You don"t have to be a millionaire to steal these ideas about work, retirement and even getting up in the morning.即使你並不是百萬富翁,你也可以偷學這些工作理念、退休概念甚至起床時間觀念。
1. They Don"t Retire When Everyone Else Does.他們不會像普通人一樣早早退休。
The average age for Americans to stop working is now 61, according to a recent Gallup poll, up from 59 ten years ago and 57 in the early 1990s. But America"s highest earners -- i.e., those with the biggest savings -- don"t plan on retiring until they"re at least 70, another new survey shows. Almost half of those people, who make $75,000 or more a year, say they plan to keep working because they want to. 根據最近的蓋洛普民意測驗顯示,美國人現在的平均退休年齡是61歲,從20世紀90年代的57歲到十年前的59歲,退休年齡一直持推後的趨勢。但是根據另一項最新研究顯示,美國的最高收入群體——比如那些存款數目最大的人——至少到70歲之後才會計劃退休。那些年收入7.5萬美元甚至更高的人群中有將近半數稱他們希望工作,所以會一直幹下去。
Granted, this group holds white-collar jobs that aren"t physically taxing -- but the "never quit" concept is one that almost anyone can embrace. Stepping down to a less stressful position, or shifting to part-time work can put you farther ahead, savings-wise, when you do decide to retire.當然,這一富人群體都是不從事體力勞動的白領——但是他們「奮鬥不止」的信念是每個人都應該積極借鑒的。退居到壓力較小的崗位,或者換成一份兼職工作可以推遲你的退休年齡,這對你真正選擇退休之後的生活有利。
2. They Don"t Wake Up At 6 a.m. And Answer Emails.他們不會6點鐘才起床回復郵件。
You"re no doubt aware that the highest achievers are up earlier than most people: The National Sleep Foundation says most 30- to 45-year-olds get out of bed at 6 a.m. on a typical weekday morning, while this Guardian article shows that many CEOs of major companies wake closer to 5. You may not know, though, what those leaders are doing with the extra hour. 你一定清楚收入最高的那些人比大多數人早起:根據全國睡眠研究基地研究顯示,大多數30至45歲之間的人在工作日早晨6點鐘起床,而一篇《衛報》上的消息則顯示許多大型企業的CEO都在5點之前起床。你也許並不知道那些企業領導者們利用早起的時間幹什麼。
Laura Vanderkam"s new book What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast gives plenty of concrete examples (and none of them involves catching up on Facebook). For instance: A businesswoman knows she could spend her early-morning hour cleaning out her in-box, but since that"s a job she can do in 5-minute breaks during the day, she devotes the alone time to making real, uninterrupted headway on a project that she"s decided is a top priority for her -- and that will have clear career benefits, teeing her up for a promotion or other advancement.勞拉·凡德卡姆的新書《大多數成功人士在早餐前幹什麼》中給出了很多實際的例子(這些例子中無一例包括查看臉譜網)。例如,一個職場女性知道自己可以用早上早起的時間清理她的收件箱,但是這件事她可以利用白天里5分鐘的休息時間做完,所以她就用利用這段時間專心來跟進一天中最重要的項目工作——這種工作態度無疑會創造真正的工作效益,也為她升職、加薪做好了準備。
3. They Don"t Ignore Job Offers For Lateral Moves.他們不會忽略平級跳槽的機會。
While many top earners keep an eye out for their next career move, they"re not always looking to move up. They"re often looking to make lateral moves, says Amanda Augustine, job-search expert at TheLadders.com, which originally began as a job-search site for people earning $100,000 and more (they"ve since expanded to all salaries). This group is willing to move horizontally, or even to take a step down, 很多有錢人會時刻關注職場機會,但他們並不總是向上看的,求職網站the ladder的求職專家阿曼達·奧古斯丁稱,這些富人們常常會尋找平級跳槽的機會,求職網站the ladder一開始只為年收入10萬美元以上的人提供就業信息(但後來他們已經擴展到為各薪酬階層的人提供信息)。
Augustine says, if there is a future opportunity to move up and take on an even better role. Employees at every level can learn from this behavior, she says. Making a sideways career change (either within your company or to a new one with a similar title, pay and responsibility) can also be worth it if your industry is contracting and the new job is in a field that"s growing, or if you"ll be saving money with a shorter commute or cheaper parking, or getting better benefits, whether insurance- or retirement-related.奧古斯丁表示,只要有升遷或獲得更好的職位的機會,富人們願意平級跳槽,甚至接受比當下等級低的工作。奧古斯丁表示,各個層級的員工都可以學習這種態度。 如果你當下從事的行業正在緊縮,而你新從事的工作行業則正在擴張,或者節省交通費用,或者獲得更好的保險、退休金等福利待遇時,平級跳槽就是值得的。
4. They Don"t Buy When They Can Rent.他們能租房就不買房。
It"s the American dream to own a home, but don"t assume that everyone who can purchase a home does. The five-year rule (if you"re not going to live in a home for five years, don"t buy it) is back. Renting is more popular than ever, even among the wealthy. While it once made sense for people who could afford it to buy a home and flip it after two years, and the market has improved moderately this year, we"re hardly in a boom. 擁有一套房子是美國夢的一部分,但並不是所有的人都有能力買房。五年規則(即如果你不會在這套房子里住五年以上,就不要把它買下來)捲土重來。即使是在富人圈子裡,租房之風也空前盛行。雖然過去買得起房子的富人傾向於買下一幢房子,然後兩年後轉手,而且今年的房市稍有緩和,但當下絕不是經濟繁榮時期。
This article by economist Robert J. Shiller explains that attitudes toward renting are starting to change; 61 percent of Americans in a recent MacArthur Foundation survey agreed that, "for the most part, renters can be just as successful as owners at achieving the American dream."經濟學家羅伯特·席勒解釋說,人們對於租房的觀念已經改變了;在麥克阿瑟基金最近作出的研究調查表明,61%的美國人同意,「在很大程度上,租房的人和買房的人實現美國夢的機會是同等的。」
5. They Don"t Buy Without First Comparison Shopping.他們不會在貨比三家之前付款。
Chances are, if you"re reading this here, you"re likely also shopping online (80 percent of people who use the Internet have bought something by clicking). But wealthy shoppers are getting more shipping confirmation emails than others: According to a recent report by Martini Media and comScore, in the first quarter of this year, affluent shoppers were 47 percent more likely than buyers earning less than $100,000 annually to purchase something online. 如果你正在讀這篇文章,很有可能你會網購商品(80%的網上用戶都曾經試過網購)但是那些富裕的買家可能網購的次數更加頻繁:根據廣告商Martini Media 和 comScore在今年上半年做的相關調查顯示,年薪10萬的人網購東西的可能性比其他人多出47%。
Just as interestingly, wealthy online shoppers aren"t visiting luxury destinations as much as they"re visiting sites with mid-level pricing (think Macy"s). We know shopping online greatly lowers the likelihood of an impulse buy, but another major money-saving reason to buy from home is that you can easily do price comparisons. Plus, new apps such as Slice will even send you alerts when the price on an item you"ve purchased online drops so you can get a refund.有意思的是,他們去Net-a-Porter等奢飾品網站的次數少於去中等消費的網站的次數。我們都知道網購可以有效的抑制消費衝動,但是網購省錢還有另 一個重要理由,即你可以貨比三家同時,「降價應用」這樣的新網路應用可以在你已經購買的商品降價時向你發出通知,由此你可以獲得一定退款。