
每日一曲:Youre beautiful 美麗的你

You"re beautiful 美麗的你My life is brilliant.我的生活精彩燦爛My life is brilliant.我的生活精彩燦爛My love is pure.我的愛純真簡單I saw an angel.我看見過一個天使Of that I"m sure.對此,我深信不疑She smiled at me on the subway.在地鐵里她對著我微笑She was with another man.她已有人相伴But I won"t lose no sleep on that.但我可不會為此輾轉難眠Cause I"ve got a plan.因為我已有主見You"re beautiful.你是如此的美麗You"re beautiful.真的很美You"re beautiful, it"s true.如此美麗 ,這是由衷的讚許I saw your face in a crowded place.茫茫人潮中 驚鴻一瞥And I don"t know what to do.這令我不知所措Cause I"ll never be with you.因為我和你無緣相依Yeah, she caught my eye.她佔據了我的視線As we walked on by.在我們擦身而過的瞬間She could see from my face that I was她一定從我臉上瞧見Flying high我魂不守舍的表情And I don"t think that I"ll see her again.驚鴻一瞥,又從此兩兩相忘But we shared a moment that will last till the end.但眼神交互的那一刻,互放永恆光芒You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful.你是如此的美麗 讓人心儀You"re beautiful, it"s true.你如此美麗 ,這是由衷的讚許I saw your face in a crowded place.茫茫人潮中 驚鴻一瞥And I don"t know what to do.這令我不知所措Cause I"ll never be with you.因為我和你無緣相依You"re beautiful.你是如此美麗You"re beautiful.你是如此美麗 讓人心儀You"re beautiful, it"s true.你如此美麗 ,這是由衷的讚許There must be an angel with a smile on her face.她的微笑像天使When she thought up that I should be with you.或許天使也希望我和你在一起But it"s time to face the truth.但是時候面對現實了I will never be with you.我將永遠無緣與你相伴



TAG:美麗 | beautiful |