的新區域,並說他們玩的很開心。"當你在跳傘區最高處時你可以俯瞰整個公園並且一定十分樂意在這裡來個愉快刺激的降落,"曼迪?佩蒂說,剛剛試玩了玩具兵團跳降傘。"並不會覺得很可怕,剛剛好覺得很舒適的範圍"。

The theme park』s performance has been disappointing over recent years. It was reported to have made a loss of 169.4 million in 2009, while attracting 4.6 million visitors. Once the expansion is complete, visitor numbers are projected to rise to between 5.2 million and 8 million by 2015.近幾年來,主題公園的表現令人失望。據報道 2009 年雖然吸引 460 萬訪客卻損失了1 億 6940 萬美元。到 2015 年之間完成擴建後,遊客數量預計將上升到 520 萬和 800 萬。


When will the expansion of the theme park be completed?

A 2005

B 2012

C 2015


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