
U.S. President Barack Obama strongly condemned North Korea"s recent nuclear test and missile launches. North Korea"s September 9 nuclear test is a 「grave threat to regional security and to international peace and stability. North Korea stands out as the only country to have tested nuclear weapons this century.This most recent test, North Korea"s second this year, follows an unprecedented campaign of ballistic missile launches, which North Korea claims are intended to serve as delivery vehicles for nuclear weapons targeting the United States and our allies, the Republic of Korea, and Japan.」Furthermore, the U.S. 「does not, and never will, accept North Korea as a nuclear state. Far from achieving its stated national security and economic development goals, North Korea"s provocative and destabilizing actions have instead served to isolate and impoverish its people through its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile capabilities. This nuclear test, a flagrant violation of multiple UN Security Council Resolutions, makes clear North Korea"s disregard for international norms and standards for behavior and demonstrates it has no interest in being a responsible member of the international community.」U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said, 「We remain committed to defending the American people and honoring our security commitments to our allies in the region. We are prepared to take whatever measures are necessary to ensure our alliances continue to defend against this growing threat to international peace and security.The United States remains steadfast in our defense commitments to our allies in the region, using all the capabilities at our disposal, including our extended deterrence commitments.「The DPRK"s repeated and willful violations of its obligations under UN Security Council Resolutions, its belligerent and erratic threats, and web of illicit activities around the world indicate it has no interest in participating in global affairs as a responsible member of the international community.」 This shows that North Korea would not be a credible negotiating partner.Secretary Kerry said the U.S. 「remains open to credible and authentic talks aimed at full and verifiable denuclearization of the DPRK」 and 「North Korea can only achieve the security and development it seeks by living up to its international obligations and commitments.」美國總統奧巴馬強烈譴責朝鮮近日的核試驗和導彈發射行為。朝鮮9月9日的核試驗是「對地區安全、國際和平與穩定的嚴重威脅。朝鮮是21世紀唯一一個進行核武器試驗的國家」。近日朝鮮進行的核試驗是其本年度的第二次核試驗。據朝鮮稱,第一次彈道導彈發射的試驗旨在作為核武器的運載工具,目標是美國、韓國、日本。此外,美國還表示,「美國無論現在還是以後,都不接受朝鮮為核國家。朝鮮還遠遠沒有實現它所宣稱的國家安全和經濟發展目標,反之,其冥頑不靈地進行核武器和彈道導彈能力試驗的挑釁性和破壞穩定性行為只會讓朝鮮人民愈發孤立貧窮。此次朝鮮的核試驗行為公然違反了多項聯合國安理會決議,顯示出朝鮮無視國際準則,證明其無意做一個負責任的國際社會成員國」。美國國務卿約翰還表示,「我們致力於捍衛美國人民的權益,奉行我們對地區盟友的安全承諾。我們已準備好採取一切必要措施,以確保我們的盟友能夠繼續防範朝鮮對國際和平安全所構成的巨大威脅」。美國會盡一切手段堅定奉行其對地區盟友的安全承諾,增加對朝鮮進行核試驗的阻礙。「朝鮮不斷肆意違反聯合國安理會決議,並在全球範圍內構成引發戰爭的不確定性威脅和非法活動網路,這表明朝鮮無意於以一個負責任的國家形象參與國際事務」。這表明朝鮮不會是一個可信賴的協商夥伴。約翰還表示,美國「隨時可以就確認朝鮮的無核化舉動進行可靠的實質性談話」,同時,「朝鮮只有奉行其義務和承諾,才能實現其所追求的安全和發展」。 1 辭彙解析:1. condemn 譴責,定罪,聲討Political leaders united yesterday to condemn the latest wave of violence.政治領袖們昨天聯合譴責最近發生的一波暴力事件。2. unprecedented 史無前例的Such a move is rare, but not unprecedented.這樣的舉動少見,但並非從來沒有過。3. serve as 充當,擔任Or it can serve as the go-between for your personal and career schedules.或者它也可以作為你個人和工作時間表的中間人。4. be intended to 打算,意圖做,為……,是……The new Cold War may be intended to be more economic, political and diplomatic than military.比起軍事方面的鬥爭,新冷戰可能更多的是在經濟、政治和外交上的較量。

朝鮮人民軍總參謀長玄永哲疑降級 次帥降至大將

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