如何評價Google新CEO Sundar Pichai?

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搬運翻譯自Quora: What did Sundar Pichai do to get promoted up to the highest ranks at Google

先說現Alphabet CEO Larry Page的結論:Sundar Pichai擁有預測未來趨勢的極強能力,在谷歌公司的最重要的事務上也擁有推動協調各個團隊的能力

首先從Sundar Pichai負責的產品技術層面來說,他曾經領導了Toolbar工具欄和Chrome瀏覽器的項目,而兩者都為谷歌帶來了長遠而豐厚的回報。Toolbar在當時的角度看並不是一個吸引眼球的產品,但卻在市場競爭最為激烈的時期保證了谷歌搜索引擎在用戶電腦上的佔有率。

一篇題為The Dawn of the Chrome Age的文章這樣評價了Toolbar

Since 2000, Google had distributed a browser toolbar that made its search engine the default on IE and Firefox. (The toolbar also allowed Google to track users』 surfing habits.)

The toolbar — as geeky and benign as it sounds — was a key locus of Google』s combat with Microsoft. Pichai was the group』s leader, and by the mid-aughts he worried that Microsoft would modify IE to make it more difficult, or even impossible, for users to install the toolbar. In a series of sometimes tense conversations with top brass around the time of a major update to IE in October 2006, Pichai argued that Microsoft could threaten a sizable chunk of Google』s business, according to two executives who were there. 「It was a doomsday-like scenario,」 one of the executives says. Shortly after, Google execs gave Chrome the green light.

從2000年開始(Sundar Pichai本人於2004年加入谷歌),谷歌開始推廣一種瀏覽器工具欄,其作用在於將谷歌設置為IE和Firefox瀏覽器的默認搜索引擎,也使谷歌能夠追蹤用戶的瀏覽習慣。Pichai作為該項目的負責人曾擔心微軟會通過修改IE瀏覽器使得Toolbar工具欄無法被裝載。在2006年IE主要更新前一系列和谷歌高層的「時而氣氛緊張」的對話中,Pichai曾稱微軟有能力威脅到谷歌的相當大的一部分業務,而一位執行官級別人士事後將其稱為「谷歌末日般的景象」。不久谷歌高層便給Chrome項目開了綠燈

Chrome had another, less public mission: to defend the search engine that accounts for most of Google』s $59.8 billion in 2013 revenues and $12.9 billion in profits.

Chrome瀏覽器在保證谷歌搜索引擎業務方面也有顯著的戰略意義,而後者在2013年為谷歌帶來了598億美元的收入和129億美元的利潤。Chris Beckmann,前任谷歌產品經理,在Quora上更將Chrome的地位評價為「Keep users on the web and youll keep them searching on google」

這兩個關鍵的產品,以及其負責的Chrome OS、Google雲端硬碟、Android業務和監督的Gmail和Google地圖可以說從技術層面奠定了他在谷歌的地位

在公司管理角度上,Quora上不論是谷歌的前產品經理、Chromebook的開發者或是其他谷歌內部人士,對於Sundar Pichai的管理能力和人際關係上都有較高評價

前文中提及的答主Chris Beckmann這樣評價Sundar Pichai

He recruited, mentored, and retained a great team. Sundars team of product managers had a reputation as being among the best of the best, similar to the reputation of the software engineers within Search Quality.

而Business Insider網站的文章 Heres What Our Google Sources Are Saying About Sundar Pichais Sudden Rise中則提到

Everyone whom Business Insider talked to about Pichai emphasized that the exec was very empathetic; he actually cares about people. One former employee even said that Sundar was "without a doubt, one of the best people Ive worked with," adding that when he decided to leave Google for a startup, Pichai was incredibly supportive and offered to help in any way he could.

Sundar Pichai的產品團隊在谷歌公司內擁有極高的聲譽,被認為是公司中的佼佼者。而在另一個答案中也提到他唯才是舉,而非任用一批精通公司政治者和機會主義者。他在谷歌公司內也被認為是一位關心他人的人,一位近人情的管理者。一位谷歌僱員在準備離開谷歌創業時,Pichai非常支持他的決定並為他提供了力所能及的幫助。


He avoided making enemies. Google has politics like any other large company, and Sundar navigated those politics to make his team successful while inflicting the least possible damage on any other team.

That "substance over overt style," attitude ultimately sums up Pichais focus on quality work, focus, and results instead of standing out, were told.


然而Pichai的快速晉陞也引起了谷歌內部高管層的褒貶不一,在前文提及的Business Insider文章中也提到

Another former Googler who started one year before Pichai (who joined the company in 2004) says that even though Pichai was smart and capable from the get-go, "NO ONE" would have guessed he would end up as the companys second-in-command. He "did not have an obvious flair or overwhelming charm," our source says.

Not that everyone will necessarily be thrilled to have Pichai in charge. Sundar rose very fast within Google, and the egos of several members of Googles SVP team who have been around a long time are bruised. "Most of Google remembers him in a much more junior role," one source says. "For some of the old-timers, reporting to the guy that used to be four levels below you is a challenging thing."


值得一提的是Pichai和前谷歌CEO現Alphabet CEO Larry Page的關係

Another former Googler agrees that "managing Larry," is one of Pichais major skills. One of the main differences between the two, though, is that Pages tendency is to say "no" to everything while Pichais tendency is to say "yes" to everything.

另一位前谷歌僱員也同意「Managing Larry」是Pichai的主要技能之一,而兩人的主要區別在於Page傾向說不而Pichai傾向於說是——Pichai總是能找到讓團隊妥協來獲得更大利益的辦法

It was a planning meeting with a bunch of VPs and directors from across products to discuss several secret projects, and they were all squabbling. Then, Page walked in. He started talking about abstract concepts and big ideas unrelated to the established engineering roadmap and introducing aspects the teams hadnt expected. Everyone was shocked into silence, and Page walked out without getting a single question. A minute later, Pichai walked in and broke everything down: "I talked to Larry, and I think what he means is this ..." After that meeting concluded, Pichai hopped between the different teams and helped them figure out how they would move forward on the projects together.

在一次高層的秘密項目會zheng議chao中,Larry Page走入了會場然後開始滔滔不絕地講起了一些抽象的概念和重大的想法,而這些與現有項目路線毫無關係的想法讓高層團隊始料不及。所有人都被驚呆了,直至Larry Page離開都沒有人問任何問題。一分鐘後,Pichai走了進來「我和Larry聊過了,我認為他想讓我們做的是這些」。在這次會議總結之後,Pichai周旋於各個團隊之間並幫助他們共同推動項目發展。

An interesting comparison we heard for Pichais new role: Hes going to be like a new Eric Schmidt, but working below Page instead of above him. Page liked having Schmidt to handle the things about running the company that he hated, like deciding how to allocate head counts for different teams or dealing with talent. Page will be able to once again focus on things he really cares about.

有人將Pichai比作了下一個Eric Schmidt,一個在Larry Page手下工作的Eric Schmidt。Larry Page想讓Pichai像Schimidt一樣來掌控谷歌的各項事務,包括項目資源分配和人才的管理。而Larry Page則能再次專註於他真正關注的事務。

最後也用Larry Page對Pichai的評價總結這個答案

Sundar has a tremendous ability to see what』s ahead and mobilize teams around the super important stuff.

Sundar Pichai擁有預測未來趨勢的極強能力,也能在谷歌公司的最重要的事務上推動協調各個團隊




google x 和那些新項目才是以後的重頭戲嘛

我自己意淫胡說八道 勿噴≧?≦


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