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下載 (395.41 KB)2小時前 They got his famous "Bieber bob" haircut right, but that"s about it.   沒錯,這個蠟像,除了髮型哪都不像本人啊!  When Justin Bieber"s waxwork was unveiled at Madame Tussauds in London today, fans were left stunned by just how unrealistic the model was.Justin Bieber的蠟像在杜莎夫人蠟像館露面後,粉絲們都驚呆了:這蠟像忒超現實啊!  But 17-year-old Bieber didn"t seem to mind, grinning widely as he posed next to the waxwork alongside his mother Pattie and labelling it "awesome".  不過Justin本人並不介意,反而很開心地和蠟像合影。  Bieber worked closely with the team who created his waxwork, giving sittings in New York last year. And stylists teamed up with Bieber"s personal hair stylist to ensure his once legendary hairstyle was the exact replica of the original cut.   為了完美重現Justin的形象,Justin很配合地坐下當模特,製造設計師和專門和Justin的髮型師交流,以確保蠟像的髮型和真人絲毫不差。  But after turning 17 two weeks ago, the star - much to the dismay of fans - now wears a shorter, more textured cut.  不過就在17歲生日之後,Justin就剪短了頭髮,將拍賣頭髮的錢捐給了慈善組織。  It"s widely acknowledged that when a celebrity is given the honour of having a waxwork made, it is a sign that they have "made it".  通常來說能被杜拉夫人蠟像館相中的名人,都不是一般明星。  The unveiling was broadcast live for the first time in the museum"s history on a special website.   這也是杜莎夫人蠟像館史上第一次在網上現場直播蠟像節目儀式。

自1952年開始直到2003年 近九萬華人加入日本國籍 - 古史漫談 - 青年論壇

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