
空軍一號(Air Force One)是美國總統最顯著的標誌之一。空軍一號為總統外出旅行執行飛行任務,是總統的移動指揮中心和移動辦公室,也是旅途中的休息場所。

奧巴馬總統在空軍一號上與參議員帕特里克·萊希(Patrick Leahy)及其夫人馬塞勒·萊希(Marcelle Pomerleau Leahy)交談。(White House)

1962年,美國為總統出行專門建造了一架噴氣式坐機,約翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)是乘坐專機的第一位總統。目前有兩架代號空軍一號的波音(Boeing)747-200B寬體專機,可交替使用。總統乘坐一架專機出行時,另一架可作為備用機。喬治· H.W.布希(George H.W. Bush)是第一位使用這種機型的總統。空軍一號配備了總統在緊急情況下處理公務的一切設備。

2011 年,奧巴馬總統乘坐空軍一號前往夏威夷。圖為總統和一名助理的孩子們一起在窗口觀看艙外景色。(White House)

專機的客艙面積為4,000 平方英尺,共三層。艙內有一個可用作手術室的醫療套間,一名專職醫生隨時待命。空軍一號還配備了兩個廚房,可同時供100人進餐。機上的大會議室可作為就餐區。

前總統布希在空軍一號上與奧巴馬總統和第一夫人米歇爾·奧巴馬、前國務卿希拉里·柯林頓(Hillary Clinton)及奧巴馬內閣成員一起觀看照片。 (White House)


奧巴馬總統在空軍一號辦公區會見國務卿約翰·克里(John Kerry)國家安全事務顧問蘇珊·賴斯(Susan E. Rice)等官員。(White House)


奧巴馬總統在空軍一號上和寵物狗波(Bo)玩耍。(White House)

空軍一號由空軍第89軍事運輸大隊(89th Military Airlift Wing)負責維護,該運輸大隊的駐地距白宮(White House)10 英里。專機至少每周一次在嚴密守護的機庫內進行手工打蠟,做到機身光潔無瑕。

在空軍一號起飛前,幾架運輸機會將總統坐車、特勤人員坐車先行運往目的地,有時還需要運送被拆解的海軍陸戰隊一號(Marine One)直升機。

奧巴馬總統在俄亥俄州北坎頓(North Canton, Ohio)登上空軍一號。(White House)

Air Force One is among the most recognizable symbols of the American presidency. Ready to transport the president wherever in the world he needs to travel, it is part mobile command center, part office and part hotel.

President Obama talks with Senator Patrick Leahy and his wife, Marcelle Pomerleau Leahy, aboard Air Force One. (White House)

John F. Kennedy was the first president to fly in a jet built specifically for presidential use in 1962. The two planes used by President Obama today — they are interchangeable, so there is always a backup — are a pair of Boeing 747-200B wide-bodied aircraft that were first used by President George H.W. Bush. The planes are equipped with everything the president needs to fulfill his office in case of an emergency.

President Obama looks out a window of Air Force One with the sons of an aide during a flight to Hawaii in 2011. (White House)

Each plane has about 370 square meters of floor space over three levels. There is a medical suite that can function as an operating room, and a doctor is always on board. The plane』s two galleys can feed 100 people at a time. A large conference room doubles as a dining area.

Aboard Air Force One, former President George W. Bush shows photos of his paintings to first lady Michelle Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama staff and Cabinet members, and Laura Bush. (White House)

There are quarters for advisers, Secret Service officers, reporters and guests. Air Force One can be refueled in midair and is equipped with advanced communications equipment.

President Obama meets with Secretary of State John Kerry, National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice and other advisers in his office aboard Air Force One. (White House)

The president』s onboard living quarters include a bedroom, a bathroom, a workout room and office space.

President Obama plays with his dog Bo aboard Air Force One. (White House)

Mechanics of the U.S. Air Force』s 89th Airlift Wing at a facility 10 miles from the White House maintain the jumbo aircraft. The planes are spotless; they get hand-waxed at least once a week inside a tightly guarded hangar.

Several cargo planes typically fly ahead of Air Force One with presidential limousines, Secret Service vans and sometimes a dismantled Marine One helicopter.

President Obama boards Air Force One in North Canton, Ohio. (White House)


簡氏:烏克蘭危機令芬蘭緊張 空軍備戰防俄入侵

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