
如果每個人看起來都一樣呢?What If Everyone Looks the Same?Today, people pay special attention to their outlooks, we must admit that outlook is important, so people choose to do the plastic surgery, making themselves perfect outside. As more and more people affected by the same standard of beautiful outlook, so people who do the plastic surgery almost look the same. If everyone looks the same, will it be good?今天,人們格外關注他們的外貌,我們必須承認,外貌很重要,因此人們選擇整容手術,讓自己外表看起來很完美。隨著越來越多的人受到美麗外表的相同標準的影響,做整形手術的人看起來幾乎一個樣。如果每個人看起來都一樣,是好事嗎?

A gradate girl made a small film about people』s opinion about outlook. In the film, a girl named Lucy, falls in love with a handsome boy, but her appearance is not so lovely, she has small eyes and a flat nose. She tries hard to court him, but he rejects her. One day, while walking on the street, she is sucked into a machine. After some processing, Lucy comes out as a beauty. Now will she win the heart of her beloved? The film doesn』t out the answer.一個畢業的女孩製作了一部關於人們對外貌看法的微電影。在電影里,一個叫露西的女孩,愛上了一個帥氣的男孩子,但是她長得不好看,小小的眼睛,扁平的鼻子。她努力向他示愛,但是他拒絕她。一天,當走在街上的時候,她被吸進了一台機器里。經過了一些程序以後,露西出來的時候已經是個美女了。現在的她能贏得心愛的人的心嗎?電影沒有給出答案。

What is the standard makes Lucy think what should a beauty look like? There is no doubt that she is affected by the audience』s ideas. When we watch TV, we may find the beautiful heroins almost look like all the same, they share the same features. So the girls imitate them, making themselves look like them. I think the feature people own makes them look special, if they change their faces, looking like other beauties, they lose their features, what a pity.是什麼樣的標準讓露西覺得看起來像一個美女?毫無疑問,她受到了大眾看法的影響。的那個我們看電視的時候,可以發現美麗的女主角長得差不多,她們有很多相同的特徵。因此女孩們模仿她們,讓自己看起來像她們。我覺得人們的特徵讓他們突出,如果他們改變了自己的容顏,看起來像其他的美女,就失去了特色,多麼可惜啊。People should be proud of who they are, accepting their original faces, the different features make them special.人們應該為自己感到驕傲,接受自己天然的樣子,正是這些不同的特徵讓他們變得特別。來源:英語作文網


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