
克里斯汀芳塔娜,美國知名占星師、健康生活導師,靈魂進化占星方向,師從著名占星師Jeffrey Wolf Green,在美國多種媒體開有專欄。 轉載請註明「星譯社ATS」及譯者,謝謝 ☆☆☆白羊座——譯者: kuko 即使你們感覺到有股強大的力量在拖後腿,現在也沒有遊盪的時間。太陽和金星同時來到了天蠍座,代表你們靈魂的八宮,並且和代表夢想和治癒的天王星形成了完美的角度。 如果你們覺得生活中的某個關係需要藉助星星力量的支持,或者如果你們感覺只有奇蹟才能掀起潮汐的變化,那麼本周就是求助於星象神聖力量的時候。你們目前真的是前所未有的精力充沛,因為白羊主掌火星,它目前正在摩羯座,並與海王星形成優雅的相位,這一切暗示著星星們不僅知道你們的心裡在想什麼,也正如坐針氈地等待著你們的回應。你們需要一點點的誠意和努力,天空就能代你變得更加美好,賜予你們能力,挪開賜予你們身上沉重負擔。職業突破,將以你們從未想到的方式到來。 信任這個屬於天空的時機,你們的本能是離開地球表面 ☆☆☆金牛座——譯者: ☆☆☆雙子座——譯者: Mr.D 可能你的守護星確實已經恢復順行,但它仍然還在離開陰影期的過程之中,這意味著它仍然在為它在逆行期間迷失的程度做出補償,由於水星已經回到天秤宮並且現在正順行及與象徵你命運的北交點形成合相,你將對你與其他人的維繫感覺更加良好,或至少你已經確定你的出發點以及他人的出發點。如果你與工作場合下的某人有著任何推諉反覆的情況,問題將有望在這周被發現、修復及解決。火星這顆慾望之星正位於你的靈魂宮位摩羯宮,並正與主管你理想的海王星在你的事業宮形成一個美麗的拱相。這周你將使你的工作走向更高的層次,晉陞將成為可能,而你也可以提高自己所處的層次。 你並不需要獨自完成這些。你真正需要做的就是提出請求! ☆☆☆巨蟹座——譯者: 幻覺 每個漫長而辛苦的一天過去,回到家是最舒服不過的事情,特別對蟹蟹們尤為如此。你打造了舒適且滋潤的空間,連味道都是最舒服的,不論是松木散發的味道,還是爐子上飄來的味道。現在水星在家庭宮天秤座順行了,並在10月30日與北交點相合,北交點是象徵今生命運的符號。這意味著會有一些東西或某個人,幫你達到更高的和諧與平衡狀態。換句話說,因為你的經驗和經歷所在,你會更願意呆在家裡並保持內心的平和。太陽與金星都在水相星座天蠍座,與海王星形成了吉相,這會幫你提高能量上的共振,並將你的感受發散到外界。但本周最強大的能量來自掌管慾望的火星,火星在你對宮與在你擴張宮的海王星呈吉相,這意味著一段最有意義的關係註定會有其意義上的放大。 去除一切綿延已久的抗拒和阻力,這段關係就會騰飛! ☆☆☆獅子座——譯者: 找到組織了 若你一直體驗著穿越情感迷霧的種種感受,本周,情勢就會逐漸清晰起來,你能穿過謬誤,直達真實。首先,水星恢復順行,並在周四與象徵命運的北交點相合,暗示你可以通過與他人溝通來解決產生混亂的根源。掌管行動與慾望的火星進行摩羯座(掌管辨識力的宮位),並與位於靈魂宮的海王星六合。在這一相位的影響下,投注時間與精力的最佳方式、最有價值的步驟以及何種行動對未來最有利,全都一目了然。某些看上去很美的事最終不過是自我製造的幻象。哪些事不切實際、哪些事能經受時間的考驗,都一清二楚,這也讓你在自我追求的道路上更加篤定而自信。周末,日金呈合相併與冥王星六合,開闢出一條令你極度滿意的道路。 最終,你將重獲那些鮮活的興奮與激動。 ☆☆☆處女座——譯者: 折玉無笙 處處,我越是探查,越能看到東西。當我看到你的時候,我已經寫了5個星座的運勢了,而我所持的天空放大鏡越深邃,越能預言更多的東西。這對你來說也會是事實,不僅僅因為你的主宰水星已經順行了,而且它會在10月30日,周四與北交點——你宿命的象徵相合。火星已經進入了同為土相的摩羯座,讓你有了更為明確的界限感,鼓勵你去把時間都集中在自己最想要的東西上,同時會激發你自信的氣場,這種氣場就是屬於你的,因為你本來就是可以做到的。不要給自己訂立低門檻的目標,處處,因為火星和代表著夢境、理想和無條件的愛的海王星形成了一個天使般的聯接,所以你的目標可以如天空一般高遠。本周,當你調整個人(事物標籤)欄,不管是什麼都先弄在裡頭,然後你會就看到哪些才是最深刻的。本周,太陽和金星相合,並聯合了冥王星的支持,正告訴你——哪些是值得你付出真心的,哪些永遠不值得。提出適當的問題,這樣你就不會再多浪費一分鐘的寶貴時間。 在這種有利的情形下,那你有這個資格取得勝利! ☆☆☆天秤座——譯者: 阿佛洛狄忒 ☆☆☆天蠍座——譯者: 食道是問號嗎川 宇宙的星群將為你打抱不平。他們知道在你生活的每一個轉彎處都有不公正的事情發生,現在幫你撥亂反正,或者至少會及時給予你一些可貴的平靜和權力。太陽和金星進入你的宮位,與在高處的海王星形成角度,你一定會被一種精神上的愛情的痴迷感所充滿。如果它不是你想要的,那麼就要去尋找其他的安全之所了。不管怎樣,解脫感正在駛向你的心靈港灣,火星進入魔羯座(你的交流宮),你會感覺到未來計劃的發展非常實在可靠。10月30日周四,水星與北交相合於天秤座(你的私密宮),當你破解當下不為人知的訊息時,它們的秘密會一直穿梭在你的思想和靈魂之間。不管怎樣,這周你的守護星冥王星讓自己可以更加清醒地在最深刻的最重要的需求方面給你指引。你的宮位中的太陽和金星也助了一把力,你將永不會忘這種指引,當第一縷陽光灑下時就出發吧。 為更深入的前行作準備,搶佔先機。 ☆☆☆射手座——譯者: 幻覺 如果不讓你盯住前言,讓你看向大局計劃,會讓你覺得一切都很煩惱,從情感上和其他方面都失去了明顯的把握,你總是帶著樂觀前行,但因為現在星相中水的能量太多,讓你感覺起來就像一波逆流,在你前進前必須回顧過去,才能理解到你已經經歷的人事物和原因,這可能讓一些射手覺得煩惱,因為你們太喜歡看向地平線處的自由,壓根不喜歡盯在後視鏡上。但不要擔心,對於過去的審視只是暫時的,這可以視為一種轉換,你會轉換到更具智慧的身體里,更有力的前行。明白自己內心中的東西是一碼事,而在每一個人生瞬間去感受它是另外一碼事,本周因為太陽和金星都位於你的自閉宮,還與海王星呈吉相,與你第二宮的冥王星呈吉相,第二宮掌管了你最珍視的一切,你獲取到了去感受內心一切的天賦。10月30日火星也與海王星呈吉相,加強了自信的恢復,你也有能力證明從靈魂層面設計好的命運。 你和你註定要成為的那個你都準備好了。 ☆☆☆摩羯座——譯者: 折玉無笙 生活中,是什麼在驅使你前進呢?你知道答案的對么,小羯子,為之存活的東西?一個夢想?是因為你必須讓靈魂升華這樣你才不虛此生么?火星已經進入你的星座,給予你進取心,讓你成長、收穫、前行。這是隨著你目前的願望而被連帶挖掘出來的,你從不曾意識到自己心底有如此深刻如此不顧一切的慾望。本周,火星在在告訴你,所有你該知道的,因為他和神聖的代表著無縫、無盡、無邊的海王星精確成相。你被慫恿著以一種瘋狂的方式築夢,去夢想著激烈的釋放和明顯的提升。本周末,太陽和金星都在天蠍座並且一同和處於你星座的授權之星冥王星形成六合之相,給予你的靈魂積極的滋養。我可以向你保證,如果你放棄之前刻板的思維模式,我的意思是真的徹底放棄掉,小羯子,這些思想阻止了你去成為最高最好的自己,那麼當一陣無形的風擁來的時候,你就會知道,自己真的自由了。 只要挪開了阻礙,那麼之前的艱苦跋涉就會變成(輕鬆的)滑翔啦! ☆☆☆水瓶座——譯者: 無幻 ☆☆☆雙魚座——譯者: PM 由於海王星是魚兒的守護星,你總被寄予厚望。海王星掌管著奇蹟與魔法,它與上蒼、高層次的生活相關聯,亦是神明的象徵。如是說,許多或大多雙魚兒都會不斷地搜尋對"永恆"的理解、尋求能夠幫助自己更深入地觸摸神秘世界的來源,無論是通過在冥想中以直接接觸的形式,還是藉由你的夢想與想像。本周不乏積極的希望,且最終會帶給你切實的結果。行動與慾望之星-火星駐紮在務實的摩羯座,與你的守護星-海王星呈強勁的支援角度,11月4日精確六合。這種獨特組合的能量會增加你實現夢想的機會,因火海相位旨在克服兩點之間的距離障礙。太陽與金星會合在同為水相的天蠍座,亦與駐守摩羯座的冥王星協作(因冥王是天蠍座的守護星),也會幫助你在重要友誼關係、與團隊好夥伴的相處等等方面促成積極的釋懷性改變。 安心的結局會使你的靈魂輕快蓬勃、漂浮靈動、充滿活力! 