多虧了中國式相親價目表 老外都知道「勢利眼」長啥樣啦







英國廣播公司(BBC)發表了一篇報道,題目為:《中國網友諷刺北京人「勢利」的相親條件》(Chinese web users poke fun at "snobbish" Beijing dating requirements),一起來看看文章怎麼說!

An article in the magazine Phoenix Weekly on what Beijing people look for in China"s "marriage markets" often arranged in parks has caught people"s attention.中國公園裡有很多「相親市場」,而《鳳凰周刊》關於相親市場里北京人相親條件的報道引起了公眾的注意。

It is customary for some elderly relatives to meet in parks around China and to help their sons and daughters find matches. The piece interviews parents about what their children require in a match and some of the answers are very specific.有些老年人會聚集在中國各地的公園裡,幫兒女找對象,這是中國的風俗。這篇報道採訪了父母給子女找對象的要求,有些回答非常具體。

"No people whose Chinese Zodiac is a sheep," says one. Those born in the year of the sheep are frowned upon by matchmakers, as they are perceived as meaning a lifetime of bad luck.有人說:「屬羊的一律不考慮。」介紹人們很嫌棄羊年出生的人,認為他們的命不太好。

One woman with the surname Li, advertising her 33-year-old son in a Beijing park, says her son "will not consider someone who does not have a Beijing hukou." A Hukou is a household registration document.李女士在北京一座公園裡為33歲的兒子徵婚,她稱,自己的兒子「不會考慮沒有北京戶口的女孩兒」。戶口是一種戶籍證件。

Phoenix Weekly said parents seeking matches for children from outside of Beijing encountered great difficulty in the city"s markets.《鳳凰周刊》表示,為子女找對象的外地人在北京相親市場上遇到了很大的困難。

Thousands of users are commenting about the story and say they feel sorry for those born in the year of the sheep, and question the snobbishness of Beijing people.許多網友在文章下留言,稱他們很同情羊年出生的人,還對北京人的勢利眼表示質疑。

"My mother is a sheep, my girlfriend is also a sheep... this superstition is nonsense, sheep have the best temperament," writes one user.一位網友寫道:「我媽媽就是屬羊的,我女友也是……這些迷信就是無稽之談,屬羊的人脾氣最好了。」

One single man joked: "I am a cow, you can come and eat grass with me."另一位單身男士則戲稱:「我是屬牛的,你可以和我一起來吃草。」

There are long-standing tensions around the perception that inhabitants of the capital city are generally favored over those from the regions.長期以來,北京人比其他地區的居民普遍更受青睞的觀念一直備受爭議。

"What"s up with the Beijing people? Are they on a higher plane?" one user asks. Another says "this is very snobbish."一位網友質問道:「北京人怎麼了?北京人高人一等?」。另一位網友則稱:「真是太勢利了。」



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