

E—C translation of foreign branch names from the PerspectiVe of

SkoposTheory—— on goods of UnileVer





Withthe acceleration of economic globalization, the competition among companieswhich is the competition among brands currently,isbecoming more and more fierce. A good brand enables to make the new productseasily accepted by customers, and thus leads into considerable sales forcompanies. Meanwhile, the brand name play a crucial role, which is theexclusive commercial symbol. As the appearance of the product image, the brandname reflects brand culture and values of the corporations. For a great deal ofinternational brands having entered the Chinese market, their products』 nametranslation will be challenges, if they want to make profits in the Chinesemarket. However, the brand name translation is a kind of translation with thecharacteristics of advertisement with the purpose of promoting products andimproving sales. This paper attempts to expore the translation strategies ofEnglish brand name translation combining goods of Unilever from the perspectiveof Skopos Theory, in order to stimulate consumer purchasing behavior and bringhuge economic benefits to corporations.

KeyWords:Skopos Theory;foreignbranch names;E—C translation;UnileVer


Chapter One: Introduction.......................................................................................... 1

1.1The Background of the Research....................................................................... 1

1.2 The Significance of the Research...................................................................... 1

1.3 The Objection of the Research.......................................................................... 1

1.4 The Structure of the Thesis............................................................................... 1

Chapter Two: Literature Review................................................................................ 2

2.1 Overview of the Brand Name........................................................................... 2

2.1.1 The Definition of the Brand Name......................................................... 3

2.1.2 The Functions of brand name.................................................................. 3 Function............................................................................ 3 Advertising Function............................................................................ 4 Aesthetic function................................................................................ 4

2.2 Overview of Research on Brand Names Translation........................................ 5

Chapter Three: Theoretical Foundation.................................................................... 6

3.1 An Introduction to Skopostheorie..................................................................... 6

3.2 Principles of skopos theory............................................................................... 6

Chapter four: Analysis ofE—C translation of foreign branch names from the Perspective of SkoposTheory—— on goods of UnileVer.............................................................................. 7

4.1 The influencing factors of the translation of Uniliverbrand name from the PerspectiVe of Skopos Theory 7

4.1.1 Advertising and Brand Promotion.......................................................... 7

4.1.2category and characteristic of product..................................................... 7

4.1.3characteristics of consumers or users........................................................ 8

4.1.4 Trademark Law....................................................................................... 8

4.2 Translation of Foreign Branch Names from thePerspective of Skopos Theory—— on Goods of Unilever 9

4.2.1 Metaphrase.............................................................................................. 9

4.2.2 Transliteration.......................................................................................... 9

4.2.3 Transliteration&meaning implication..................................................... 10

4.2.4 Liberal Translation................................................................................. 10

4.2.5 Creation Translation............................................................................... 11

4.3 Summary......................................................................................................... 12

Chapter five: Conclusions......................................................................................... 13

5.1 Creative Points................................................................................................ 13

5.2 Limitations...................................................................................................... 14

Bibliography............................................................................................................... 15

Acknowledgements..................................................................................................... 16

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1The Background of theResearch

Withthe rapid process of economic globalization, the competition among companies isincreasingly fierce. Apparently, China』s comprehensive national power has beenbecoming stronger, especially the economic strength. Even more remarkably,China has become the world』s second largest economic superstar. It deserveswhole world attentions and is a hot commercial market for foreign corporationto get a share of profits.

1.2 The Significance of theResearch

Agood brand name enables to make the new products easily accepted by customers,and thus leads into considerable sales for companies. The brand name is theexclusive commercial symbol. Because of the significance of the brand name, howto translate it appropriately is a pressing task for companies working out. Andthis article will provide some theories.

1.3 The Objection of theResearch

Withthe purpose of making companies realize the importance of the brand name, thearticle presents some practical theoretical basis, through which brandcompetitive strength will be promoted largely. Thus it is not a tough missionfor marketing department to promote products and improve sales in exoticmarket.