原文: ARIES [Mar 21 - Apr 19] Even if you find yourself feeling the deeper pull into yourself, this is no time to cruise. The Sun and Venus are traveling together in Scorpio, in your house of the Soul, and are making an exquisite angle of support to Neptune, the planet of dreams and healing. If there is a relationship in your life that could use a bit of stellar support, if you feel only a miracle could change the tides, this is your week to ask for some heavenly assistance. You truly could not have more energetic backing Aries as your ruler Mars is in Capricorn and forming an angle of grace to Neptune, suggesting the higher ups not only know what is on your heart and mind, they are waiting on pins and needles to answer your call. With a bit of sincerity and effort on your part, the skies could very well open on your behalf and grant you the very thing you need to remove the gravity of what has been weighing so heavily upon you. Career breakthroughs are also within reach, in ways you never thought possible. Trust in this celestial timing. Your instinct is out of this world! TAURUS [Apr 20 - May 21] The path of truth can be the hardest trail to take as it requires much from you. It does not allow you to skate, it requires full presence, an impeccable focus and an ability to look at yourself with utter naked honesty. We don』t always like what we see, so we digress and divert our attention so the glare does not blind our eyes. Your ruler Venus is still joined with the Sun, in your house of relationships and has been forming a harmonizing angle to Neptune, the sign for higher love. This week if you choose to take the high road, even when it hurts, you will experience a landslide of love on the other side. Mars, the planet of action and desire is in your house of truth and is making an angle of sound support to Neptune in your house of breakthroughs, suggesting this opening for you will occur when you can get raw and real with another, when you lead with an honest stride, with all your cards out on the table. The truth may hurt at times, but it helps, and it sure saves one heck of a lot of precious time. Go the distance to get it done and the truth will prove to be worth living! GEMINI [May 22 - Jun 21] Your ruler may be moving direct again, but it is still making its way out of its own shadow, which means it is still making up for the distance it lost when it shifted retro. However, you recovered something key in a meaningful connection with its retrograde pass, as Mercury traveled back in Libra and now that it is moving forward and forming a conjunction to the North node, the symbol for your destiny, you are going to have a much better feeling about your bond with another, or at least a certainty about where you as well as they stand. If you had any riffs with another in your work environment, the problem will be uncovered, fixed and resolved this week with some promising skies in the forecast. Mars, the planet of desire, is in Capricorn in your house of the Soul and is forming a beautifully stabilizing angle to Neptune, the planet governing your ideals, in your house of career. This is a week when you can take your work higher, when promotions are possible, and when you can raise the roof of where you have been. You don』t have to go at this alone. All you really have to do now is ask! CANCER [Jun 22 - Jul 22] After a long hard day in the world, there is absolutely nothing like the feeling of coming home, especially for you Cancer. You create a space that comforts and nourishes, down to smells that surround you, whether they are whispering pines, or sweet scents wafting from the stove. Mercury is now direct in Libra and will be forming a conjunction to