
Dan Rather: Those Who Doubted China"s Rise Underestimated "Power of the People"丹說:那些懷疑中國崛起的人低估了「人民的力量」

Asia Society2012年8月20日發布訂閱 4.2萬SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBED UNSUBSCRIBENEW YORK, June 29, 2012 — This is the fifth in a series of exclusive video interviews with veteran journalist Dan Rather, former anchor of CBS Evening News, who visited Asia Society Studios in New York City in late June. Rather, 80, currently hosts the investigative news magazine Dan Rather Reports [Facebook | Twitter], which airs on AXS TV. Rather"s memoir, Rather Outspoken: My Life in the News, came out in May. 2012年6月29日,地點:紐約——這是美國哥倫比亞廣播公司晚間新聞資深記者丹 拉瑟的獨家採訪視頻第五部_曾經是CBS晚間新聞主播的他六月下旬訪問了紐約亞洲協會工作室。80歲的他現在主持的新聞調查雜誌《丹 拉瑟報告》在AXS TV上播出。內容形式類似於回憶錄,其中直言不諱的談到了他新聞方面的生活。預計5月發布。In the segment emxded above, Rather discusses the biggest changes that have occured in Asia during his time covering the region. "If you had told me," Rather said, "as late as the 1980s, that China"s economic growth would be what it has become, I would"ve said, "I don"t think you know Asia very well, or perhaps you"re smoking something very expensive." It caught me by surprise, and the same with India." 在上面的章節中(指代視頻的內容),我們將討論他對亞洲變化最大的看法。「如果早在上世紀80年代你就告訴我」他說「中國的經濟增長將會是現在的樣子,我會認為你根本就不了解亞洲,或者你可能正在抽一些很貴的玩意兒(吸毒)。但現在的情形讓我們措手不及。這點也同樣適用於印度。」Ting Jiang2年前world peace, I am Chinese and I always hope peace. military are killing machines, and innocent ppl will die whenever war begins願世界和平,我是中國人,我希望世界可以一直和平。軍隊就是一部殺人機器。無論戰爭何時開啟,死去的都是那些無辜的平民百姓。Video Out of China1 個月前回復Ting Jiang Stupid comment. Even a child should know that military protects your people and country! Do you want the history to repeat itselfthat 4800 British soldiers could fight their way all the way from Canton to Beijing in the 1840s?【回復樓上】你這評論很蠢。就算是一個孩子也該知道,是軍隊在保護你的人民和國家!你想讓歷史重演嗎?在19世紀40年代,4800名英國士兵就能從廣州一直打到到北京城?CL Zeng3年前We are of one race: human race. China development means human development, peace and welfare.我們是一個共同的種族:人類。中國的發展也意味著人類的發展。願世界和平與安寧。luke skywalker4年前The logic here is simple, where East Asians (exclude southeast Asians) have dominated the population, the economy thrives if it"s under market economy. Singapore (75% Chinese), South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong (Chinese), Taiwan(Chinese), Macau (Chinese, by the way, the economy is now the 4th richest in the world, richer than Switzerland) China will be there.這裡的邏輯很簡單,東亞人(不包括東南亞人)在人口中佔主導地位,經濟處於市場條件下就會蓬勃發展。新加坡(75%的華人人口),韓國,日本,香港(中國),台灣(中國),澳門(中國,順便一提,它現在是世界第四大最富有的經濟體(人均),比瑞士還要富裕),中國也會在那個位置。FreeLunch ForChildren1 個月前Thank you Dan, u did the Right Thing to see China for yourself . . .謝謝丹,觀察中國對你來說是一件正確的事情。Johnny Q3年前"Seeing the country as a monolith, rather than 1.3 billion individuals...." In plain English: Being racist.「把這個國家看成一個龐然大物,而不是單獨的13億人。」用簡單的用英語來說就是:做一個種族主義者luke skywalker4年前The Koreans and the Japs have thrived after ww2 under market economy. China will be there too.市場經濟下的韓國人和日本人在二戰後經濟蓬勃發展。中國也將會如此。ahchoooo2周前One of the KEY reason of China"s rise is its unique political system, coined by Professor Daniel Bell as "Vertical Democratic Meritocracy". It is a far superior political system when compared to western style democracy because only the most capable leaders can climb to the top position through decades of training and practicing, when in any western style democracy, "anyone can become the president". Due to this solid foundation of many highly capable public servants occupying all the key public offices, the Chinese government can make decade long term plannings and can execute them all without hinderance, hence the amazing rise to power in such a short time. By the way, there is no lack of freedom in China either. Visit China, and you will find out for yourself.