
 1. The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help somebody else get it first. 1. 獲得個人成功的方法是願意幫助他人先成功。  2. When you gossip, you hex yourself.Because I guarantee you if you do it,it』s coming back on you. 2. 當你八卦時,把自己也卷了進去。因為我保證如果你嚼別人舌根,謠言終會轉到自己身上。  3. Comparison is an act of violence against the self. 3. 攀比是對自己的暴力。  4. The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. 4. 生命中最重要的事是活出自己。  5. People come into our life for a reason,a season or a lifetime. 5. 人們可能為了某個原因走進你生命,陪著你走過一季,或走完一生。  6. Trust yourself enough to know who you can trust. 6. 當判斷誰可以信任時,相信自己的眼光。  7. Men think in headlines;women think in fine print.  7. 男人思考時注重整體,而女人注重細節。  8. If it』s not your story to tell,you don』t tell it.  8. 如果這不是你該講的事,那就別說。  9. Gossip is when you have a malice of intent or mindless,third-party conversation to someone about someone,something you haven』t said to that someone.  9. 流言蜚語是你惡意或無意地向第三方談論某人、某事,卻沒對事件本人說。


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