1.4 The Structure of the Thesis

This thesisconsists of six chapters as follows:

In Chapter One, the general progress ofthis thesis will be provided, which is just the present introduction. Itincludes the research background, research objective, research significance andthesis Structure.

In Chapter Two, literature review is tobe presented. A brief introduction of

trademark willfirst be offered with some key conception defined and used in this

thesis to avoidambiguity. Then, studies on trademark translation both at home and

abroad will bereviewed, which provide the research direction for this thesis.

In Chapter Three, the theoreticalfoundation of this thesis ——the theory of Skopos Theory——will be generallyintroduced. In the first part of this chapter, basic connotation of SkoposTheory will be given at the fore, followed by the the principle of SkoposTheory.

Chapter Four will focus on analyzing theexertion of English brand name translation strategy on goods of Unilever fromthe perspective of Skopos Theory. Firstly this paper makes an analysis of thefactors that affect the translation of Unilever brand name translation from theperspective of Skopos Theory. Then clarifies the English brand name translationstrategy that used in goods of Unilever from the perspective of Skopos Theory.Finally, the author of this paper ends with a summary of these researches.

Chapter Five is the conclusion of thisstudy, major findings will be summarized first. Considering the limitations ofthis study, some directions for follow-up research will be proposed in the end.

Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Overview of the Brand Name

Animpressive brand can transit a raft of values and characteristics of productsfrom abstraction to concretization, so as to arouse the consumers』 desire forconsumption. Brand or brand name plays a very significant role in shaping theimage of a company. A successful brand name can bring huge success and generousreturn. On the contrary, it has become a barrier to the sales of goods. In the component part of the brandname, the words are the core of the identity and individuality of a product (Jun Wu, 2009: 238). When you hear the brand name, theproduct image represented by it will soon emerge in your brain. Therefore, thechoice of brand name is very important. In fact, the more intense thecompetition in the product, the higher the requirement to the name of the brandis. A good brand name should beas far as possible out of the ordinary, easy to remember, catchy, the originalindependent, and can reflect the characteristics of the product itself (Chuangjin Li, 2009: 126). Most importantly, the brandname should conform to the audience"s cultural habits, should not causecultural conflicts.

2.1.1 The Definition of theBrand Name

Brandis a name, term, sign, symbol, design or some combination used to identify theproducers of one firm and to differentiate them from competitive offerings (AGlossary of Marketing Terms: Marketing Definition). Another definition comesfrom Richard Koch (1984) in his book The FinancialTimes Guide to Management and Finance. Koch defines brand as:「Avisual design and/or name that is given to a product or service by anorganization in order to differentiate it from competing products and whichassures consumers that the product will be of high and consistent quality (Koch, 1984: 187).」 From these two definitions we cansee brand identifies makers or seller.

TheBrand name is 「a name given by a producer to a particular product, by which itmay be recognized from among products made by other producers (LongmanContemporary English-Chinese Dictionary English, 1988: 73).」

2.1.2 The Functions of brandname

Sincebrand name is so important, its functions are as follows: Function

1)Product attributes andfeatures 

Whenthe product attribute information is conveyed correctly and meaningfully sothat consumers arouse association of ideas, product attributes and featureswill be directly translated into consumers』 purchasing reasons. In thetranslated brand name orientation, brand holders will select an important product attributeprobably not owned by competitors(known as a selling point in marketing), asthe purpose of translation.

2)Consumers benefit

Inthe brand name translation, conveying the information that the product isbeneficial to consumers is quite an effective marketing strategy and brandpositioning strategy.

