閱兵八大看點不容錯過( 8 facts about the V-day Parade)
1. It is the first parade not held on China"s National Day這是首次非國慶日閱兵
China has held 14 military parades since the establishment of the People"s Republic of China. In 1999 and 2009, grand military parades were held to celebrate the country"s 50th and 60th founding anniversary.
It is an international convention to hold a parade to mark the victory day. France, Russia, and the United States are good examples of countries that do so.閱兵是紀念二戰勝利日的國際慣例。法國、俄羅斯與美國都曾舉行過類似的活動。
France invited top leaders of the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States and others to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Normandy Landing, a watershed battle in WWII.法國曾邀請英國、俄羅斯、美國等國的領導人參加諾曼底登陸70周年紀念活動。那次戰役扭轉了二戰的局勢。
Russia also held a parade on May 9 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the World Anti-Fascist War in Moscow"s Red Square.俄羅斯也於今年5月9日在莫斯科紅場舉行閱兵,紀念世界反法西斯戰爭勝利70周年。
2. Kuomintang veterans are invited to participate in the parade國民黨老兵受邀參加閱兵式
The organizer has invited some Kuomintang veterans to participate in this parade. It is worth remembering that the Kuomintang army played an important role in China"s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.閱兵活動組織者向國民黨老兵發出邀請,歡迎他們參加閱兵式。抗日戰爭時期,國民黨軍隊發揮了重要作用,應當為後人銘記。
Since the Kuomintang army contributed to the independence of the Chinese people, their participation in the parade will be of historic significance.國民黨軍隊為中華民族的獨立作出了貢獻,因此,國軍老兵參與閱兵具有重大歷史意義。
3. Senior officers will take part as unit leaders in the parade高級將領領頭方陣
Generals rather than junior officers will lead the unit to present the image of the People"s Liberation Army. In the previous parades, units were usually led by field grade officers.將由將級軍官帶領方陣受閱,展現人民解放軍的風采。而在此前的閱兵儀式中,領隊的往往是軍中校官。
In Moscow"s Red Square parade this year, the military force leaders, usually generals, led the Russian formation according to their tradition.在今年莫斯科紅場閱兵式上,按照俄羅斯傳統,帶領俄軍方陣的是將級軍官。
4. Participation of foreign military teams外國軍隊參與閱兵
Foreign military representatives from Russia, Mongolia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and other countries will take part in the parade. This is the first time foreign military teams join in a Chinese military parade.俄羅斯、蒙古、白俄羅斯、哈薩克、吉爾吉斯斯坦等國的軍隊代表將參加此次閱兵。這也是中國閱兵史上首次出現外國軍隊。
The victory of the World Anti-Fascist War is a celebration which China wants to share and commemorate the anniversary with other countries for their involvement for a peaceful and better future.世界反法西斯戰爭取得勝利,中國願與各國共享紀念盛事。世界的和平與繁榮,離不開各方努力。
5. New military hardware will be displayed in the parade新式武器亮相
It is an international convention to display new types of military hardware in a parade. Most equipment displayed in the parade are new types of homemade military hardware on active duty, which belong to the PLA Ground Force, PLA Navy Force, PLA Air Force and PLA Second Artillery Corps.
Military planes Bomber-6K, Carrier-20, and new ballistic missiles DF-16, DF-21D are expected to appear in this parade.軍用飛機轟6-K、運-20,以及新式彈道導彈東風-16與東風-20有望亮相本次閱兵式。
6. The veterans who survived in the war of Resistance against Japanese Aggression have reached the average age of 90抗日戰爭倖存老兵平均年齡達90歲
More than 300 veterans have been invited to the parade to mark the appreciation of the country for their contribution to the war effort. The descendants of other veterans who have died will represent them.300餘位抗戰老兵受邀參與閱兵,以此表達祖國對他們為抗戰作出的貢獻的感謝之情。而逝世老兵將由子女代表他們出席活動。
The veterans who survived have an average age of 90 and even the children of the soldiers who have died have an average age of 78.倖存老兵的平均年齡達到90歲。那些逝世老兵的子女也平均有78歲高齡。
7. 51 female guards of honor have average height of 1.78 meters51名儀仗隊女兵平均身高1米78
It is the first time female guards of honor will join a parade. The total number of 51 female guards of honor have an average height of 1.78 meters and age of 20.88% of participants hold a bachelor degree or higher.本次閱兵,儀仗隊中將首次出現女性面孔。51名儀仗女兵的平均身高達1米78,平均年齡為20歲。其中,88%的士兵擁有本科及以上學歷。
They ask for extra training hours to practice since it"s very difficult to keep the exact same movement and pace with male members in a unit due to females" smaller body size.女兵們身體瘦小,一開始無法跟上男隊員的步伐節奏,因此她們要求接受額外訓練。
8. Over 2,400 people join in the chorus軍隊合唱團超過2400人
More than 2,400 soldiers from the troop will join in the martial music chorus for the parade. They will sing about thirty classic songs that tell about stories during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. All the chorus members are participating in the parade for the first time.2400多名軍隊官兵將在閱兵式上齊唱軍歌。他們準備了30首抗日經典歌曲。所有合唱團成員也都是首次參加閱兵。
點擊閱讀原文看英文圖文直播:LIVE: Military parade set to roll out in Beijing
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