挪威魚博士:「愛吾幼以及人之幼」,我們致力於分享魚油、孕哺乳/寶寶營養、育兒與親子閱讀、未成年人法律保護等知識。我們也為大家提供產品——淘寶店鋪:挪威魚博士。團隊包括:挪威國家海產品營養所專業人士、中國律師、大學教師、繪本翻譯者。誠願與君同成長,厚德載物、載欣載奔,不負此生。參考文獻1. Omega-3 fatty acids in health and disease and in growth and development, 文獻鏈接:http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/54/3/438.short2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA: Health Benefits Throughout Life,文獻鏈接:http://advances.nutrition.org/content/3/1/1.short3.http://www.sealharvest.ca/site/?page_id=3174DHA is recognized as a physiologically essential nutrient in the brain and retina and is therefore needed for neuronal functioning and visual acuteness. Even Health Canada has recognized the benefits of DHA, which has led to the addition of regulated, restricted amounts of DHA in various foods such as eggs, milk, cheese, bread, etc.EPA has many health benefits for the heart and cardiovascular system. An increased intake of EPA is generally associated with a lower risk of primary and secondary heart attack rates, death from cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.EPA has many health benefits for the heart and cardiovascular system. An increased intake of EPA is generally associated with a lower risk of primary and secondary heart attack rates, death from cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.In one study, higher EPA levels in blood serum phospholipids resulted in a 70% lower risk of fatal ischemic heart disease. This means more EPA is beneficial in people with documented coronary heart diseases, especially those with risk factors for sudden cardiac death.DPA is often overlooked as a significant component of long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids. This is primarily because most Omega-3 studies are conducted using fish or fish oil that contain only small amounts of DPA.Studies have shown that DPA has health benefits for the heart. Population studies show that higher levels of DPA result in lower rates of coronary heart disease risks. In addition, while EPA is known for its cardiovascular benefits, DPA is said to be ten times more effective than EPA in healing damaged blood vessels.