譯文: 白羊座——譯者:長葉暗羅 10月通篇書寫的是人際關係。通常你是坐在駕駛位置的那個人,但是獨一無二的伴侶或者關係一般的大眾此刻都有權號令你的路線。可能你並不知道,你對某人的感受是這樣深刻,這使得你容易受傷而落寞;另一方面,某人的行為可能將你拋入困境。當然了,這不是一個你可以目空一切或假定自己無可替代的月份。18日的月蝕會是年度的能量高點。它會再用6個月的時間揭示潛在的意義,可能有一場婚禮擺開了流水的宴席,或是一段長期的關係終結而喪失。你是一個本能和先驅的星座,但從此往後,你需要確知你在職場、財務和關係中的位置:那什麼,知識就是力量 金牛座——譯者:長襪子皮皮 我們總是想當然地對待別人,但是如果你想在十月糟糕的星相中平安無事,請一定善待那些有價值的人。將來會在某個時刻形勢逆轉,輪到你掌權,但是目前,暫時還是別人指揮你。21日的時候,水星逆行……又回來帶交流不暢,事情延遲或是走冤枉路之類的事情。然而,隨著11月初日食的發生,任何關係中一旦出現問題,你要馬上處理。同樣,會有一個你不想拒絕的錄取通知書,準備好接受吧!工作關係其實是這份工的關鍵,雖然可能會有非常積極的工作進展,但是,如果一旦發現某個情況出現危機,請運用明智策略。 雙子座——譯者:熒光草 本月,金星處在她的最佳狀態,它幫助捂熱冷冰冰的關係,為愛的成長搭建溫床。而且,即使浪漫是你最遙不可及的念想,而其他人會傾向於將注意力集中在你最優秀的特質上,這意味著在競爭激烈的情況下,你勝出的可能性更大。對以快樂為使命的金星形成挑戰的是海王,10日或20日附近,它可能引起誤解,甚至交流障礙。對於阻止他人犯錯你可能無技可施,但你可以隨時核查每一件事都在它們該有的進展之中,並且你有做備份計劃難道不是嗎!建議你月底來一次短暫休整,或者至少有那麼幾天早點睡。11月你的娛樂樂翻天要唯你馬首是瞻。 巨蟹座——譯者:羊 任何擁有月蝕的月份都有改變某個長期模式的可能,本月18號或附近幾天內在你事業與家庭領域發生的事將會促進這一改變。當然,如果你這段時間一直在盤算出售房子或換份工作,那這大概就是改變的信號了。本次月蝕也有可能會為你的家庭帶來新成員抑或是激發某個家庭成員生活的變化。水星從21號開始逆行,你有理由認為諸事不順,嗯,完全有理由了,不過還好這一切只是會推遲你前進的步伐。10月下旬可以善加利用來探尋自己的選擇,確保你有足夠的能力去抓住機會,不然你可需要留好後路咯。 獅子座——譯者:找到組織了 行走是十月的主題。旅行自然是一個重要組份,但除此之外,你也有不少交流觀點的機會,這反過來會促進你的個人或職業發展。11、12號你的魅力最強,所以如果你對某人有想法,就別錯過機會。理論上講,你得在20號之前搞定最重要的關係,因為20號起水星就會放慢運行速度,交流不再順暢。還有,如果你需要多一點時間來考慮自己的感受,就要充分利用這段時空。火星進入財帛宮會使你的收入增加並收回欠款。可這並不意味著你能高枕無憂——在線交易時務必謹慎,所有協議都要進行書面確認。 處女座——譯者:哲林 將你天生的謹言慎行拋諸腦後吧,如果你想要得到什麼事物,就去努力爭取。火星會在15日抵達你的星座,幫助你大獲成功。你會知道何時該將想法付諸實踐,這能對你有益。因此,即便20日開始的水逆素來會阻礙事情的進展,你也依然能在本月的最後一周採取行動,有所進展,而且這次的事情發展很可能正中你的下懷。唯一與這積極星象相對的狀況可能出現在月中:海王星將發揮其善於迷惑混淆的能力。如果你被拒絕了,或是受到了挫折,不要認為事情最終就是這樣了。要麼你會發現那一切僅僅是個誤解,要麼你會意識到,如果那個情境發展下去,你將受到更糟糕的失望的打擊。 天秤座——譯者: 六發左輪 月食不是每個月都會發生在你的關係宮的,所以如果你準備給某人一個無法拒絕的提議,那就開始好好練習你的口才吧。 同樣,你應該明白,某段關係其實已是無法修復,開始去思索自己該如何退出吧,而不是讓悲傷的故事無休止地繼續下去。 10月初的改變會讓人為之歡欣雀躍,你可以把旅行提上日程了;加上21號水星開始逆行,所以計劃不要耽擱太久,要確保找到合適的小夥伴一起踏上旅途喲。 對於天秤來說,做決定是很難的,但是,如果你有一個商業項目或個人計劃的機會的話,趕緊用雙手牢牢抓住吧! 現在你應該已經意識到,你不可能討好每一個人,你有權利得到你的成功和幸福,而不是總要去考慮別人的需要和感受。 天蠍座——譯者:子夜 你正處在最為神秘的狀態,只要自己知道自己在做什麼就行,沒關係噠。當你允准自己遵從希望和恐懼,問題就會滋生。當10月揭開序幕,距離天蠍座日全食就只剩6周的時間了,換句話說,你應該分秒必爭、利用一切機會把自己的房子歸置好。 對某些蠍紙而言,這意味著將身體狀況調節到最佳狀態。其他蠍紙,請試探一下信得過的盟友,看看誰願意支持,誰又喜歡批評你的計劃。 注意8日和29日或附近時間的事件,因為很可能是即將到來的現實的預兆。實際上,與其迅速反應以取得進展,不如坐等。 25日的周末有夢幻之海王插足,談情說愛的好日子,但就其他事情而言,會有點兒不太真實,而令人不爽。 射手座——譯者:草禾 給7號定個鬧鐘,因為金星在那天進入你的星座啦,哪怕沒帶來好運,至少也為喜事出場搭建了舞台。之後當然要說到愛情,10月的你相當迷人,所以如果你有想勾搭的人或目標,沒什麼能阻攔你,你也可以把一段關係帶到一個新的層次。連18日的月食都為奏響快樂的終樂章推波助瀾,雖然你不該在那幾天認為任何人任何事都是理所當然的。總體來說火星在10月是否有助於你取決於你化批評為動力以及排除萬難瞄準目標的能力。21日之後就別存任何僥倖心理,別把任何事情拖到最後一刻了。 摩羯座——譯者:腳步 發生在你掌管生活方向的軸線上的月蝕是值得關注的星相,因此就在18日的時候抬頭看向那夜空中美麗的月球,並提醒自己生活能夠、也將發生改變,有時候這改變的方式甚至會非常奇特。最起碼十月中期的日子也在催促著你找到工作與家庭、物質上的成功與個人滿足感之間的平衡點;二者之中某一項的獲得並不應該以犧牲另一項作為代價。對一些摩羯來說一份工作也許會走到終點;對其他摩羯而言家庭中所發生的改變意味著向一段長長的篇章說再見。這同樣也不是無視紅綠燈的一個月。10月21日至11月10日的這一時期為你提供了一次與曾經共事過、或是在這幾年裡支持著你的人再次取得聯絡的機會;同時如果你正確解讀了接收到的訊息的話,這段日子通常也會幫助你將事態整理清晰。 水瓶座——譯者:clover 10月,瓶將以不同的形式踏上旅途。要麼遠行,要麼汲取新領域的知識與經驗。(可以理解為「身體或靈魂,必須有一個在路上」)部分瓶子,可能準備起草合同或有法律事務亟待解決。你可能不是星座中最野心昭著的那個,但瓶確實有目標和理想,所以當星星們就位,你就需要開始行動了。與上級/高層探討溝通會帶來重大的職業發展,而蠢蠢欲動的「變動」也在下個月得以印證。把這話牢記心間,不要錯過任何展現自我最好一面的機會,或者為了安心做好應急準備。特別是10月20號前後,信息不充足的情況下,不要被第一印象所誤導,特別是在財務或者情感方面。 雙魚座——譯者:PM 若你突然發現有人給予你更多的關注,那是火星的功勞!10月15日,火星進駐你的關係宮,激情一觸即發,誰將你看成絕妙人兒一目了然;火星亦會揭露出你的對手,故請慎重對待任何挑戰或批評。10月18日,月蝕發生在你的財務宮軸:某些情況下,這預示著財務方面的某擔憂會得以解決並告終;但也有可能是財務問題日漸明朗,需要你採取激進的措施以重獲收支平衡。雖然命運插手我們的日常事務看似平常,但永遠別拿這個當做逃避責任的借口:假如你堅信某人並非你真心的朋友、某個問題愈演愈烈、某局面無法亘古永存,請採取主動,成為贏家。 