3)Purpose and usage 

Thename of the Chinese translation can convey the purpose and usage of products,which can directly tell the consumer about product information. For example,"汰漬"(Tide) can be used to remove stains and eliminate the washing powder. Advertising Function

Brand name, as asymbol, reflects the quality and reputation of commodity, and naturally becomea much effective mean of advertising. Modern commercial promotion often centerson brand name, and use brand name to releases commodity information andintroduce products. Brand name that is eye-catching, concise and easy toremember can be a specific marker to attract consumers』 attention, and deepentheir impression of the product. Commodities attract consumers, consumers usebrand name to select commodities, the power of brand name is apparent. In reality, brand name has become asilent advertisement, further highlighting the advantage of trademark (Qi Peng, Jian Pan, Liuxuan Hu, 2012: 27). Aesthetic function

Theaesthetic function refers to a trademark must be brought to the consumers ofbeauty. A good brand not only to tell consumers what product is, what are thecharacteristics to attract the attention of consumers, win the favor, to buythe product. To achieve this goal, the brand name must be beautiful, let aperson feel good and gifted with an extraordinary retentive memory. Has the aesthetic value of a trademarkshall, which refers to a trademark can produce a sense of both form andcontent. Including the graphic beauty, sound beauty, meaning beauty, imagebeauty (Yan Dong, 2009: 67). Theaesthetic value is very important to the brand name. In order to create thebeauty of rhyme, brand name again at the beginning of the design uses a lot ofrhetoric, such as alliteration, assonance, assonance, consonance, repetitionand so on.

2.2 Overview of Research onBrand Names Translation

Resent years, research findings on thetranslation principle of trademark are quite remarkable, researchers illustratethe problems that should be noted and the principles to be followed in brandname translation from different angles and different aspects, which are quitefruitful. Principles can be summarized in the following two aspects: firstly,it』s necessary to understand the national culture of the target language andknowing their people』s aesthetic psychology. Only on the assumption thattranslator understand the background of alien culture in depth, can they findthe proper target language to reappear and pass the information of the originalbrand name. Secondly, to send the idea of the brand name to foreign consumersand give them a better understanding of the content of brand name, sometimesbrand name translation can consider doing proper cultural transformation (Ting Zhou &Li Zhou,2007: 12).Besides, brand name translation should follow certain methods. During thetranslation of brand name, it』s rather necessary to make suitable selectionfrom traliteration, free translation and traliteration method combined withfree translation method, according to the features of brand name language andthe characteristics of English and Chinese, thus accurately translate into thebrand name that perfectly fits the target consumer, so as to achieve theeffectiveness of the promotional products (Ling Li,2007: 7).

Chapter Three: TheoreticalFoundation

3.1 An Introduction toSkopostheorie

The purpose theory is proposed by J.VermeerH. The core principle of the theory is "the purpose criterion":"any translation action is determined by the purpose of translation (Vermeer, 1996 :93)". Therefore, the choice oftranslation strategy must depend on the purpose of translation. The purpose oftrademark translation is to realize the conversion between the source languageand the target language, and the choice of translation strategy must obey andserve the purpose.

3.2 Principles of skopos theory

The principles of skopos theory can besummarized to three aspects:

skopos rule,coherence rule and fidelity rule. Amongthem, skopos rule refers to the idea that skopos determines the wholetranslation procedure, which is also called 「the end justifies the means」, andthe strategy of translation must be determined according to translation purpose(Haiyan Zheng, Lichao Zhang, 2010: 23).Coherence rule means that translation must be up to the standard of intratextualcoherence, which meansthat translation must be readable and acceptable, so that the recipient canunderstand, and provide practical value in target language culture and itscommunicative context. Fidelity rule means that original text and translation shouldbe coherent with each other, which in other translation theory refers to「faithful to the original (YiweiWang, 2007: 18)」. But, thedegree and type of the consistency in original text depends on the purpose oftranslation and translator』s understanding of original text. Among these threeprinciples, fidelity rule submits to coherence rule, and both of them aresubject to skopos rule. In other words, for skopos rule, 「fidelity」 is nolonger the primary standard of translation, but regards the purpose oftranslation as the primary prerequisite. In skopos theory, suitability isplaced upon equivalence, and has broken free of equivalent translation, whichcould be regarded as a dynamic translation concept (Canhui Kang, 2007: 94).

