Love Like Morning Sun So often, when I"m alone with my thoughts,I feel your presence enter melike the morning sun"s early light,filling my memories and dreams of uswith a warm and clear radiance. You have become my love, my life,and together we have shaped our worlduntil it seems now as natural as breathing. But I remember when it wasn"t always so -times when peace and happiness seemed morelike intruders in my life thanthe familiar companions they are today;times when we struggled to know each other,but always smoothing out those rough spotsuntil we came to share ourselves completely. We can never rid our lives entirelyof sadness and difficult timesbut wecan understand them together, and growstronger as individuals and as a loving couple. If I don"t tell you as often as I"d like,it"s because I could never tell you enough -that I"m grateful for yousharing your life with mine,and that my love for you will live forever.
愛如初陽 久久,當我獨處,思索飛揚。彼之浮影蹁躚,入我心腸。譬如初陽,瑞彩千行。若水清澈,暖我心房。往昔追思,舊夢浮塵,洋溢滿腔。執手吾愛,漫漫人生路,與君話短長。與君共書丹青,上下飛舞忙。珠聯璧合,相得益彰。 可曾憶否,昔日之殤。突如其來,從天而降。追逐快樂,樂得安詳。莫問路之遠長,近君前來,與君分享。可愛舊日情愫,哪堪心印相忘。回首過往,幾度風雨,不復紛攘。似從前上小樓,入卿懷,話離別,共賞斜陽。 怎奈悲閔哀痛,世事滄桑。若何離去,烏有未嘗。知否?否泰輪迴,禍福伏藏。風雨同舟,相知守望。 無言與君對,不似舊時樣。滔滔東流水,怎及吾愛之浩蕩。誠此為幸,莫若君旁。與卿攜手,遊戲人間,細品芬芳。無盡愛戀,哪怕地老天荒。 |
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