

本帖最後由 tianjin 於 2013-10-26 10:50 編輯 Marula oil漆樹果油 Marula oil is one of the most exotic and emollient oils storming on the skin and hair care scene today. Derived from the kernels of the Marula Tree in Africa, it is referred to as the 「Miracle oil.」 Marula oil is chock full of antioxidants and rife with vitamin E and C, making it exceptionally resistant to oxidation. Marula oil is particularly effective at preventing wrinkles and providing maximum skin nourishment by penetrating deeply into the epidermis and delivering nutrients and hydration.漆樹果油是一種最具有異國情調的潤膚油,對皮膚和頭髮的護理效果非同一般。漆樹果油來自非洲的漆樹果實的內核,它被稱為「奇蹟油」。漆樹果仁油含有豐富的抗氧化劑維生素E和C ,使得其堅果油馬魯拉油具有不尋常耐氧化作用。漆樹果仁油是一款具有特別對皮膚有效的防止皺紋、提供最大的滋養的護膚品,其養分可以深入到表皮提供營養和水化。

Skin aging is the result of dehydration and free radical damage. Marula oil addresses both these issues. By acting as a humectant, Marula oil helps to retain moisture in the skin, thus delaying the aging process.With more antioxidants than Argan oil, Marula oil infuses a myriad of nutrients in the skin and hair, subduing the deleterious effects of free radicals.皮膚的老化過程,是表皮脫水和光自由基損害的結果。漆樹果仁油用於護膚可以解決這兩個問題。漆樹果仁油作為保濕劑,有助於保持皮膚中的水分,從而延緩衰老機制的發生。與阿甘油相比較,漆樹果油富含更多的抗氧化劑,這些營養素在皮膚和頭髮基質上,可以對抗自由基的有害作用。The special qualities of Marula oil include its capacity to rapidly absorb in the skin without leaving a greasy residue and the abundance of phytonutrients including : tocopherols, sterols, flavonoids(procyanidin, gallotannin, and catechins) which contribute to its unique.漆樹果仁油的特質成分組成,包括維生素E,甾醇,黃酮類化合物(花青素,單寧酸和兒茶素),這些類別的植物物質天然化合物,是皮膚基質的營養素,能夠促進皮膚迅速吸收,對皮膚無油膩的殘留物。Tocopherols – Vitamin E works as a family of related compounds. Tocopherols are a class of chemical compounds which exhibit significant Vitamin E activity. These include alpha, beta, gamma, and delta forms of Vitamin E. Tocopherols neutralize free radical damage, provide luster to the skin and hair, and prevent premature aging. 天然生育酚——維生素E是一類組成相近的化合物族系。天然生育酚是一類化學物質,表現出顯著的維生素E樣的活性。這些包括α、β、γ、δ形式的維生素E。漆樹果油中的天然維生素E可以中和自由基損害,滋潤皮膚和頭髮而顯現光澤,防止過早老化。Sterols – Plant sterols are natural compounds found in Marula oil and are essentially vegetable fats that enhance the human immune system. Sterols help boost epidermal moisture retention internally and strengthen the protective skin barrier with external stimulation.植物固醇——是發現於漆樹果油中的天然化合物,這些植物油成分本質上能夠增強人體的免疫機能。固醇類具有促進表皮水分保留在皮膚內部的作用,強化皮膚屏障的保護作用,以及抵抗外部刺激的作用。Flavonoids - Procyanidin, Gallotannin, and Catechins are all flavonoids that demonstrate considerable antioxidant activity. These antioxidants working in conjunction with one another provide Marula oil with powerful healing properties. Procyanidins are tannins with the same healing properties that are found in apples and red wine.They have shown to have anti-inflammatory traits as well as assist depression.{1}Gallotannin is another potent tannin with antioxidant activity. Catechins are a type of natural phenol and antioxidant part of the flavonoid family. It has similar antioxidant effects as green tea.類黃酮物質——漆樹果油中的原花青素、五倍子鞣酸、兒茶素都是表現出相當的抗氧化活性的類黃酮化合物。 這些抗氧化劑協同發揮作用,使漆樹果仁油提供了強大的積極作用。原花青素屬於鞣質類(丹寧酸),最早在蘋果和紅葡萄酒中發現的不同的單寧,具有相同的癒合傷口的特性。研究已經證實他們有抗炎特質,以及協助抑鬱症的緩解。五倍子鞣酸是另一個強效的單寧,具有抗氧化活性。兒茶素是一類天然酚和抗氧化劑類黃酮族類化合物的片段。它有類似綠茶的抗氧化作用。The botanical name of Marula is Sclerocarya birrea, and is a single-stemmed tree with a wide-spreading, round crown and characteristic grey, mottled bark, peeling in disc-shaped flakes. It is a tall, deciduous tree (15-20m high). The compound leaves are grey-green in color, but turn pale yellow prior to being shed. Denuded of leaves, the top branches appear abnormally thick and erect, like upturned fingers (digitaliform). The tree remains bare for several months of the year.漆樹果的植物名稱是Sclerocarya birrea,漆樹是一個單莖樹、樹頂有很寬的蔓延、圓冠和特點灰色;樹榦有斑駁的樹皮,表面有圓盤形的薄片剝落。漆樹身材高大,落葉喬木(15-20M高)。複葉是灰綠色的顏色,但在飄落前轉為淺黃色;枝條頂端裸露的樹葉會呈現厚實的葉面,葉子直立、像上翹的手指(digitaliform)。漆樹一年中有幾個月是光禿禿無葉。