Chapter four: Analysis of E—C translation of foreign branch names fromthe Perspective of Skopos Theory—— on goods of UnileVer

4.1 The influencing factors ofthe translation of Uniliver brand name from the PerspectiVe of Skopos Theory

4.1.1 Advertising andBrand Promotion

A successful brand name translation is thebasis of the operation of enterprise brand, which directly relates to productadvertising and branding. The translation strategy of skopos theory adopted byUnilever had this factor well. In the terms of advertisement and branding,brand translation of Unilever product firstly must be easy to remember, only bydoing so can it produce good communication effect. Secondly, it must be convertible,which means that after the domain transition and cultural change, the nametranslated from original language should be acceptable to customer in Chinesemarket. Then, it must be inheritable. The translated name should reflect thefeatures and figure of the existing brand, and provide custom in Chinese marketwith original feeling of the existing brand, which is also the basis of theconnotation of Unilever brand and the continuation of its brand culture. Atlast, it must be defendable. Which means the translated name could be protectedfrom appropriation and imitation. It』s also a big contributing factor forUnilever』s success in Chinese market.

4.1.2category and characteristicof product

Differentcommodities provide different anticipation image for consumers, so category andcharacteristic of product should be paid particular attention to. Unilever ownsa variety of product categories, therefore, the translation of brand name mustconsider different categories and characteristics when entering the chinamarket. For example, the translated name of maquillage』s brand name should givepeople a sense that is aesthetic, so as to exemplify their characteristics.LUX, which belongs to Unilever, its original idea is 「盧森堡」, but in Chinesemarket, it has been translated into 「力士」.During its translation, considering the possibility that the literaltranslation 「Luxembourg」 might lost the characteristic of the product,especially that the category of LUX product mainly focuses on personal careproducts, the translator had adopted the strategy of skopos theory. Thetranslation 「力士」can overcome the above weakness, also it can give customers in Chinese marketwith enjoyment, and catch the needs of customers.

4.1.3characteristics ofconsumers or users

Brand name is an important promotion andinstrument in marketing, and has played a vital role in achieving businessgoals. From the aspect of market purchase, buyer could be individual consumer,but it could also be organization department like enterprises or units. As isoften the case, consumers tend to be more sensitive on brand or brand name whenconsuming, and due to the fact that most of these consumers are unprofessionalpurchase, enterprise』s propaganda of product has a great impact on consumingbehavior of such consumer. Unilever places a high value on brand nametranslation for products that consumers often buy directly. Under the influenceof skopo theory translation strategy, Unilever esteems the need andcharacteristic of consumers highly.

4.1.4 Trademark Law

Translatorsmust consider the rule of Chinese trademark law when multinational enterprisesentering Chinese market. French Yves Saint Laurent perfume company onceregistered mark for its perfume 「Opium」 (translated as 「鴉片」) in the third categorycosmetics and perfume product via Chinese trademark agency. But, 「Opium」 meansthebaica, which is regarded as the root of evil that had led modern China intowane, is the byword of evil among Chinese. Besides, this brand name isundoubtedly discriminatory, so finally this brand name registration wascancelled. Based on former experiences, Unilever has taken full account ofChinese trademark law before its entering into Chinese market for all itsproducts, and makes sure that its Chinese translated brand name does notviolate the law of China, and thereby could be protected by Chinese trademarklaws.

4.2 Translation of ForeignBranch Names from the Perspective of Skopos Theory—— on Goods of Unilever

4.2.1 Metaphrase

Metaphrase refers to literal translation,trademark words are translated word by word and line by line, into equivalentwords which are totally same with the literal meaning of the original trademarkwords. In 1859, Robert chesebrough found mineral jelly, and registeredtrademark 「vaseline」. In 1987, caseline officially became the sub-brand ofUnilever. In 2015, new Vaseline listed on Chinese market. During the enteringof vaseline into Chinese market, the translator had abandoned other translationstrategies but adopted metaphrese. Considering a variety of factors of theproduct』s characteristics, vaseline was translated directly into 「凡士林」. It』s a franktranslation which directly shows the product』s effect like moisturizing andskin regeneration straightly through its function as chemical.

