葉門猶太新娘 Yemenite Jews Bride

During a Yemenite Jewish wedding, the bride was bedecked with jewelry and wore a traditional wedding costume, including an elaborate headdress decorated with flowers and rue leaves, which were believed to ward off evil. Gold threads were woven into the fabric of her clothing. Songs were sung as part of a seven-day wedding celebration, with lyrics about friendship and love in alternating verses of Hebrew and Arabic.


After immigration to Israel, the regional varieties of Yemenite bridal jewelry were replaced by a uniform item that became identified with the community: the splendid bridal garb of Sana"a.


Before the wedding, Yemenite and other Eastern Jewish communities perform the henna ceremony, an ancient ritual with Bronze Age origins.


The family of the bride mixes a paste derived from the henna plant that is placed on the palms of the bride and groom, and their guests. After the paste is washed off, a deep orange stain remains that gradually fades over the next week.


Yemenites had a special affinity for Henna due to biblical and Talmudic references. Henna, in the Bible, is Camphire, and is mentioned in the Song of Solomon, as well as in the Talmud.

"My Beloved is unto me as a cluster of Camphire in the vineyards of En-Gedi" Song of Solomon, 1:14



A Yemenite Jewish wedding custom specific only to the community of Aden is the Talbis, revolving around the groom. A number of special songs are sung by the men while holding candles, and the groom is dressed in a golden garment.

一個葉門猶太婚禮習俗,僅在Talbis存在 ,人們圍繞著新郎旋轉。由手持蠟燭的男人唱著一些特殊的歌曲,新郎穿著金色的服裝。

Yemenite Jews are those Jews who live, or whose recent ancestors lived, in Yemen. Between June 1949 and September 1950, the overwhelming majority of Yemen"s Jewish population was transported to Israel in Operation Magic Carpet. Most Yemenite Jews now live in Israel, with some others in the United States, and fewer elsewhere. Only a handful remain in Yemen, mostly elderly.

葉門猶太人是指那些居住在葉門,或者他們的祖先曾生活在葉門的猶太人。 1949年6月和1950年9月之間,大多數葉門猶太人口被「魔毯計劃」運到以色列。大多數葉門猶太人現在生活在以色列,其他一些在美國,還有少量在其他地方。只有極少數留在葉門,大多是老年人。

Operation Magic Carpet is a widely known nickname for Operation On Wings of Eagles , an operation between June 1949 and September 1950 that brought 49,000 Yemenite Jews to the new state of Israel. During its course, the overwhelming majority of Yemenite Jews – some 47,000 Yemeni, 1,500 Aden as well as 500 Djiboutian and Eritrean Jews – were airlifted to Israel. British and American transport planes made some 380 flights from Aden, in a secret operation that was not made public until several months after it was over. At some point, the operation was also called Operation Messiah"s Coming.

「魔毯計劃」是一個廣為人知「老鷹翅膀計劃」。 這個計劃在1949年6月和1950年9月之間將49,000葉門猶太人空運到以色列。其中有47,000葉門猶太人,1,500亞丁人,以及500吉布地和厄利垂亞猶太人。英國和美國的運輸機從亞丁非公開地飛行了多次380航班,直到幾個月後全部完成運輸之後,這個行動才被知曉。該行動也被稱為「彌賽亞的來臨」。

Yemen | Jewish bride from Sana"a. Early 1900s | Unlike her counterparts in other areas of Yemen, the Jewish bride from Sana』a looked like a dazzling piece of jewelry herself. | ? The Israel Museum, Jerusalem




關註:魔女屋LYL 我們一起來尋訪美妙的大千世界。



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