
總運 Britain votes to leave the European Union... That really comes as no surprise when you consider this chart... Saturn retrograde creates the conditions to challenge authority... And we also went through that when Jupiter was retrograde too. While many may feel that this is just an isolated incident, this will probably prove to be one of the biggest turning points in our "global" history... It"s when people have/are reaching the point of saying "enough is enough"... And the Global Elites are starting to feel threatened by this as they feel their control slipping away. It"s not just Britain either... Things that nobody would ever expect are possible... (Pluto and Uranus have no limits)... You could see other countries breaking away... In time, we could even see "States" attempting to "secede" from the Union (usa)... Jupiter and the Node exactly aligned show that "Fate and Destiny" are quite active at the moment, setting things up for future events... And with the Sun/Venus connected to Neptune shows confusion and a bit of chaos in the economic markets too. While you can take all this as being "negative" energy, it is really quite the opposite... The chart shows that we have reached a position of "stalemate" and the universe demands growth... So this energy is there to put us on a brand new course... But that course is likely to be much different than what most may expect at first... (and prove to be much better later on too)... As much as we "human-beans" say we want change, it often scares the ba-jesus out of us when it actually starts to occur... Personally, I am looking forward to it... Jupiter and the Node in Virgo shows things will be better balanced. Just like here in America... Just imagine if the British Leaders defy the vote and do not notify Brussels of their intent to leave the European Union... (hoping that voters change their minds)... That action alone would state the fact that they have zero concern about the wishes of the voters... Just imagine what schemes they may have to come up with to hide their true intent... (interesting)... Yeah Baby, this could get very interesting!!!.... Anyway... That"s it for right now... Thanks for stoppin" by... I"ll talk to you guys later in the daily horoscopes... Lastly and most importantly... Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin" soon... daniel "whelland" dowd 白羊座——譯者:無幻 白羊座這周的運勢是你會跟各種不同的來源去產生各種共鳴。某種程度上來講,就好像你身處一個噪雜擁擠的房間里沒有辦法聽清別人在說什麼。但是在背後,你的潛意識正在加班加點的把所有這些零散碎片整理到一起。基於這個原因,這周你應該加倍努力去對你自己好一些並且為自己多做考慮。當你有條件的時候就縱容自己一把吧,讓別人先去「奮鬥」一會兒。當然了,還是有一些任務需要完成,集中精力在現有的任務上可以減輕壓力放鬆一下神經。記住這些都是「計劃的一部分」並且最終會給你帶來現實生活的解決方案。 The Weekly Horoscope for Taurus... The weekly horoscope for Taurus is one that allows you to use your natural determination to rise above any challenges and get things done... This energy gives a clear and precise vision into the future and what needs to be done to move yourself into better positions to take advantage of this energy... This chart also does wild things to increase your powers of attraction and it causes you to appear much more approachable to others... Therefore, many new friendships and alliances can be formed at this time... (also a fantastic time for love and romance too)... What you will feel is more personal power and control over your current circumstances... This sets the stage for future growth... There is a bit where you may have to take some kind of leap of faith... Trust intuition!! 雙子座——譯者:無幻 對於雙子來說這一周會感覺到時間不夠用,做不完想做的事情...過去你想要的東西開始在生活中顯現,但是沒你曾經想的那麼激動...在腦海里記住簡單的一句話...「一件事導致另一件事」...這是當下星相的秘訣...這一星星的排列狀況並不想「單刀直入」,實際上它想要通過「一步一步」的方式來傳遞能量,以便你能夠盡享「大精神」的真諦...