the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, Thursday, Oct.30, in your house of home. This suggesting something or someone will be helping you reach a greater state of harmony and balance. In other words, because of your experience, you will be feeling more at home and at peace within yourself. The Sun and Venus in fellow water sign Scorpio have been forming an angle of elevation to Neptune, which has had a way of helping you raise your own vibration and extend your feeling reach in the world. But the strongest energy this week comes from Mars, the planet that rules desire. Mars in your opposite sign is forming an angle of ease to Neptune in your house of expansion, which means a most meaningful connection is destined to magnify in meaning. Remove any lingering resistance and this relationship will soar! LEO [Jul 23 - Aug 22] If you have been experiencing the sensation as if you are moving through a feeling fog, things start to become clear this week as you cut through what is false and get down to what is real. For starters, Mercury is now moving direct and will form a conjunction to the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, in Libra on Thursday, Oct.30, suggesting dialogues with another help you sort out whatever was causing confusion. Mars, the planet of action and desire is now in Capricorn in your house of discernment and forming a most supportive angle to Neptune in your house of the Soul. Things will become crystal clear as to the best way to devote your time and energy, what steps are worth taking, and what actions will contribute most to your future. Something may have looked good at the get go but may have been nothing but a self created illusion. Anything that was not based on reality, something that can stand the test of time, will be revealed to you, giving you a feeling of trust and confidence in your personal pursuits. Your ruler, the Sun, and Venus sync up with Pluto this weekend and carve out a deeply desirable way through. As a result, a living thrill resumes! VIRGO [Aug 23 - Sep 22] The more I look, the more I see this week Virgo. By the time I get to you, I have already written for five other signs and the deeper I hold that celestial magnifying glass, the more is revealed. This will be ever so true for you as well Virgo as not only is your ruler Mercury moving direct, it will form a conjunction to the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, on Thursday, Oct.30. Mars has shifted into fellow earth sign Capricorn and is giving you the clear edge, encouraging you to put in the time to align with what you desire most, at the same time energizing an air of confidence that it can be yours, because it most certainly can. Don』t aim low Virgo, aim as high as the sky as Mars is also forming an angelic link to Neptune, the planet that governs dreams, ideals and unconditional love. This is a week when you must raise your own personal bar, when you throw it all out there to see what sticks. The Sun and Venus also align with powerful support to Pluto this weekend, telling you who is worth your heart and who will never be. Ask the right questions and you won』t have to waste one more valuable minute. As long as it is good for you, you are in position to win! LIBRA [Sep 23 - Oct 23] Not so fast Libra. This may be your initial thought following a certain gut instinct that has you somewhat reeling as you prefer to measure and weigh your options. The problem with this approach is that sometimes choices must be made in the moment, or the opportunity slips through your fingers. You are familiar