中國一半有錢人想移民 Security Solution for Chinas Rich: Emigrate
Jason Lee/Reuters2011年4月9日在北京的一場中國海外房產與投資展示會上,一名中國女子在一個美國房產公司的展台前通過翻譯(右)進行諮詢。諮詢公司貝恩(Bain & Company)一篇研究中國民間財富的新報告顯示,中國最富裕的一批國民當中,接近一半的人考慮過投資移民。投資移民指的是外國公民在美國等一些國家欠發達地區創造就業並投入一大筆資金,從而獲得暫時或永久居留權。這次研究調查了中國2600名「高凈值個人」,報告說,10%左右的富人已經決定移民,另外估計有10%的人正在為申請移民做規劃,其他人正在考慮。獲得美國投資簽證必須至少拿出50萬美元。放在10年前,幾乎任何一位中國人都很難接受,但現在很多人都覺得這個數額一點也不離譜。研究報告說,擁有人民幣1,000萬元(約合150萬美元)可投資資產的中國公民人數,預計今年將達到58.5萬,較2008年數字接近翻一番。其中增長最快的是資產超過1億元人民幣的群體。研究發現,這批新富在北京和上海這樣的沿海大城市分布最為密集,但過去20年高凈值個人數量增長最快的卻是西南和中部地區。研究報告說,中國財富的增加為很多人購買房產、興辦企業創造了新條件,但這個國家的富人正在尋找新的途徑來投資和管理他們的資金。和前些年不一樣,目前中國富人的頭等大事是保證自己財富的安全。這次調查發現,這些上流人士僅兩年前還存在的巨大風險偏好已經在減弱,約44%的富人都在想方設法地分散風險。貝恩公司的研究並沒有涉及移民與財富管理的關係,但由於國內投資工具只有股市、樓市、藝術品和茶葉這些容易出現泡沫的領域,中國富人把錢投往海外是很容易理解的。官方媒體新華社去年年底報道說,移民趨勢正在上升。新華社報道,2009年美國來自中國的投資移民有1,971位,高於上一年的1,360位。英國廣播公司(BBC)報道,加拿大的中國投資移民申請人數在2008年到2010年之間翻了一番。貝恩公司這份報告對投資移民現象的研究結果,在網上引起的反應有嫉妒,有憤怒,也有冷嘲熱諷。中國最活躍的微博網站新浪微博上面,很多人為中國財富流往國外而悲嘆,另一些人則提出,這些富人是在逃避因腐敗而受到懲罰。新浪微博用戶「BigBang_2010」說:「豬養肥了害怕被宰。」新華社在報道中國人移民美國的文章里給出了一個更簡單、貌似同樣有道理的解釋:一些富人只是想擁有更清潔的環境和更安全的食品。Security Solution for China"s Rich: EmigrateAs people from around the globe flood into China in search of riches,more than 50% of China"s rich are considering leaving the country.Accordingto a new study on private wealth in China from consultancy Bain &Company, nearly half of the country"s richest citizens have consideredinvestment immigration -- a form of temporary or permanent residencethat some countries, such as the U.S., give to foreign citizens whenthey create jobs and invest a high sum of money in a lesser-developedregion.Around 10% of the wealthiest have already decided tomove, another estimated 10% are planning to apply for immigration, andthe rest are considering it, said the study, which surveyed 2600 "highnet worth individuals" in China. Obtaining an investment visa for theU.S. requires at least $500,000, a sum that would be hard to stomach foralmost any Chinese person a decade ago but which is now well withinreason for many.The number of Chinese citizens who boastinvestable assets of more than 10 million yuan, or roughly $1.5 million,is expected to reach 585,000 this year, nearly doubling 2008 figures,the study said. The fastest growing segment: those with more than 100million yuan stuffed away in their pocketbooks.While the newwealth is still most densely concentrated in coastal metropolises likeBeijing and Shanghai, the study found that growth in the number of highnet worth individuals over the past two years was fastest in southwestand central China.Greater affluence in China has opened up newgateways for many to buy homes and start businesses, but the country"swealthiest are looking for new ways to invest and manage their cash, thestudy says.Unlike in previous years, the biggest priority forChina"s rich these days is securing their wealth. The big appetite forrisk that existed in the upper echelon just two years ago is fading, thesurvey found, with around 44% of the country"s wealthiest looking tospread their risk.The Bain study doesn"t address the correlationbetween moving overseas and wealth-management, but with bubble-pronesectors like the stock market, real estate, art and tea among the onlyinvestment vehicles available in China, wealthy Chinese have good reasonto store their money abroad.State-owned media Xinhua reportedlate-last year that the trend was rising. The U.S. saw 1,971 investmentimmigrants from China in 2009, up from 1,360 a year earlier, Xinhuasaid.Canada, meanwhile, saw Chinese investment immigration applications double between 2008 and 2010, the BBC reports.TheBain report"s findings on investment immigration were greeted with amixture of envy, exasperation and cynicism online. On Sina Weibo,China"s most active microblogging site, many commenters lamented theloss of Chinese wealth to foreign economies, while others suggested therich were fleeing to escape being punished for corruption."After pigs grow fat, they fear being butchered," wrote Sina user BigBang_2010.Inits report on Chinese immigrating to the U.S., Xinhua offered asimpler, and equally plausible, explanation: Some wealthy Chinese justwant cleaner environments, and safer food.
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