It is best known for its golf ball-sized fruit, which it bears in profusion during summer. They are round to oval, green when young, and becoming butter-yellow as they ripen. The thick, soft, leathery exocarp encloses a white, slimy fruit pulp and a large, hard, woody stone. The seeds contained therein are white and nut-like.The Marula tree is common in the lower-lying areas of Southern Africa, and is found, in abundance, in Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe.漆樹以其高爾夫球大小的果實最出名,在夏季的漆樹上,漆樹果果實叢生。漆樹果是橢圓形、綠色,初生時候為奶油黃色,隨著漆樹果逐漸成熟,外皮厚實、柔軟,革質外果皮包圍白色、粘稠的果肉,以及一粒大個的堅硬木質石樣果核,其中所含的種子仁是白色堅果。

The fruit is rich in Vitamin C (c. 200mg/g). The fruits, which fall and accumulate beneath the trees in large numbers, can be eaten ripe, but are far more popularly used to brew beer. Its high pectin content, and delicious flavor, makes it ideal for jelly, and it has also been used for sweets, liqueurs, syrup and preserves.漆樹果含有豐富的維生素C(約200毫克/克)。可以吃的水果,屬於積累下的大量樹木,成熟,但更為普遍用於釀造啤酒。其果膠含量高,味道鮮美,使得它非常適合用於果凍,它也被用於糖果,利口酒,糖漿和果醬。The seed kernel, though hard to extract from the seed, is also tasty, and widely eaten. The kernels and the oil are said to be effective meat preservatives, whilst the oil is often used for culinary purposes, as well as being a traditional skin moisturizer.種子內核,是很難從種子中提取的,味美可口,食用廣泛。漆樹果內核和油被認為是有效的肉類防腐劑,而油通常用於烹飪目的,以及作為一個傳統的皮膚保濕。

The oil is predominantly oleic acid, which makes it an excellent component in skin-care formulations, while also containing linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids. It is also tremendously stable, outperforming all known natural liquid oils.該油主要是油酸,同時還含有亞油酸,棕櫚酸和硬脂酸,使得漆樹果油在皮膚護理配方中成為很好的組成部分。漆樹果油組成成分使得此油獲得極大地穩定性,其表現優於所有已知天然液體油。The combination of high nutritional value and excellent stability make it an excellent choice for modern cosmetic formulae. As it is easily absorbed, it can be used as light body oil in aromatherapy, or as the focal point for a range of tropical moisturizing lotions.高營養價值和出色的穩定性組合特徵使得漆樹果油成為現代化妝品中配方的優異選擇。因為漆樹果油容易被人體吸收,可以被用來作為芳香療法中的輕體油,或作為基礎油系列的保濕乳液。 The oil is dry and is easily absorbed by the skin to moisturize it. The oil has anti-aging properties. The oil is very light, non-greasy and odorless and can be used in aromatherapy. It is used to prevent and reduce skin redness. It is beneficial in healing burns and scars. The oil has a high level of oxidants. It is used as massage oil. Marula oil is used in hair care products, for the treatment of dry, rough and fragile hair. The oil is used in cosmetic for eye care and lipsticks. The marula oil reduces the transepidermal water loss. Marula oil with its nutty flavor is a delicious additive to meals. Marula oil is used in the treatment of leather.漆樹果油是乾燥的,很容易被皮膚吸進而滋潤收皮膚。漆樹果油具有抗老化性能。漆樹果油很輕,不油膩,無臭,可用於芳香療法。漆樹果油用來防止和減少皮膚髮紅。漆樹果油有利於在療燒傷和疤痕。漆樹果油含有高水平的氧化劑。漆樹果油用來作為按摩油。漆樹果油用在頭髮護理產品,用於治療乾燥,粗糙和脆弱的頭髮。漆樹果油用於化妝品的眼部、唇膏護理。漆樹果仁油減少經皮水分損失。漆樹果仁油,堅果味是一種美味的餐添加劑。Argan Oil vs. Marula Oil: Which Is Better? 阿甘油與漆樹果油:哪個更好?If you』ve never used either of these oils before, let alone even heard of them, you may have wondered what exactly they』re good for, and how they』re the same or different from each other.如果之前你從來沒有使用阿甘油與漆樹果油,更不用說甚至沒有聽說過他們,你可能想知道,他們究竟好在哪裡,阿甘油與漆樹果油哪個更好是如何彼此相同或不同。Argan Oil comes from a seed inside the fruit of the Argan tree in Morocco. This easily absorbed oil, often referred to as 「liquid gold,」 helps reduce fine facial lines and imperfections, works to restore elasticity and tone, and combats inflammation. Since it』s so lightweight, it』s a good all-around oil for the face, and many regular users also say it helps reduces acne.阿甘油來自摩洛哥堅果樹的果實內的種子。這容易被人體吸收的油,通常被稱為「液體黃金」,有助於減少臉部的細紋和線條不完善,致力於恢復彈性和膚色,對抗炎症。因為它油質輕盈輕巧,它是一個很好的全能油臉,和許多普通用戶也說,它有助於減少痤瘡。Marula Oil comes from South Africa, from the nut of the Marula tree. It』s often referred to as a 「miracle oil,」 because it eases the irritation from dry, chapped skin and helps reduce redness and scars. It also works on stretch marks, dry hair, and cuticles. Because it』s just a little weightier than Argan Oil, it also makes a nice massage oil.漆樹果油來自南非,從漆樹果實的果仁獲得。它經常被稱為「奇蹟油」,因為它可以緩解刺激皮膚乾燥、皸裂,並有助於減少紅腫和傷痕。它也適用於妊娠紋,頭髮乾枯,和角質層護理。因為漆樹果油只稍微比阿甘油重,因此也常常作為很好的按摩油。Reference:http://www.marula.org.za/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marula_oilhttp://www.essentialoils.co.za/marula-oil.htm


阿甘油鏈接:http://www.iherb.com/acure-organ ... es-1-oz-30-ml/36391

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