








Bruce Lipton博士發現了頭腦和身體的交流,以及在這個過程中細胞是如何接收信息的。他的著作《信仰生物學》,揭示了基因和DNA並不會控制我們的生物體,相反,DNA是被來自細胞外的信號所控制,包括在思考中釋放出的能量。





我們通過情緒來體驗研究人員Cleve Backster過去36年里持續研究了植物、動物以及人體細胞間的生物交流。前CIA的ster,在該項研究突破性的顯示出我們內在思維多麼強大這一迷人訊息時,記錄下了關鍵的一刻。這一刻發生在1966年2月的早上,當他正準備使用測謊儀觀察香龍血樹時。他將電極連上一枚葉片,考慮應當如何引發這株植物內的電流反應。突然,一個燒掉這枚葉片的想法閃過他的腦海。同時,測謊儀的指針彈向了儀錶的最高值,植物有了驚人的反應。


想像就是顯現如若我們允許我們的意識在θ腦波中展開想像力,那麼一種強勁的能量就會在身體里出現。Cleve Backster指出這一科學現象正契合了東方人的合一觀念。古文化通常認為我們存在於一個有生命力的宇宙源頭能量中,這個源頭智慧維持著我們的生命也指導著全宇宙的意識進化。來自這個源頭的能量可以被集中來進行物理療愈,一種透過清晰的指令,自發的情感和對頭腦意識的物理反應進行的療愈過程。在這個有生命力的宇宙能量場中,頭腦和身體的聯合可以幫助一個人去體驗最原始的療愈能力。


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覺醒字幕組 翻譯:小陽

Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Can Help You Heal

「Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.」

The healing capacity of the human body

Can our body hear us? Can we talk to it to gain its cooperation in healing any condition?

Of course! We are one complete system and capable of connecting to the deepest regions in our experience.

Dr. Bruce Liptondiscovered the interaction between mind and body and the processes by which our cells receive information.

His book, Biology of Belief, shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energeticemanating from our thoughts.

Unleashing the power of consciousness

During your evening meditation, and having reached a deep calm,… inwardly engage your body in a heartfelt conversation, with hope, … but having no idea what to expect.

After about one hour of this focused communication, you can expect something amazing to happen.

You should begin to feel your tissues respond, pull and stretch… responding to your intentions. You may even feel electric like jolts through your body as your cells, nerves, muscles, and systems respond to your conscious interaction.

Regular meditation practice is necessary to train the brain to enter alpha and theta brain wave states.

While in these states, communication between the conscious mind and the physical body is dramatically enhanced.

There are three key steps to gaining the cooperation of the body:

  • Approach your body with genuine compassion, understanding that it is made up of conscious cells who experience emotions.

  • Build trust by engaging your body in positive mental conversations about your desire for the two of you to cooperate and overcome the ailment.

  • Allow changes in the conversation by using different thoughts and words that elicit spontaneously elevated emotions.

  • The above guidelines are necessary to achieve dynamic healing responses in the body.

    We experience through emotion

    Researcher, Cleve Backster, spent 36 years studying biocommunication in plant, animal and human cells.

    Backster, formerly an interrogation specialist for the CIA, wrote about the defining moment when his research unfolded a wildly intriguing and new idea about how powerful our inner thoughts can be!

    This moment occurred one February morning in 1966 when he decided to monitor theDracaena Fragransplant in his lab utilizing polygraph equipment. He attached the electrodes to a leaf and began to think about ways that he might induce a surge in electrical activity in the plant.

    He suddenly imagined burning the electroded leaf. The same instant this idea entered his mind, the polygraph pen shot to the top of the chart showing an extreme reaction on the part of the plant.

    Emotions are the result of our imagination… and run fast as thoughts along our endocrine system… which is full of hormones produced in our brains as a result.

    It is this hormone rich world of our endocrine system that activates during meditative theta wave consciousness.

    Imagination is manifestation

    If we allow our consciousness to imagine from within this meditative theta state … a powerful surge of energy willmanifest from our body.

    This scientific phenomenon and the research of Cleve Backster point to the Eastern concept of oneness.

    Ancient cultures understoodwe exist in aliving universal energy field that sustains life while guiding the evolution of consciousness throughout the universe.

    Energy from this field can be focused into a physical healing event through clear intention, spontaneous emotions and physical response to the conscious mind.

    This enables one to experience the raw creative healing ability generated by an alliance of the mind and body with this living universal energy field.

    Sanskrit meditation coloring pages

    If you are looking for a relaxing meditation to start you on your path to healing and deep conscious meditation,download Sanskrit Meditation Coloring Pages for free.

    Within the book, you will find ancient Sanskrit words, meditations, and art exploring the history and healing power of the mind-body connection.

    Sanskrit Meditation Coloring Pages – Click to download

    Best of Living Healthy!






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