
China"s troubled Jade Rabbit lunar rover has died on the surface of the moon, state media reported on Wednesday, in a major setback for the country"s ambitious space programme.

The rover "could not be restored to full function", the state-owned China News Service said in a brief statement, after the country"s first moon rover ran into mechanical problems last month.



The Jade Rabbit, or Yutu in Chinese, was deployed on the moon"s surface on December 15. The landing was the first of its kind since the former Soviet Union"s mission nearly four decades ago.

But the rover experienced a "mechanical control abnormality" late January, according to the official Xinhua news agency, and has been unable to function since then.

The mission was a huge source of pride in China, the third country to successfully send a lunar rover to the moon, after the United States and the former Soviet Union.



Cyboy (Pune)We"ve got to remember that landing the rover safely on the moon was no small task. That in itself is a technological genius. Rather than poke fun at them, I hope we learn our lessons from their experiences.

在月球上安全著陸不是件輕鬆的任務,本身是一個技術奇蹟。與其嘲笑他們,倒不如從他們的經驗中吸取教訓。deepikapaola (Location)Yutu is still alive. It survived its second lunar night, and is transmitting strong signals back to earth.

玉兔還活著,第二個晚上就活過來了,正向地球傳回強烈信號。Sachin Deshmukh (Pune)after all its made in china.. LOLAgree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)

畢竟是中國造,哈哈Mihir Vora (Mumbai)The general impression is that Chinese goods, parts and toys are cheap and do not work too long and should not be relied upon. The Jade Rabbit" lunar rover also confirms this fact.

給人的一般印象是中國貨、中國零件和玩具是廉價的,不耐用,不可靠。玉兔號月球車也證實了這一事實。Tarun (Pune)There is no guaranty of chinese toy. Its an eye opener for all of us.

中國玩具沒有擔保,真是讓我們所有人大開眼界。Ranganath Rao (Unknown)It"s pretty clear. China made products stop working after a couple of months due to mediocre technology and inferior materials used.Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)

顯然,由於技術平庸和使用的材料劣質,中國貨在幾個月後就停止工作了。Asaram (Location)nice

幹得好Baburao (UAE)Made in China - now what about Nuclear setup Gwader port and dams in PakistanAgree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)

中國造嘛,他們在巴基斯坦建造的瓜達爾港和大壩的質量又如何。ConversionIsCrime (New York)Died like cheap chinese toy.Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)

像廉價中國玩具一樣壞掉Harneet Singh (Pune)Tht"s a sad loss to china...i just wish china to send more lunar robot to moon in future..Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)

這給中國帶來了可悲的損失。我希望中國未來向月球多發送一些月球車。god s (Germany)This makes thousands of scientists who worked on project unhappy..Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)

數以千計工作在該項目上的科學家為此感到不高興Ajay Date (Kashmir to Kanyakumari)Made in China!

中國造嘛!BABUJI (UK)No guarantee of Chinese Parts.

中國零件沒有保障Nishant (Jammu)Chinese good don"t last long.

中國貨不耐用Lafoot Lakhpati (Unknown)Now we have Chinese junk on the moon, they made a mistake of not sending a dozen at one time just like dumping their substandard products in the world. Anyways, I am waiting for our rover to be put on moon next year or is it 2017Agree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)


Cert IsGood (India) replies to Lafoot LakhpatiIf we reelect UPA government with Sonia/Rahul/Manmohan trio ruining (ahem...running) the country then it will be 2018... Also they will ensure about 10 indians are also sent to moon along with the rover to push the rover on the moon and collect some rocks....



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