

patriot (earth)I agree and say it does not suit our country too where at least 1 lakhs of ministers ,Parliament members, MlAs and their relatives have looted our country to tune of 5 trillions dollars since independence and made 50% of our population in poverty and 25% homeless. We do not need democracy but Hitler type man who can put to sleep many in gas chambers ,This phony democracy has ruined our country where people votes on caste basis ,language basis and PM shut his eyes while corruptions and scams were going on under his nose. We have many criminals like Lulu Parsad ,Kalmandi ,Raja ,Kani Mozhi and her father ,Jag Mohan reddy,Chauvan and other thugs because of democracy. Stop this "Natak" of democracy.我表示贊成,要說的是皿煮也不適合我們國家。自從印度獨立以來,至少有人數達10萬之眾的部長、議員等政客以及他們的親戚掠奪國家共計5萬億美元。他們讓50%的人口生活在貧困線以下,25%的人無家可歸。我們不需要皿煮,而是需要希特勒式的人物。虛偽的皿煮毀了我們國家,人們根據種姓、語言等來投票。腐敗和醜聞就在眼鼻底下發生,總理卻閉眼不看。皿煮催生了許多諸如拉魯、卡爾曼迪、拉賈之類的罪犯。

kaul fainox (Unknown)Kent Brockman: I"ve said it before, and I"ll say it again: democracy simply doesn"t work我以前就說過,這裡再說一遍:皿煮根本不起作用

emanuelsamuel ()And as I have written before: Communism and Socialism were direct results of the response of the people to exploitation by the upper classes, the alleged free enterprise, and colonialists who raped the natural resources of the country for their own benefit and returned nothing to the country or its people. Indian socialism and nationalization proved the success of such policies. God bless.正如我以前所說的:共產主義和社會主義是人們對上層階級剝削所做出反應的直接結果。所謂的自由企業和殖皿煮義者大肆掠奪國家資源,卻不懂得回報國人。印度社會主義和國有化證明了此類政策的成功。

emanuelsamuel ()A brave and fortright statement from China which fully supports two things. 1. Mahatma Gandhi"s statement that " Democracy cannot be introduced from outside; it must come from within the people. 2. A direct recognition of the American political philosophy that every country must be democratic and according to which it terrorizes people with sanctions; isolations; and by sponsoring rebels like in Ukraine and especially Syria. Evidence of American terrorism was with the invasion of Iraq and the assassinations of Saddam Hussein and Moamar Gaddafi. Now, they are trying that with Ukraine and NATO, THEIR PET DOG.這是來自中國的一個勇敢和直率的聲明,充分支持了以下兩點:1、聖雄甘地的聲明,即「皿煮不能從外國引進,必須來自人民內部」;2、對美國政治哲學的直觀認識,美國的政治哲學是:每個國家必須是皿煮的,否則就用制裁、孤立以及支持反對派來加以恐嚇。美國國家恐怖主義的證據是入侵伊拉克,刺殺薩達姆和卡扎菲。如今,他們把這一套搬到烏克蘭。

BC (Alappuzha)Hope China will learn history of USSR and won"t repeat mistakes.希望中國從前蘇聯的歷史中吸取教訓,別重蹈覆轍。

ccookiemonster1 ()India has democracy, China doesn"t. China is doing much better than India. Democracy in the US is failing right now as we speak. Congress only has 10% approval. Democracy only works in small, ethnically homogeneous countries where everyone are basically in agreement. Democracy can never work in big, diverse countries.Agree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)印度是皿煮國家,中國不是,但中國表現得比印度好多了。言談之中,美國皿煮正在衰退。只有在單一民族的小國家裡,皿煮才會起作用。在多樣化的大國,皿煮永遠起不了作用。

Garuda Kangarid (Indraprastha)Chinese have always enjoyed central control中國人一直喜歡中央控制。govindon (uk) replies to Garuda KangaridBadly run (indian) democracy is slave to the political masters,管理不善的印度皿煮使得印度人被政治主子所奴役。

Abhijit Nath (dd)India is an example of democracy. In Asia, all developed countries or areas got developed without democracy, such as Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. For those who have so-called democracy such as India and Philippines are dirty poor.Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)印度是皿煮的一個例子。在亞洲,所有發達國家或地區都是在不受皿煮束縛的情況下變發達的,比如日本、台灣、香港和新加坡。印度和菲律賓等所謂的皿煮國家都窮得掉渣。

Khagaraj Sommu (USA)With the latest U.S supreme court decision on campaign contributions, they are discussing if democracy is suitable for America too.Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)隨著美國最高法院取消競選人接受個人捐款上限,美國人也在討論皿煮是否適合美國。

bculas (Tiruchendur India)It is hard to disagree. What suits the goose may not suit the gander. Fact is that from a poor economy in the 70"s China is now the second largest economy and its scientific and other achievements are hard to fault.Agree (4)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)很難不同意。適合別人的不一定適合自己。事實是,中國從1970年代的窮國崛起為今天的第二大經濟體,她的科技以及其他成就是難以挑剔的。govindon (uk) replies to bculasAre they Happy in life他們過得幸福嗎

NewsTrack (Odisha)Xi must have made right observation of Indian democracy and is afraid if China adopts democracy then China might become multi party looting country and become a failed state like India in a very shortest span of time.Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)習肯定對印度皿煮做了犀利觀察,擔心要是接受皿煮,多個政黨就會輪番掠奪國家,中國就會在非常短的時間裡淪為印度那樣的失敗國家。


? 夫妻船上遇難,丈夫不顧妻子獨自逃生。最後妻子向丈夫喊了一句話,讓所有的人都驚呆了

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