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一) 概述


二) 技術性能



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三) 設計特點

95步槍是一款全新的設計。與以往的中國步槍設計相比可謂脫胎換骨。得益於低後坐力的小口徑彈藥以及該槍的完善降後坐系統,該槍據稱是一款更便於操作的自動武器。該槍的設計目標是一種發揮5.8X42毫米彈藥優勢的更精準及可靠的武器。大量測試結果數據表明,該槍的射擊精確度和美製M-16A3及俄制AK-74相同。實彈射擊效果表明,該槍在400至500米距離比5.45x39及 5.56x45彈藥保持更直的彈道。

四) 操作

該槍彈夾與槍身後部(扳擊後面)的彈夾倉結合緊密。上彈夾時先將彈夾前部插入彈夾倉,彈夾前部的卡扣卡入彈倉凹槽,然後以卡扣為軸把彈夾後部按進彈夾倉(這和AK-47的上彈夾方式類似),彈夾後部的彈夾釋放裝置和彈夾倉後部咬合,彈夾就緊密地嵌入彈夾倉了。卸下彈夾的方式是向後扳彈夾,彈夾前部就會從凹槽中被釋放出來。槍栓位於槍上部一體提手的下方。 向後拉動槍栓上膛待擊。

五) 設計缺陷


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據報道PLA對95步槍進行了升級改進。負責這個項目的是目前已退休的設計師朵英賢。他的學生們繼續了他的項目。主要是三個方面的改進: 一是改進槍的整體人機工效;二是開發新的有效射程增加一倍的彈藥;三是為95加裝了榴彈發射器。

2) 95B騎步槍型(輕型)

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3)95LSW (輕型支援武器)




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5) 97A出口型




7)97LSW (輕型支援武器)

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六) 關於97民版


七) 中國以外裝備了95/97槍族的國家

柬卜寨 - 特種部隊


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圖二: 07年3月24日,美國海軍陸戰隊參聯會主席彼德.佩斯(Peter Pace)將軍在中國瀋陽與解放軍坦克兵戰士握手。坦克兵戰士肩挎95。

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3)大衛。福帝爾2002年9月作《中國新型5。8X42毫米武器系統披露》-輕武器評鑒(美國權威輕武器雜誌) (英文)


5)95步槍 - 中國新聞(英文)

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6)95步槍測試 - 中國中央電視台2009年9月28日

7)95式武器 - 敵人的武器(英文)


9)帝莫尼。嚴2006年6月作《中國5。8毫米輕武器彈藥》- 輕武器評鑒(美國權威輕武器雜誌) (英文)



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12)〈QBZ97半自動步槍抵達加拿大》- 武器論壇2008年8月17日(英文)

13)〈北方公司97式5。56毫米步槍〉 - 加拿大彈藥網站(英文)

14)〈中國出口其新型突擊步槍〉- 戰略之頁網站2010年3月11日文章(英文)



還有說為什麼美軍不裝備95,你這問題也太幼稚了吧。還有說為什麼95在國際上裝備的國家不多,同樣幼稚。第二個問題的答案:1)95是97年才露面的新槍,在不到10年時間已經有三個中國以外的國家裝備了,夠不錯了。8,9年的時間能和存在了大半個世紀的AK及存在了N多年的美式M16比銷售業績嗎? 2)武器市場是政治不是賣白菜,誰的質優價廉買誰的。舉個簡單的例子, 美軍士兵對M9手槍不太滿意要換,那得看政客和軍火商願意不願意。

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The QBZ-95 (Chinese: 輕武器,步槍,自動(簡稱95式), 1995; pinyin: Qīngwuqi Bùqiāng--Zìdòng, 1995; literally "Light weapon, Rifle, Automatic, 1995") is an assault rifle manufactured by Arsenal 266, part of Norinco and Arsenal 296, under Jianshe Corp, China South for the People"s Liberation Army, the armed forces of the People"s Republic of China, Chinese People"s Armed Police (para-military police), and Chinese law enforcement. This weapon uses a newly-developed ammunition type of Chinese origin, the 5.8x42mm DBP87. The QBZ-95 consists of a system of firearms using a common design. This family includes a carbine variant, a standard rifle, and a light support weapon.[3]


The QBZ-95 was first observed outside China in 1997, when the United Kingdom transferred the sovereignty of Hong Kong to the People"s Republic of China. It is a modern weapon system in a bullpup configuration, where the weapon"s action and magazine are located behind the grip and trigger assembly. The weapon was designed to replace the standard-issue Type 81 rifle.[1]

The rifle uses modern synthetic materials in its construction, fires a 5.8x42mm small-caliber high-velocity bullet (in a class with the NATO standard 5.56x45mm SS109 and the Russian 5.45x39mm), and employs a bullpup configuration like the British SA80, French FAMAS, Austrian Steyr AUG.

Technical aspects

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U.S. and PLA (N) Marines of the 1st Marine Brigade fire the QBZ-95 Assault Rifle during an exchange exercise.Though there have been hints of the 97 variants being involved in some foreign conflicts,[4] little has been reported about its overall combat effectiveness. It has been at least shown in televised tests, however, that the weapon can continue to function after being immersed in water,[5] as well as other harsh environmental conditions.[6] What is also known is that the weapon operates using a short-stroke gas operated rotating-bolt system, similar to most modern military rifles.