你可以期望挑戰出現,但是星相表明,雖然可能不得不加把勁兒,此刻的你還是能夠搞定任何事兒! The Weekly Horoscope for Cancer... This week"s horoscope for Cancer is one that allows you to really "cut loose" and to live/love more in the moment... It"s when everything seems to be lining up well... (both now and in the future)... This is mainly due to the tight Jupiter/Pluto bond that balances the natural and spiritual energies of your chart... It would be totally factual to say that this is a time when dreams really can come true... (so dream big fercrissakes)... hehe... The best part of this energy is the effects it can have on your personal relationships... Others are now better able to see and appreciate all that you do that usually goes un-noticed... This is a terrific time to spend with friends and family or any kind of festive events... The universe tries to celebrate your success!! 獅子座--譯者:組織 本周星盤顯示「因果效應」的靈性法則正在運轉。它使我們對個人正義有了全新的感覺,看到自己的言行會給自己的生活帶來諸多後果。這也意味著不得不向曾經的錯誤讓步,因為這種能量要釋放任何一種否定,使你能以更加輕鬆自由的方式前進。這種模式顯示了最終結果,但偉大神靈有無限的方式帶我們到達那裡。這是專註於個人發展的好時機,特別是財務方面。你將意識到形式再度對你有利。感激! 處女座--譯者:Pa 本周處女的星圖散發著「因果報應」的氛圍。這樣的星圖表明此時你可以輕鬆「得到你想要的」,但也表示要為此付出相應的代價。海王星/金星聯結讓你更意識到自己的語言/行動對他人的影響。這樣的星星組合帶來更好的平衡和對自己生活的個人滿足,但會要求你對自己做的事情(或你應該做的事情)投入更多的努力。金星/海王星能量確實也帶來了懶散的因素,所以工作的時候要努力工作,休息的時候好好休息放鬆。避免試圖把工作和玩樂混在一起。 天秤--譯者:雲間 本周的星圖顯示,很多事情正風起雲湧,但還未呈現在眼前。這股能量帶有它的壓力和破壞力,有時候甚至完成一個簡單的任務也會變得困難。我不建議你舉起雙手,說「什麼鳥東西」,不過這股能量可以讓你與自然和靈性能量同步,它就像一個占星呼吸課。這種能量的關鍵是知道事情正在精準地以他們想要的方式發生,所以我只需要接受所呈現出來的一切。從好的方面說,木星和冥王星的鏈接,正是可以把我們最瘋狂的夢想變為現實的能量。這兩個星球都毫不設限,不管會帶我們到多遠。富足正在向你招手! The Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio... The weekly horoscope for Scorpio is one that truly tries to bring your dreams into reality... At least for those that can manage to "keep the faith" and believe that is actually possible... The Venus/Neptune connection from the 5th to the 9th Houses is one that mixes the natural "good luck" energy with that of the spiritual world... Anything is possible, but make no mistake about it... There can be NO letdown on your personal standards, honor, integrity and "service to others"... This kind of pattern does make it easy to slip into a "it"s all about me" kind of attitude... The other factor active in this chart is where the universe will do whatever it takes to make sure you hear what"s needed to bring your life to higher levels... The truth can hurt at times... Transform! 射手座--譯者:Pa 與他人的互動。這張星圖表明一個人承擔了過多的負重,造成了不平衡的狀況。木星/冥王星能量散發著「對你也好的時候,對我才是真的好」的氣息。這適用於你的事業和生活中的親密領域。金星/海王星帶來最高峰值的情感層級。很明顯宇宙正表明,有更多要完成的工作,並且你的未來絕大部分取決於你與他人協作的能力。你也會感覺別人都在「打量你」,因為他們也感覺到了在不久的將來會有改變發生在你身上。 魔羯座 譯者:腦洞少女禎醬 對摩羯座來說,這周的星象是那種可以讓你的心進入「夢幻大陸」的…哈哈…而且我指的是以最好的方式,因為本周的星圖可以喚醒通往最高可能的意識…有人只是意識到了他人的特定需求,然後想辦法去滿足那些需求,就賺了大錢,我曾經在他們星圖中見過類似的模式…海王星/金星能量顯示了同他人建立更牢固關係和更強大盟友的需要…「齊心合力」的主題一次又一次地在這張星圖上出現,這既適用於事業,也適用於「親密/浪漫」關係…最重要的是,只要你活在當下,事情會自然而然地發生…去尋找積極的氛圍,鎖定它吧! The Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius... The weekly horoscope for Aquarius is the kind that has that "Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right... Here I am Stuck in the middle with You" quality attached to it... It"s when you see what may appear to be idiotic things that others may say and do... Until it hits you that perhaps there is a greater wisdom at work or that they are aware of things that you are overlooking... (or something like that)... This is the kind of a chart that shows you what needs to be done as well as giving you the strength and power to accomplish these tasks... The Jupiter/Pluto connections shows wild things can happen in your relationships... The Venus/Neptune aspect shows increases in personal wealth too... Not easy, but this is very (and I mean VERY) beneficial chart energy!! 雙魚 本周魚魚的星盤棒極了,因為你的守護星(目前位於雙魚座)與目前位於5宮的金星形成良好的相位。這一相位帶來了非常多的歡樂、創意、個性、好運、愛情與浪漫,以及其他你能想像到的快樂。星盤中同時又有木星與冥王星的相位,讓你在人際交往和關係中能夠超越驕傲和自尊。星盤顯示,你的生活非常需要某個特殊的人出現,無論是對於現在還是未來。這涵蓋了自然世界和精神世界,以及需要一些個人的轉變。涉及到分享智慧與個人經歷。本周的星盤中,與命運有關的因素正在發揮很強烈的作用。


TAG:生活 | 自然 | 世界 | 未來 | 經歷 | 分享 | 智慧 | 精神 | 命運 | 作用 | 個人經歷 | 星盤 | 轉變 | 強烈 | 因素 | 精神世界 | 現在 | 顯示 | 一些 |