4.2.2 Transliteration

Whenthe equivalent Chinese word of English brand name is absent, we can use Chineseword which read fluently or some related Chinese character for substitution.This translation method is called transliteration. Transliteration can makeconsumers directly feel exotic emotional appeal. The translation usingtransliteration must be brief and easy to remember, the Chinese characterchosen should reflect the features of product, and give due care to thefeatures of ordinary product and receive psychology of Chinese consumers. It』ssurely the best if it can provide people with happy associations. The sub-brandof Unilever 「Dove」 which is a skincare brand and read like 「多芬」, has done well bothin sound and implication with concise meaning. It』s pronunciation signifieshope, happy, peace and all the positive things.

4.2.3 Transliteration&meaningimplication

Transliteration&meaningimplication means that translator selects words with auspicious meaning amongthesaurus and near-synonym, so as to adapt to Chinese consumer』s psychology topray for happiness, peace and comfort. When adoptingtransliteration&meaning implication, it』s necessary to consider thedifference between implications both in Chinese and English, and the differencein eastern and western cultures, national psychology, consumer psychology, andcustoms, otherwise it might cause offence for target language consumers andmakes them stay away, let alone to play its role to the product in propaganda.Transliteration&meaning implication clearly lays out the combination of「wording translation」 and 「cultural translation」. It can reflect product』spronunciation, and express product』s idea and soul. It can take advantage ofeach language and express the brand』s character. Every translated word that isaccepted by the customer must be wonderful and superior, contains the profoundskill of the translator. Hair lotion brand Sunsilk (which in mainland China istranslated into hazeline) is transliterated to 「夏士蓮」,its pleasant pronunciation makes its brand culture 「healthy hair, durable and tough,naturally nourishing, smooth hair with only one bottle」 flitering into people』s mind.

4.2.4 Liberal Translation

Except for identification function, theprimary function of brand name is association function, which meanstransmitting different aesthetic feeling through proper words, so as to arouseconsumer』s desire of purchasing. Therefore, brand name translation should notbe confined to primitive meaning, the most important is to evoke targetconsumer』s sympathy, and then realize the association function of brand name.Under the guidance of skopos theory the translation of brand name can break thefidelity of original text, and make some shift or even creation in a certainrange, so as to make the translation compatible with the advertisingguidelines, aesthetic taste and value orientation of target language withtarget language and cultural background as reference. It』s because thecommunicative purpose of brand promotion does not request translators stick tothe original text, that the translator could select different translationstrategy according to the market positioning of the product. Often we useliberal translation in this case. Rexona, which is a sub-brand of Unilever, adoptedthis translation strategy and translated it into 「舒耐」. This translationreflects its brand concept of moisturizing all day long and no fear for grease.This brand aims to solve the problem of sticky skin under the arm aftersweating and the sweat taste. Nowadays, Naishu has beaome a lifestyle ofChinese and has gradually become a part of Chinese people』s daily life.

4.2.5 Creation Translation

Inmany cases, the process of translation is a process of creation. Due to thedifference of language culture, two kinds of languages might have pretty muchdifferent concepts. The various characteristics of the original brand name, hadbeen accepted in the original market. But it』s a different business about howto keep the original effect and make it acceptable to target customer whilekeeping the original features of the old brand name. If transliteration,liberal translation or the combination of transliteration and liberaltranslation could not do the trick, you could probably abandon thepronunciation and meaning of the original brand name, and create a newtranslated name on the basis of the original brand name proceeding from thecharacteristics and effects of the brand name. Brand name translation is oftenthe re-writing of the interpretation, which is different from the role culturaltranslation plays that transfers means and spirits, it usually makes somedeletions or addition on the basis of the original brand name according toactual needs. Clear is a sub-brand of Unilever, which is a famous shampoo brand.Clear is the essence of the study in the research center of French Clear. Thebreak of product』s added value lies in adopting 「vita mineral group」 to removedandruff, and owing the global IHPE and clinical testing, also has registeredthe property right for 「vita mineral group」. During entering into Chinesemarket, Clear was translated into 「清揚」,which could interpreted as unassailable and no need for hide. The originalmeaning of Clear is 「乾淨」,but the translation 「清揚」is both simple and clear, and effective in expressing the efficacy of theproduct. So it』s also a grand brand name translation strategy for Unilever』ssuccessful entry into Chinese market.

