美國副總統拜登對中國現狀的評價 _用戶路遠

美國副總統拜登對中國現狀的評價轉載:人們首先應該擺平心理。美國前總統里根在1987年的《國情咨文》中,引用老子「治大國若烹小鮮」,來闡述他的治國理念。今天,現任美國副總統拜登對中國的現狀進行了評價,如果中國政府和人民能夠認真思考一下他的意見,不要立馬抗議反駁,不僅有利於我們的未來發展,還展現了一個偉大民族應有的胸襟和自信。我在美國讀書工作近十年,也深深地愛著自己的祖國。為了中國的真正富強,為了提高民族的創造力,我就東西方教育、思維和科學創新方面已經寫成了5本書,其中3本已經或即將在科學出版社、商務印書館、北京大學出版社出版。我認為,拜登的話對實現「中國夢」至關重要。先看一下拜登在5月13日的賓夕法尼亞大學畢業典禮上的有關中國的評價:原文I love to hear people tell me how to use the vernacular "China isgoing to eat our lunch."China is a great nation, and we should hopefor the continued expansion. But ladies andgentlemen, theirproblems are immense, and they lack much of what we have. We havethe best universities in the world. We have a legal system that isopen and fair. We have the most agile venture capital system in theworld. We lead the world in innovation and technology, all for asimple basic reason. Steve Jobs, speaking at Stanford, was asked bya young man "how can I be more like you, how can I become likeyou?" And Job famously answered:think different.You CANNOT thinkdiffer


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