

根據船舶建造日期和輔機功率,決定是否需要安裝高壓燃油管系的套管系統(JACKET PIPE SYSTEM)即套管/泄漏報警/集油盤/殘油排放管連接到機艙污油艙等;


Fuel Oil System(燃油系統)

Jacketed pipe system:1998年7月1日以前建造的船, 功率大於等於375千瓦的柴油機需安裝; 小於375千瓦的需提供遮蔽裝置, 若每個管路僅供給一個噴頭, 儘管功率小於375千瓦, 也需安裝套管系統. 1998年7月1日及以後建造的船, 無論柴油機的功率多大, 都需要安裝套管系統,




1 two fuel oil service tanks for each type of fuel used on board necessary for propulsion and vital systems or equivalent arrangements shall be provided on each new ship, with a capacity of at least 8 hours at maximum continuous rating of the propulsion plant and normal operationg load at sea of the generator p;ant. This paragraph applies only to shis constructed on or after 1 July 1998. (新造船應對推進及主系統必須的每一種燃油配備兩個燃油櫃或等效布置, 其容量必須至少能提供船舶推進裝置在最大持續功率下, 以及發電機裝置在海上正常負荷下工作8小時. 本節規定只適用於1998-7-1及以後建造的船

2 主推進裝置及發電機組的原動機或鍋爐用燃油,其閃點(閉杯)應不小於60度,應急發電機的原動機所用燃油的閃點可不低於43度。

3 2007年8月1日強制執行:燃油艙必須布置在船體的的雙層舷側板之內。(可將之橫向地布置在貨艙之間而達到要求)

Lube Oil System(滑油系統)




The condition and the quantity of lube oil pump and the condition of its pipe (滑油泵的數量及狀況以及起管路狀況)

1. 1台主滑油泵和1台獨立動力的備用泵並應能供立即使用;重要用途的輔機,如每台都自帶滑油泵,則不必設置備用泵,否則應設置備用泵。

2. 滑油管系應與其他管系分開,柴油機及齒輪箱不宜採用共同的滑油系統。

Lube oil separator(滑油分油機)無限航區船舶應裝有滑油分油機,有限航區必要時也應裝設Lube oil cooler (滑油冷卻器)

Starting Air System(起動空氣系統)/電起動裝置

1. 至少2個空氣瓶,不能換向的至少能使主機連續啟動6次;能換向的至少啟動12次。

2. 壓縮機和空氣瓶之間應設有油、氣分離器,用以泄放壓縮機排氣中所含的油、氣。

3. 電起動應設置2組獨立的蓄電池組,且不應作並聯連接。每一組都能起動主機,30min中內在不充電的情況下達到所要求的起動次數

SOLAS Chapter II-1-Part D-Reg. 41

1 this main source of electrical power shall consist of at least two generating sets. built on or after 1July 1986 (主電源至少應由兩台發電機組成, 1986-7-1及以後建造者)

2 the arrangement of the main electric lighting system shall not render the emergency lighting system inoperative in any fire

or other casualty. Built on or after 1July 1986.

(主照明系統應布置成在任何火災或其他事故時不致使應急照明系統失效, 反之亦然. 1986-7-1及以後建造者)

3 no electrical equipment shall be installed in any space where flammable mixtures are liable to collect including those on board tankers or in compartments assigned principally to accumulator batteries, in paint lockers, acetylene stores or similar spaces, unless the Administration is satisfied that such equipment is: (1) essential for operational purpose;(2) of a type which will not ignite the mixture concerned; (3) appropriate to the space concerned; and; (4) appropriately certified for safe usage in the dusts, vapours or gases likely to be encountered.

(電氣設備不應安裝在任何可燃混合氣體易於積聚的處所內, 包括液貨船上的此類處所或專門用來存放蓄電池的艙室, 油漆間, 乙炔貯藏室或類似處所, 除非主管機關確信這些設備是: (1) 操作所必須的; (2) 不會點燃有關的混合氣體的型式; (3)適合於有關處所使用; 和 (4) 經證明在可能遇到的灰塵, 蒸汽或氣體中安全使用.

4 Some of generator is not fitted with high pressure fuel oil pipe, so that it do not need fit with Jacketed Pipe System. 注意有些發電機並不需要高壓燃油輸油管線,所以不需要配備套管系統


中國首個自主研發DPF柴油發動機問世 一汽錫柴成「藍天衛士」

TAG:柴油機 | 柴油 | 船舶 |