with all the what if』s. Action Mars is now in Capricorn and he is putting a little timely pressure on you to make a move. You can trust in what appears to feel so right however with Mars being guided by a higher compass, as he forms an angle of clarity to Neptune. Your ruler Venus, is still traveling with the Sun in Scorpio and also forming an enlightening angle to Neptune, but what becomes even more profound, is that this combo will align with Pluto, the planet of the Soul, this weekend in your house of home, thereby anchoring you in a deep feeling of gratitude and meaning. This will grant you all the motivation in the world that you need to take the leap. In some cases where there is a karmic kickback waiting, this leap will lead to material results, allowing you to wildly profit. Unveil the NEW and may courage become you! SCORPIO [Oct 24 - Nov 21] The cosmic skies are going to bat for you. They know of the grave injustices that have been your reality at different turns and they are here to even the score, or at the very least, to grant you some priceless peace and timely empowerment. With the Sun and Venus joined in your sign and forming an angle from 『on high』 to Neptune, you may surely be feeling an infusion of this unconditional love from the spiritual dimension. If that is not your gig, then you may have found refuge in other places. Either way, some relief is reaching your inner shores and with Mars just entering Capricorn, in your house of communication, you will be feeling ever more grounded in the development of your future plans. Information continues to flood your mind and Soul as you work to de-code the hidden messages within what is being presented, as Mercury conjuncts the North Node in Libra in your house of the unseen on Thursday, Oct. 30. This weekend however, Pluto, your ruler, makes himself clearly known and will be available to respond to your deepest and most essential needs. The Sun and Venus in your sign reach out for guidance, and it will be guidance that you will not only never forget, you will respond at the first sign of sunlight! Prepare with anticipation to more deeply proceed! SAGITTARIUS [Nov 22 - Dec 21] When you can shift your focus from the immediate perspective to the bigger picture plan, it can make whatever is ailing you, emotionally or otherwise, lose its apparent hold. You tend to spring forward with a spirit of optimism but with so much water currently in the sky, it can feel more like an undertow. Before you move forward, you must review the past, in order to understand the who』s, the what』s, and the why』s of your already traveled tour. This may take some Sag, as you far prefer to keep your eyes focused on the freedom of the horizon versus fiercely fixed on the rear view mirror. Worry not, your review of the past will be brief, but it will be a loaded metaphor that translates into an acquired body of wisdom leading you powerfully forward. It is one thing to know something in the mind and another to feel it in every morsel of your being. You get this gift this week as the Sun and Venus in Scorpio, in your house of closure, not only trine Neptune, they sync up deeply with Pluto, in your house of those things you value most. Warrior Mars also finds Neptune with ease on Thursday, Oct 30, energizing a recovering confidence in your self and your ability to manifest your Soul』s intended destiny. You are as ready as you will ever be! CAPRICORN [Dec 22 - Jan 19] What is the one thing in your life that keeps you going? You know Cappy, the one thing that you keep living for? Is it a