威廉王子婚禮計劃曝光Prince Williams wedding

Prince William"s wedding plan威廉王子婚禮計劃曝光中文 英文 雙語 2010-11-26來源:Agencies 閱讀數:196335 字型大小[大][中][小] 列印 評論(14)

導讀:近日,英國媒體爆出威廉王子的結婚日程表。據悉,婚禮將選在2011年4月29日舉行,該天也將成為英國的公共假期(bank holiday)。還想了解其他婚禮的細節嗎?快來看看吧。

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Internet 威廉王子的婚禮將於2011年4月29日舉行,該天也將成為英國的公共假期。


aide 副官、助手
austere 苦行的、緊縮的
belt-tightening 強制性節約(政策)
congregation 聚會
courtier 朝臣
gallery 旁聽席
hail 熱情地承認(某事物)
intimacy 親密、隱私
momentous 重要的、重大的
ponder 沉思、考慮
respite 暫緩
tailor (調整)使適應(特定需要)

Prince William will marry 28-year-old Kate Middleton next year following a secret engagement during a holiday to Kenya last month. The pair began dating eight years ago while they both studied at St. Andrews University.上個月,威廉王子與28歲的女友凱特?米德爾頓在肯亞度假時秘密訂婚,據悉二人將於明年舉行婚禮。早在八年前兩人還早就讀於聖安德魯斯大學的時候就已經開始約會了。

Royal courtiers were pondering how to tailor the royal wedding to the austere times.(婚訊一出),王室大臣們便開始絞盡腦汁思考如何在預算緊縮的當下籌辦這場皇室婚禮。

The couple have told royal aides that they do not want the congregation to be made up entirely of 「the great and the good」 and will send invitations to people from all walks of life.這對新人對王室助手們表示,他們不想自己婚禮成為精英名流的聚會,而是希望能邀請到各行各業的來賓。

It is claimed that Prince William`s wedding to Kate Middleton will take place at Westminster Abbey, the church where Princess Diana`s funeral was held, according to UK media reports.據英國媒體報道,威廉王子與凱特?德米爾頓的婚禮將在威斯敏斯特大教堂舉行,這也是黛安娜王妃舉行葬禮的地方。

Royal officials said that the couple chose the venue for its beauty, intimacy and historic royal connections.王室官員表示,二人之所以選擇威斯敏斯特大教堂是因為它有著驚人之美、富有親切感,且與王室的淵源由來已久。

Westminster Abbey has room for 2,000 people, but space can be made for up to 8,000 with the addition of temporary seating and galleries. Prince William』s parents invited 3,500 people to their wedding at St Paul』s Cathedral in 1981.威斯敏斯特大教堂共能容納2000人,但若算上臨時座位和旁聽席,則可達到8000人之多。1981年,查爾斯和戴妃在聖保羅大教堂舉行婚禮,當時共邀請了3500位來賓。

This will be the 15th royal wedding conducted during the 1,000-year history of the Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster.而此次威廉王子的婚禮將會是1000年以來在威斯敏斯特聖彼得學院教堂舉行的第15場王室婚禮。

It has also been confirmed by David Carmeron that the nation would be given an extra bank holiday to celebrate the marriage, which will be held on Friday, April 29.英國首相大衛?卡梅隆已證實,為了慶祝這場於2011年4月29日舉行的婚禮,英國將增設一天額外的全國性法定假日。

"The wedding of Kate and William will be a happy and momentous occasion. We want to mark the day as one of national celebration, a public holiday will ensure the most people possible will have a chance to celebrate on the day," Cameron said in a statement.「凱特和威廉的婚禮將會是一個愉快且意義非凡的時刻。我們希望確立一個全國性的節日,以此來銘記這一天。公共假期將確保這一天能成為舉國同慶的日子。」卡梅隆在聲明中說道。

According to The Telegraph reports, the wedding will cost the economy about 7.9 billion US dollars(about 5 billion pounds) by creating consecutive four-day weekends in April.據《每日電訊報》報道,這場能為民眾帶來連續四天假期的婚禮會給英國經濟造成79億美元(約50億英鎊)的損失。

The wedding -- which according to one estimate will boost Britain`s economy by nearly $1 billion -- has been widely hailed as a welcome respite from budget cuts and belt-tightening.不過,也有預測說此次婚禮將促進英國經濟,帶來近10億美元的增長,進而暫時緩解由於削減預算以及縮減開銷而帶來的後果,因此該消息一經頒布,便廣受民眾歡迎。

21英語網站版權說明(Translator & Editor: 21英語 Katie Tu AND Christine


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