原文: The Month Ahead for Aries October has relationships written all over it. You are usually the one in the driver』s seat but partners in particular and other people in general have the power to dictate your course now. It may be that you had no idea how deeply you felt for someone, which makes you vulnerable and needy; on the other hand someone else』s actions could throw you into a tail-spin. Certainly, this is not a month in which to be high-handed or assume you are irreplaceable. The lunar eclipse of the 18th is the power-point of the year: it could take another six months to reveal its potential, but a wedding could be in the pipe-line or the demise of a long-standing relationship. You are an instinctive and pioneering sign, but from this time forward, you need to know exactly where you stand in professional, financial and relationship terms: knowledge is power, as they say. The Month Ahead for Taurus We all take people for granted from time to time, but if you want to ensure a smooth passage through October』s blustery astro-scape, be sweet to those who count. There will be a time when the tables are turned and you will be the one in the position of power, but for the moment other people have the whip hand. On the 21st Mercury heads into retrograde causing the usual communication knots and creating delays and detours. However, with a solar eclipse set to occur in early November, prompt action is recommended in regard to any sign of a chill in a relationship. Likewise, should there be hints of an offer you won』t want to refuse, prepare your response. Working relationships are in the mainframe here, and while there could be some extremely positive job developments, if you know a situation is hanging on by a thread, put a sensible strategy in place. The Month Ahead for Gemini Venus is at her best this month, helping thaw out frosty relationships and creating a breeding ground for love to grow. And even if romance is the farthest thing from your mind, other people will tend to focus on your best features, which means you stand a much greater chance of success in competitive situations. The one challenge to Venus』s mission of joy is Neptune, which on or around the 10th or 20th could cause misunderstandings, even a breakdown of communications. There may be nothing you can do to prevent someone from making a mistake, but you can keep checking that everything is proceeding as it should and that you have a back-up plan should it not! A short break is recommended towards the end of the month, or at least a couple of early nights. You』re going to need to be at the top of your game for November』s box of delights. The Month Ahead for Cancer Any month with an eclipse in it has the potential to change a long-standing pattern, and with the areas of career and home in the frame, what happens on or around the 18th could raise the prospect of a move. Certainly, if you have been debating the merits of a house sale or a job change, this is your signal to get going. This eclipse could also bring someone new into the family or inspire changes in the life of a family member. With Mercury in retrograde from the 21st you could have reason to believe events have set you back, but what they will have done is only delayed your progress, and for a very good reason. This latter part of October can be put to good use exploring your options and ensuring you have sufficient resources should you suddenly have to grab an opportunity or need a cushion to fall back on. The Month Ahead for Leo Going places is October』s theme. Aside from travel, which could play a big part in events, there should be opportunities to put your