
來自:Exopolitics?軍事綁架與外星人接觸條約 -科里·古德簡報2http://exopolitics.org/military-abduction-extraterrestrial-contact-treaty-corey-goode-briefing-pt-2/

圖片為金星上的前哨巨型飛船,根據科里·古德的描述原文節選:The final information Goode shared relates to the Anshar.Hesays that they have requested a change to a treaty between allmajor extraterrestrial groups and Inner Earth Civilizationsconcerning open contact with humanity:Anshar最後與科里分享的信息。他說他們Anshar提出個請求來修改條約(所有的外星種族和地心文明的關於和人類公開接觸)The reason the Anshar requested the meeting to make changes tothe treaty is that they were considering a more active role withthe surface populations.They are keeping an eye on the highlyprogrammed nature of humanity and our response to knowing theAnshar exist.They have been troubled by some of the signs they haveseen and some of their group has raised these concerns in theirrecent council meetings.之所以Anshar提出會議來修改條約的請求是因為他們考慮到地表人更加積極的作用。他們密切關注在人性高度的編程和我們知道Anshar存在之後的反應。他們的一些團隊在他們最近的會議中提出了他們困擾的跡象。In his June 15 briefing to me, Goode explained that thecurrent treaty is referred to as the 「Muhammad Accords」 since itdates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (570-632 AD).FurtherGoode added that prior to the 「Muhammad Accords,」 extraterrestrialsand Inner Earth civilizations openly interacted with surfacehumanity.在科里·古德6月15日的簡報告訴我,科里解釋說目前的條約被稱為「默罕默德協議」(所有在太陽系的外星人不管正面還是負面簽訂的協議),它的歷史可以追溯到默罕默德時代(公元570到632)。另外科里補充說,之前「默罕默德協議「中,外星人和地心人的公開跟地表人的人性相互關聯。It was decided that in order for surface humanity to evolve,open contact would end, and that extraterrestrials and Inner Earthcivilizations would no longer openly intervene in humanaffairs.那個時候的會議決定:為了人類的進化,接觸停止。外星人和地心文明不會公開干涉人類事務。Goode then said that the meeting referred to by Kaaree hadbeen held, and the request for a new treaty had been opposed by theDraconian Federation – the dominant Reptilian extraterrestrialspecies in our galaxy, and other 「Saurian」 or Reptilian groups.According to Goode, both he and Gonzales had in mid-2015 met withthe leader of the Draconian Federation in our sector of the Galaxy,a 14 foot Royal White Draco, as part of ongoing negotiations overfull disclosure.科里表示Kaaree已經說過了會議已經舉行了,新條約的請求遭到了天龍人聯盟的強烈反對,在我們銀河系佔主導地位的爬蟲類種族,包括蜥蜴人和爬蟲人。Due to the need for consensus among all the adherents to theoriginal treaty, there consequently would not be a new treaty atthis point.Kaaree said this was unlikely to be the end of thematter, but more likely the first step in a drawn out negotiationprocess.因為協議需要所有人都達成一致,所以這個點上不會有新條約,Kaaree說,這並不是這件事的結束,看起來更像是持久談判進程的第一步。Goode stated that he last met Raw Teir Eir on June 10, and was toldthat incoming cosmic energies are dramatically ramping up energylevels for the sun, solar system and the entire planet.People andgroups are being easily triggered, which helps explains the eliteexodus to Antarctica described in Part One, and upsurge of violentextremism around the planet.科里說最後一次見到RawTeirEir是6月10日,被告知即將到來的宇宙能量將會大大的提高太陽的能量和我們太陽系和地球。人們很容易被激發,這樣就可以解釋,精英逃亡南極洲和地球上頻發的極端暴力現象。(最近的美國槍擊案)『博主註:在越來越強的宇宙能量衝擊下,這個更快的振動光環通過迫使個人的光環加快提高振動速度,能夠壓倒/衝擊個人的光環的振動速度。個人的光環的加速振動,將會把還不願意麵對的自己的那些部分,帶到表面上來。將會把失衡的一面帶上來。相關閱讀:越追求「事件」的人,表示那個人認為自己無法控制,生活失衡了!http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_d4a0f6240102wcd3.html臣服,其實就是允許(真我)來控制,因為一切都在你的掌握之中,當你認為你必須讓事情發生,強迫事情發生,而不是允許它們自然發生,你其實是認為:「你沒法控制」,「事情不會自動運作」,「生活已經失衡」,而當你臣服了,你是將你交託出去,相信一切都在掌控之中,一切都在完美運作。所以越來越強的宇宙能量把有些」事件「光工的失衡帶到了表面,變得想要去控制其他人的想法,要跟他們一樣,其實原因是他們失衡了他們失去了自己的力量,他們把力量交給了別人交給了」事件「,當他們感到無力,並且努力想去支配別人,就是為了那種有力量的幻覺。所以有些人變得越來越極端,就去攻擊那些不同意見的人。巴夏:如果你試圖去通過操縱控制來強迫別人接受你,你所做的一切,就正在對你自己設限。因為那說明你相信你是無力的,匱乏的,你無法包容接納你自己,因為你自我否定,自我設限,認為你自己不完整不完美。從而你會極力強迫別人來接受你。強迫別相信你的某個觀點,表示你自己並不相信這個觀點有效。』