The selector switch on the rifle has four settings. The selector settings are as follows: "0" for safe, "1" for "semi-automatic", "2" for fully automatic, and "3" for three round burst setting.[7]

The Chinese have tested their new cartridge extensively against both the 5.56x45mm SS109 and the Russian 5.45x39mm 5N7. They claim their 5.8x42mm outperforms both cartridges with penetration superior to the SS109, a flatter trajectory, and a higher retained velocity and energy downrange.[3][8][9]

Design features

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace USMC shakes hands with Chinese tanker soldiers with a QBZ-95The design of the QBZ-95 is completely new with little resemblance to any of the previous Chinese designs. Thanks to the low recoil impulse of the small caliber ammunition and a very complex recoil buffer system, the rifle is claimed to be more controllable in automatic fire[10]. The aim was to develop an assault rifle based around the 5.8x42mm round, with specifications of being accurate and reliable. After extensive trials, data was produced showing that the system produces accuracy comparable to the American M-16A3 with reliability of that to the Russian AK-74. Field trials showed that the system along with the smaller round, retained a flatter trajectory path than both the 5.45x39mm and 5.56x45mm round at distances of 400-500m


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Magazines are inserted into the magazine well, which is located to the rear of the pistol grip. The magazine is inserted front-first into the well so that the notch on the front of the magazine is retained in the well. The magazine is then "rocked" into place by rotating the rear of the magazine upwards into the well (in a manner similar to the AK-47 series) until the magazine release to the rear of the well is engaged. To release the magazine, the magazine release is pressed rearward, and the magazine pivoted forward and disengaged from the front recess.

The charging handle is located under the integral carrying handle. To chamber a round and charge the weapon, this handle is pulled fully to the rear and then released forward to bring a round into the chamber. It is then ready to fire. Reloading the weapon after emptying a magazine requires this procedure to be repeated, as there is no bolt hold open feature.

Design issues

Some experts are concerned over the awkward position of the safety lever near the end of the rifle away from the shooter"s hand.[7] This position makes it difficult to quickly select "fire" when it is in "safe" mode.


There are seven specialised variants of the QBZ-95.

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QBZ-95 (Rifle)

This is the standard version of the rifle used domestically, chambered for the 5.8x42mm DBP87 round.

The PLA has reportedly undertaken a program to improve the Type 95. The lead designer of the Type 95 program Duo Yingxian(朵英賢), who"s now retired, has stated that the project is being worked on by some of his students. Known goals for the program are to:

1. Improve the rifle"s ergonomics/controls.

2. Chamber it for new ammunition with double the effective range.

3. Add a quick-firing grenade launcher. [11]

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QBZ-95B Carbine[edit] QBZ-95B (Carbine)

This is a shorter and lighter version of the standard rifle. From pictures seen the QBZ-95B is seen issued only to Naval Officers, possibly due to the limited room in Naval vessels that would prohibit the full length rifle being used in close quarters.

QBB-95 LSW[edit] QBB-95 LSW (Light Support Weapon)

This light support weapon fulfills the role as the squad machine gunner. It"s in the same respect as the QBZ-95 Rifle with modified longer and heavier barrel, higher firing rate, heavier cartridge and is equipped with larger 75-round drum magazine.

QBZ-97 (5.56 mm Assault Rifle)

The Chinese have constructed an export version, the QBZ-97, which is similar to the QBZ-95 in all respects except that it is chambered for 5.56 mm NATO instead of the original Chinese 5.8 mm cartridge and has a deep magazine well designed to accept STANAG magazines.

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QBZ-97A (5.56 mm Assault Rifle)

This variant is a QBZ-97 with the addition of a 3-round burst mode and a bolt hold-open device; it also differs from the QBZ-95 and the QBZ-97 for the shape of its grip, now missing the "front grip" part in front of the trigger guard. This weapon is the only QBZ-95 variant to have seen commercial success and military use outside of China; QBZ-97A rifles are in use by 911 Special Forces of Cambodia Special Operations personnel.[2][12].

QBZ-97B (5.56 mm Carbine)

This is the carbine version of the QBZ-97. The official distributor of the QBZ-97B assault carbine on the international market, Jianshe Industries (Group) Corporation, advertises and sells it under the denomination "5.56mm Short Automatic Rifle Type NQZ03B (97)".[13]

QBB-97 LSW (5.56 mm Light Support Weapon)

The light support weapon model of the QBZ-97.

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Civilian Variants

Two sporterized, semi-automatic only rifles based upon the QBZ-97A assault rifle and the QBZ-97B assault carbine have been developed for the civilian market, the Type 97 rifle and the Type 97A carbine. They are chamber the .223 Remington cartridge and are fed by STANAG magazines.[14][15]

Type 97A carbines became available in Canada in 2008, were classified as Restricted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and sold to general public. In January 2009, a shipment of Type 97 firearms was approved by the RCMP for retail sale, but later confiscated and seized by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officers.[16]. Around the same time a second shipment of Type 97A restricted firearms was also stopped by CBSA. On March 22, 2010 about 35 civilian owners of the Type 97A carbine originally imported by Lever Arms of BC (The only version ever available for sale) were sent notice by the RCMP indicating that status of their firearm have been changed to 12.2 prohibited (Fully automatic), and owners without such a firearm license have 30 days to turn in their Type 97A firearm to either individual or business that has such a license, or to police for destruction[17]. Law suit requesting reference hearing, challenging this change in classification have been initiated by some owners.


China: People"s Liberation Army.

Cambodia: 911 Para-Commando Special Forces and Bodyguard Unit (the QBZ-97, QBZ-97A, QBZ-97B, and QBB-97 LSW).[12]

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Myanmar: The QBZ-97 is in service with the Myanmar military.[18]

Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Air Force, Special Task Force.


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