ideas across, which in turn will help you make personal or professional progress. And if you want to dazzle someone with your star quality choose the 11th or 12th. Ideally, you should make your most vital connections before the 20th because from then on Mercury will be slowing down the pace and creating grid-lock on the communication highway. Then again, if you need a little longer to consider your feelings, make the most of the time and space. Mars will be beefing up the financial sector of your solar chart, so your income could rise and moneys owed to you could finally come in. Not that you can afford to be blasé about finance – be meticulous with on-line transactions and get every agreement in writing. The Month Ahead for Virgo Forget about your natural reticence: if you want something you』re going to have to fight for it. And to help you win through, Mars arrives in your sign on the 15th. Knowing when to put ideas into action gives you an advantage so even though Mercury』s retrograde passage (20th onwards) is renowned for putting obstacles in the way of progress, the last week of the month is the time to make your move; and it may be that events simply play into your hands at this time. The exception to this progressive trend could appear mid-month when Neptune』s talent to confuse will be in play. If you experience a rejection or a setback do not assume this is the end of the matter. Either you will find it was all a misunderstanding or you will discover that had the situation continued you would have been setting yourself up for a far worse disappointment. The Month Ahead for Libra It』s not every month you get a lunar eclipse on the relationship axis, so if you』re ready make someone an offer he or she cannot refuse, start practising your speech. And by the same token, should you know a relationship is beyond repair rather than allow the sad saga to go on ad infinitum, start putting together your exit strategy. Events early in October make for a welcome change and travel could figure in the equation; plus with Mercury turning retrograde on the 21st, don』t leave it too long before firming up plans and making sure you have the right people on board. Decisions are often hard for Libra to come by, but if the green light appears for a business project or a personal plan, grab it with both hands. By now you should have realized you can』t please everyone, and you deserve your success and happiness, regardless of other people』s needs and opinions. The Month Ahead for Scorpio You are at your most mysterious, but as long as you know what you』re doing all will be well. The problems start when you allow yourself to be led by your hopes and fears. As October opens there will be six weeks to go until the total solar eclipse in your sign; in other words you should use every moment and every opportunity to set your house in order. For some Scorpios this means getting yourself in tip-top physical condition; for others, sounding out trusted allies who will support or criticize your plans. Take note of events on or near the 8th and 29th because they may well be signs of realities to come; indeed, rather than respond immediately to developments, you would be better waiting and seeing. The weekend of the 25th puts dreamy Neptune in the mix – perfect for a romantic date but otherwise a little too unreal for comfort. The Month Ahead for Sagittarius Put a ring around the 7th because Venus