dream to be? A climb you must make for your Soul to know it has earned this trip? Mars just entered your sign and it is giving you the gumption to grow, to gain, and to go. It is unearthing desires within your current desires, desires you did not realize had such a deep and desperate hold on you. Mars is telling you all you need to know this week as he makes a graduating angle to heavenly Neptune, the planet of the seamless, the timeless and the boundless. You are being urged to dream in crazy ways, to dream of a radical release and a visible rising up. The Sun and Venus in Scorpio are also stepping in position to support your Soul this weekend as they together form a sextile to Pluto, the planet of empowerment, in your sign. I can promise you this, if you surrender old paradigms of rigid thinking, I mean truly release them Capricorn, those thoughts that have prevented you from reaching your highest and your best, an invisible wind will blow and you will know you are finally free. Remove the block and the arduous trek becomes a glide! AQUARIUS [Jan 20 - Feb 19] With a high degree of metamorphoses happening, being that we are on the heels of a New Moon Eclipse at zero degree of Scorpio, as well as the Sun and Venus also still active in this sign, it can create an illusion of insurmountable mountains to climb, mountains that require more emotional strength than you may believe you possess. However, Scorpio is not only about life and death, it is about empowerment and an ascent to your own personal feeling of power. With it』s ruler being Pluto, it is about the evolutionary journey of your Soul, which is why it can feel so intensely immense. Fortunately, Neptune in Pisces is stepping in to rescue the weary as he has been forming an uplifting angle to the Sun and Venus. More importantly, with Mars now in Capricorn, Neptune will magically assist in supporting your instincts and serve to direct your choices in the highest possible way this week. You may very well feel invisibly protected and inwardly directed with some pressing decisions and this will prove to take some of the weight off of your shoulders. If you allow yourself to stay open, it will serve as a guiding light, a presence that you cannot quite put your finger on. Trust in what you feel and cannot (yet) see! PISCES [Feb 19 - Mar 20] With Neptune as your ruler, you have some pretty big shoes to fill. Neptune governs miracles and magic, it connects to heaven and the high life and it is also the symbol for the Gods. With this said, many or most of you will tend to be in constant search for understanding about eternity and seeking sources to help you connect more deeply to the mystical world, whether through some form of direct contact in meditation or else through your fantasies and imagination. This week there is no shortage of energetic promise and it is finally coupled with real results. Mars, the planet of action and desire, is in practical Capricorn and progressively forming an angle of great support to your ruler Neptune, becoming exact on Monday, Nov. 4. This special combination of energy increases your chances for making a dream become a reality as Neptune"s link to Mars works to bridge the gap from here to there. The Sun and Venus in fellow water sign Scorpio are also teaming up with Pluto, the planet that rules Scorpio to help promote some positively liberating change in key friendships, with tribe mates and the like. Reassuring outcomes keep your Soul buoyant, afloat and very much alive!

知己是靈魂的一扇窗 中國軍網

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