While some may be greatly concerned over the possibility of asolar kill shot as predicted by remote viewers such as Major EdDames, it』s important to emphasize that this is merely one of manypossible futures.通過比如Major EdDames的遙視者觀察到未來眾多可能之一的太陽超級致命風暴,令人擔憂。Previously Goode has said that according to Raw Teir Eir, thefuture and the kind of disclosure humanity is going to experience,will be determined by the collective consciousness and how well wereact to unfolding events around us.之前科里說過,根據Raw TeirEir說,未來和未來人類經歷什麼樣的揭露取決於我們的集體意識,和我們如何對於發生在我們身邊的事的反應。PS:Bashar對2016年秋天開始的大變化的解讀在這個轉變期將有另一次大規模UFO目擊事件。我就是你們所說外星民族YAHYEL,之前我們向你們展示了我們的飛船,接下來你們將再次大規模的目擊我們的飛船UFO。再次給你們一次機會讓你們決定我們外星人是否真的存在?不論你們是否認可我們,不論你們是否繼續探索,這都將百分之百的發生,你們對目擊事件會有什麼反應,這取決於你們。因為你們還沒有決定,但我們會再給你們一個機會,看看你們對這類事件作何反應,這會讓我們明白你們想做什麼?以及你們想怎麼跟我們接觸,這還會發生一些事情,表示你們改變了。Goode has summarized the optimal response to an uncertainfuture in what describes as 「the Message」:科里總結了對於未知的未來最好的回應方法:Every day focus on becoming more 「Service To Others」 oriented.Focus on being more 「Loving」 and 「Focus on raising your Vibrationaland Consciousness Level」 and to learn to 「Forgive Yourself andOthers」 (thus 「Releasing Karma」). This will change the Vibration ofthe Planet, the 「Shared Consciousness of Humanity」 and 「ChangeHumanity One Person at a time」 (even if that 「One Person」 isyourself.). 每天關注在變得更加服務於別人,關注在變得更加的有愛心,關注在提升你的振動頻率和意識水平,學會寬恕自己和別人(終結業力),這將改變星球的振動頻率,人類的集體意識形態,每次改變一個人,即使那個人是你自己。At a time of great change where global elites are findingrefugee in remote locations amidst uncertainty over what the futureholds for them, and extraterrestrials debate over whether to openlymake contact, the choice is ours over what the future holds for us.We must remember the power of love and forgiveness in opening uppositive possibilities for us all, including that of a peacefulfull disclosure of the SSPs and extraterrestrial alliances that cangreatly expand and enrich human destiny.在偉大的轉變中,精英在尋找一個藏身處,對於他們來說是一個不確定的未來。與外星人是否接觸、什麼時候接觸選擇權在我們手裡,未來也是在我們的手裡。我們必須記住愛的力量和寬恕將會為我們創造一個積極的未來,包括和平的全面揭露,ssp和外星人,可以擴展和富足人類的命運。


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