蓮花烏托邦——天空之城是一個概念建築設計作品,正如其名稱所暗示的,它是一座在天空中的城市。其設計師是出生於保加利亞,現居於倫敦的建築師 Tsvetan Toshkov,他表示,該項目是「是一個虛構的寧靜的綠洲,它建立在一座大型發達國家的重污染的城市,居住在這座城市裡面的人們,可以逃離現有世界的噪音、壓力和污垢。」
可視化模型使用了紐約市的樣品背景,而空中之城高聳入雲,看起來像荷花。Toshkov 承認他的靈感來自於蓮花"出淤泥而不染,濯清漣而不妖"的特質」,它代表了一種理想。
City in the Sky is an architectural design concept for, as its title suggests, a city in the sky. According to Bulgaria-born, London-based architect Tsvetan Toshkov, the project is "about an imaginary tranquil oasis above the mega developed and polluted city where one can escape from the everyday noise, stress and dirt." The aerial escapes are meant to soar high above our tallest skyscrapers.
The visual model uses New York City as a sample backdrop for the towering structures that resemble lotus flowers. Toshkov admits that the concept "is inspired by the Lotus flower which is known for its ability to emerge above the murky waters pure and clean." Symbolically, the sky-scraping getaways represent a sort of utopia. The open expanse on each structure even appears to have the ideal balance of a beautiful natural landscape and aesthetically pleasing architecture. The futuristic paradise looks like something straight out of the Final Fantasy video game franchise.
Initially, the architect"s work was intended for Megatropolis, a project involving several artists and companies to build a "future mega developed city" but that fell through in its final stage. Luckily, Toshkov soldiered on and morphed the idea into this futuristic Eden in the sky and managed to cut together a three-dimensional tour of the conceptual design in a video format. You can watch that video, below.(來源:Hrama)
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