4.3 Summary

Generally speaking, brand name is meaningfulin the original language, so it』s hard to express all the meaning in theoriginal language when translating brand name, and it has its roots in thedifference in eastern and western culture and historical backgrounds. Thegenrefeatures of brand name have determined that the translation of brand namemust have three functions: distinctive function, association function andmemory function. Distinctive function can often be achieved by choosingdifferent words, but, for association function, it』s necessary to make full useof the advantages of target language, so as to provide consumers in targetmarket with the anticipated aesthetic experience, and attach importance to theword effect of target language. Based on the objective of skopos theory,translation should be able to pass information of the original brand nameeffectively, also should conform to the aesthetic association of the targetlanguage. This require that the brand name translation should not be treated ascommon text conversion, but should regard the selection of the brand nametranslation as an inseparable part of entrepreneurial marketing strategy, andsynthetically consider various factor like product features, marketpositioning, target consumer group and the target market culturalcharacteristic. A successful bradn name translation should establish richcultural connotation and good promotive effects in target language market. Toaccomplish the purpose of international marketing, it』s necessary to makecomprehensive usage of different translation strategies with different marketscombined, so as to find the real ideal brand name of the product and thusachieve the purpose of exploring international market. Psychologies of Chineselike blessing, praying for peace and meliorism, require brand name translationable to express fine meanings, and provoke the sense of beauty on people』smind. In this case, the brand name translation of Unilever is a successfulexample for us. Unilever makes rational use of translation strategy of skopos theory. Its brand name translation is easy toremember and suitable for propagation. The translation itself could be awonderful advertisement phrase with good publicizing, and helpful to fosterimage that 「Unilever, high-quality goods」. It has important value for othermultinational corporation brand entering Chinese market and adopting effectivebrand strategy.

Chapter five: Conclusions

5.1 Creative Points


5.2 Limitations

Giventhelimitedspaceavailable,therearestillalotofdeficiencies:a.Thecollectionofdataisdifficulttobecomprehensiveorone-sided.Thecoverageisnotwideenough,andtheremaybeaconsiderableerror.b.Theperspectiveofanalysismaynotbebroadenough.Taketranscriptionforexample,thehomophonictransliterationorChinesealphabettranscriptionhasnotbeenabletomakeasubtledistinctionandanalysis. c.Inaddition,sometranslationstrategiesdeserveafurtherresearch.Forexample,inadditiontochoosegoodmeaningwords,thechoiceofwordsinthetranscriptionshouldalsoconsiderthephonologicalbeautyofpronunciation.Thesehaveyettobein-depthanalysisandresearch.Undertheperspectiveofskopostheory,thetranslatorisjustliketheporters,whocarrythetrademarknamefromalanguagetoanotherlanguageenviroment.Inthecourseofhandling,thetranslatormustpayattentiontokeepingthegoodsintegritybrandnameoffeaturesandfunctions.Atthesametime,thetranslatorshouldtrytoeliminateallsortsofobstacles(Thetranslationoftrademarkisinfluencedbyvariousfactors.).Inordertoreachtheultimategoal,thetranslatorshouldfullyconsidervariousfactors,activelychoosethebesttranslationstrategyinsteadofinitialstageofsimpletransliterationorfreetranslation.


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I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me duringthe writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor,XXX , who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In thepreparation of the thesis, she has spent much time readingthrough each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patientinstruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of thisthesis would not have been possible.

  I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all theprofessors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching andenlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for thethesis.

  I should finally like to express my gratitude tomy beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties andsupporting without a word of complaint.


第二節 二十八宿名稱、分野與職能範圍
中國歷代八字命理名人及命理著作名稱一覽表 四

TAG:產品 | 商標 | 策略 | 聯合利華 | 目的 | 名稱 | 英文 |