


1. 緩中趨穩、穩中向好

現在中國經濟的走勢是緩中趨穩、穩中向好,但穩中有難,總體是機遇大於挑戰。Despite some moderation in speed performance of the Chinese economy, it is stable and moving in the positive direction. Having said that we also face some difficulties, but on the whole, we have more opportunities than challenges.

2. 半壁江山

服務業已佔GDP的「半壁江山」,消費對經濟增長的貢獻率達到了60%。Service sector already accounts for half of China"s GDP and consumption contributes to 60% of growth.

3. 優進優出

中國將在「優進優出」中實施更加積極的進口政策,今後進口商品的數量還會更多。China will continue to implement a more pro-active import policy and put emphasis on the quality of foreign trade. So we will only buy more from the world in the future.

4. 硬著陸

中國經濟不會出現「硬著陸」。Chinese economy will not head for a hard landing.

5. 東方不亮西方亮、這業不興那業興

中國地域幅員遼闊且產業類型多樣,東方不亮西方亮、這業不興那業興。China is a vast country and diversity industries. So the Chinese economy is not supported by just one single factor or one industry. It"s supported by multiple factors and abroad industrial base.

7. 一帶一路

我們提出建設「一帶一路」,開展國際產能合作。China"s come up with building the "One Belt and One Road" and expanding international cooperation in production capacity.



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