
Can India become a prosperous(like China, not the US) nation ever?


we won"t compromise liberty to reduce poverty

we won"t sell our land for a construction project

we can"t follow the law because of our poor upbringing

we are apathetic to our people

we lack honesty and sincerity in executing our voting rights

All day we dream of becoming a super power in 2050. Most countries who are developed now once used to be ruled by a dictatorship(Singapore, most of Europe, Japan, Russia, etc.).

Does anyone have any idea how our country will progress ?






breakupnoob 22 points 19 days ago

India needs a scientific revolution. More agencies like ISRO, that not only make our whole country proud but has also become self sustaining and profitable.


yantrik 28 points 19 days ago

Problem of India is its people for whom religion, region or caste matter more then human values. We will always be 3rd world country its just that we will be more polluted, more populated and more corrupt.


lunaroyster 27 points 19 days ago

we won"t compromise liberty to reduce poverty

What sort of liberty compromise are you talking about?



silent_guy1Bihar 38 points 19 days ago

We have already compromised liberty but have not gotten anything in return.


iVarun 11 points 19 days ago

Stuff like NIMBY specifically.

But the quote is incorrect already.

We already make comprises on Liberty. Liberty exists on a spectrum, there is no such thing as Absolute Liberty. India lacks many liberties which even a place like China had, things like what you can wear, freedom and opportunities for jobs, social-economic upliftment, etc. These are also Liberties.

Chinese have a different make up of Liberties from that spectrum. They lack Political liberties. Though thier make up is changing from what it used to be even 20 years ago.

No one has Absolute Liberty and never will as long as we are the same species. It"s an illogical premise.

Liberty did nothing for the 500 MILLION Indians (200 Million of whom were children) who died in abject poverty from 1950-2005 across multiple generations.

Poverty alleviation has higher hierarchy than the need/compulsion to have a slightly wider swath of some sections of Liberty spectrum at a particular stage of development.

There is NOTHING worse than Poverty. NOTHING.






tyronequan 2 points 16 days ago

Like Abdul Kalam said "India"s biggest enemy is poverty


whoawhoawhoayou 7 points 19 days ago

We will progress very slowly. It might take another 100 years for us to be developed on the infrastructure end like China or the US. Till then, we simply keep pushing for a positive change.


loscrimmage 22 points 19 days ago

the problem with India is two fold:

old, inflexible British style democracy

old, inflexible Soviet style government owned large enterprises


Randiathrowaway17Uttarakhand 35 points 19 days ago

British style democracy

Japan, Israel, Australia and many other prosperous countries have modeled their system after the British. Your excuse is an old favourite, but it"s a cop-out.


DamnedProphecy 3 points 19 days ago

You said ever? Yes.

Compare India in 1947 to India today. Democracy has its own perils and we have a huge population but we will definitely become a superpower in lesser time than what U.S. took after independence.


nakedwires 2 points 19 days ago



guru_modicumNorth America 2 points 18 days ago

how our country will progress ?

Reduce population by 40% for starter, now.


mangomafia 1 point 19 days ago

Even assuming there"s enough money, since it"s all artificially created anyway, there isn"t enough raw material in the world for India to build as many bridges and roads and cars as China has.

China has sewn up mining contracts in Australia, Africa and South America. Unless India wants to do deep sea or Antarctic mining (prohibitively expensive), there"s nowhere to go.



ggoyal 1 point 18 days ago

China crossed UK GDP in 2007, we might do it in 2017. So we are not that behind


shyskymonkey 2 points 19 days ago

True democracy has helped and will continue to help us. About the superpower part i have other thoughts. The US became a superpower under very specific circumstances, as did the Soviets. I don"t think there will is going to be a bipolar balance in the foreseeable future, but yeah we will be much better off than where we are now, able to rival other great powers like China/United states at that the time.



很多時候,男人會讓你覺得他愛上了你,其實他真沒有;而女人會讓你覺得她不可能會愛上你,結果她卻動了心。 人人網日誌帝的日誌

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