will enter your sign breeding good fortune or at least setting the stage for some happy occasions. And then, of course, there』s love... You are at your most beguiling in October, so if you have people to impress and goals to reach there should be no stopping you; you could also take a relationship to the next level. Even the lunar eclipse of the 18th could prove instrumental in inspiring a happy ending, although on and around this date you should not take anyone or anything for granted. Just how helpful Mars will prove to your overall success in October rather depends: it depends on your ability to accept criticism as encouragement and not a cause to take up arms, and it depends on your capacity to focus on one aim to the exclusion of all others. After the 21st, leave nothing to chance or the last moment. The Month Ahead for Capricorn A lunar eclipse on your life-direction axis is a sight to behold, so on the 18th look up at that beautiful globe in the night sky and remind yourself that life can and will change, and sometimes in some very strange ways. At the very least mid-October urges you to find the balance between work and home, material success and personal fulfilment; one cannot be achieved at the expense of the other. A job may come to an end for some Capricorns; for others changes on the home front mean saying goodbye to a long chapter. This is not a month to ignore red or green lights, either. The period from 21st October – 10 November offers you a chance to reconnect with people you have worked with in the past, or those who have supported you over the years; and in general to get your ducks in a row should you have read those signals correctly. The Month Ahead for Aquarius Journeys of one sort or another are to be taken. You could be travelling – and quite some distance – or gaining knowledge and experience in a new area. And for a few Aquarians contracts are ready to be drawn up or a legal matter about to be resolved. You may not be one of the most overtly ambitious signs of the zodiac, but you do have aims and ideals; so, when the planets are in the right place you need to get motivated. Discussions with superiors could lead to important developments career-wise, and rumours of impending changes could be confirmed next month. With this in mind, don』t miss an opportunity to reveal yourself in your best light, or make contingency plans should your fears prove founded. On or near the 20th facts will be in short supply, and especially with finances or love, don』t be misled by first impressions. The Month Ahead for Pisces If you suddenly notice that someone is paying you more attention, thank Mars for it! On the 15th this planet enters the relationship zone all set to incite passion and show you who thinks you』re the bee』s knees. Mars will reveal your opponents too, so take any threats or criticism seriously. On the 18th a lunar eclipse cuts across the financial axis of your solar chart: in some cases this signals a settlement and an end to a monetary worry, but in other cases it will become apparent that radical measures need to be taken in order to get finances back in balance. While it seems so often that fate has taken a hand in our affairs, this should never become an excuse to abdicate responsibility: if you believe someone is not a true friend, that a problem is escalating or that a situation is not built to last, take the initiative and emerge the winner.