
2011-03-25 08:34 AM

Those who want to keep up with the latest news about next month"s royal wedding, polish uptheir palace protocol or pass on marriage advice to the royal couple can now buy a "one-stop wedding shop" iPad application.  英國某公司最新推出「一站式婚禮店」iPad應用軟體。對那些關注下月威廉王子婚禮的最新進展、想了解更多的王室禮節、或者想為王子和准王妃提些婚姻建議的用戶來說這款軟體非常適用。

  Media company 2 For Life"s "Royal Wedding 2011" app features a newswall with all the latest about the upcoming marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton and a live feed with photos of the pair.  「人生伴侶」媒體公司最近推出「2011年王室婚禮」軟體。該軟體向用戶提供王室婚禮最新消息的「新聞牆」,並實時發布兩人照片。威廉王子和凱特·米德爾頓的婚禮即將於下月舉行。  "Royal Wedding 2011 is both a primer and akeepsake for iPad users who have a keen interest in the wedding and the Royal Family," said 2 For Life Media Inc President Diane Hall.  「人生伴侶」媒體公司總裁黛安?霍爾說:「對那些對王室婚禮和英國王室非常感興趣的iPad用戶來說,這款應用軟體既是王室婚禮的初級讀本,也是個紀念品。」  Now available on the App Store, it includes a guide to royal etiquette like advice on how to shake the Queen"s hand, tips on how to host atop-notch royal wedding party and details of designers who may have been chosen to design Kate"s dress.  這款軟體目前在蘋果應用商店中有售,其中還包括一份王室禮儀指南,例如如何與女王握手、如何主持高規格的王室婚宴、以及幾位備選婚紗設計師的詳細介紹。  Users can give the future King and Queen of England wedding tips and marriage advice via a guestbook, go on a virtual tour of London sites associated with the royals and find out about the most outrageous and extravagant royal wedding souvenirs.  用戶可以通過留言簿給未來的國王和王后提一些婚禮和婚姻建議,還可以對倫敦王室住址進行一次虛擬旅遊,找出最令人驚訝和最奢侈的婚禮紀念品。  The app also enables iPad users to swot up on the story of William and Kate"s romance from when they first met while studying at St Andrew"s University in Scotland, to Kenya, where they got engaged, and finally to Wales, where the bride and groom-to-be are now based.  該軟體還可以使iPad用戶惡補一下威廉和凱特的羅曼史。兩人在蘇格蘭聖安德魯斯大學讀書期間相識,在肯亞訂婚,並將在目前居住的威爾士喜結連理。    Vocabulary:  polish up: to improve; refine(改進,提高,潤色)  newswall: 新聞牆,也稱為消息牆,一般用來提供簡短的最新資訊。  primer: an elementary book for teaching children to read(初級讀本,啟蒙讀本)  keepsake: anything kept, or given to be kept, as a token of friendship or affection; remembrance(紀念品,贈品)  top-notch: first-rate(最好的,卓越的,第一流的)  swot up: study intensively, as before an exam(刻苦攻讀)


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