中國崛起的一個關鍵原因是其獨特的政治體制,由丹尼爾貝爾教授創造,稱之為「垂直民主精英主義」。與西方的民主制度相比,這是一個遠遠高於西方的政治體系,因為只有最能幹的領導人才能夠通過數十年的訓練和實踐後到達最高的位置,西方的所有民主體制都在強調「任何人都可以成為總統」。由於有許多具備高超能力的公職人員作為其堅實基礎,中國政府可以進行跨度達10年的長期規劃,並且可以毫無妨礙地完全執行下去。因此它才能在如此短的時間內驚人崛起。順便說一下,中國從來都不缺少自由。建議你訪問下中國,然後重新發現點什麼。georgewu53年前The U.S. borrowed heavily from China when Paul Wolfowitz planned the war to invade Iraq, a long and distant war that cost billions of the U.S. ! That was the beginningthe U.S. borrowed a lot of money from China to finance the war in Iraq ! George Wu, A.I.A. 2014-1-3在過去,美國從中國大量借了大量的債務,保羅·沃爾福威茨計劃發動戰爭入侵了伊拉克。這場戰爭耗費了美國數十億美元。這是美國從中國借很多錢來資助伊拉克戰爭的開始。喬治·吳A.I.A.gerry7man5553年前The Eastern powers will rule the East and the West.東方大國將同時統治東方和西方Jason Smith1 個月前Meanwhile the US and UK are committing suicide by aligning with Islamists...the Democrats or Liberals doing the dirty work. Incompetent politics and policies. Ban Islam. That"s what China does, and its the right course of action - you may disagree, but as has been shown before, the world would be better to take notice, instead.與此同時,美國和英國正通過與伊斯蘭主義者結盟來自殺。民主黨或自由主義者在做著骯髒的工作。他們採取的都是無能的政治政策。中國所做的就是禁止伊斯蘭教,這也是正確的行動方向——儘管你可能不同意。但正如之前所展示的那樣,人們會注意到這其實正讓世界變得更好一點。Yomamasapeach2年前China needs to avoid the same mistakes of past world powers, and that is, don"t be a world power. Trying to maintain your will across the various states around this world will only lead to your demise. The Spaniards tried it, the British tried it, the Americans are barely holding on to it. China"s smartest move is to avoid altogether forcing it"s will, but instead, follow a path where it maintains good relations with all countries and takes non partisan/non allied judgements on world conflicts. If China wins the hearts and minds of the world, it"ll have a easier time being the head of it.中國需要避免重蹈過去世界大國的覆轍,也就是不要成為世界強國。試圖將你的意志強加於世界各地,最終只會導致死亡。西班牙人過,英國人經歷過,現在美國人也差點喪失它。中國最明智的做法就是避免強迫他人完全遵從他的意志,轉而遵循一條與所有國家和諧共處的道路,並在衝突中採取非黨派/不結盟的決斷。如果中國贏得了世界的認同,那麼它將更容易成為世界的首腦。nathan forest4年前the USA has committed Suicide. China is using our American money to rule the world, and Rise as a power, all of our money has gone to support china. we are in debt to them and consume their products, we are debtors and consumers, and they are world creditors and producers. our government and banks has done this to us. our democracy has failed the American people. so we are now big losers, an illegal immigrant nation in debt to china? how can we survive? it is too late.美國已經自殺了。中國正在用我們的美國錢來統治世界。,我們所有的錢都用來支持中國這一崛起中的大國。我們欠他們的債、消費他們的產品,我們是債務人和消費者,而他們是世界的債權人和生產者。我們的政府和銀行對我們做了這樣的事情,我們的民主制度讓美國人民失望了。所以我們現在是一個失敗者,一個對中國來說欠債累累的非法移民國家?我們該如何生存?一切都已經太遲了TheDark Nite3年前I agree with Rather on China. It is an organized, disciplined, technologically advanced, militarily strong industrial power. Everything in my office is from there.However, India. Not in the same level. Completely opposite China- except in population. That"s the only reason it gets mentioned with China.我同意你關於中國的看法。它是一個有組織、有紀律、技術先進、軍事強大的工業強國。我辦公室里的一切都是從那裡來的。然而,印度就不在同一水平上了。它在各方面都和中國完全相反-除了人口。這也是它能被和中國一起提到的唯一原因。El Bottoo1 個月前it caught them by surprise coz they never understood china from the beginning. most of it stems from cultural differences. they come to asia and they think they are superior and know how the average chinese think. the reality is they dunt know shit. 這讓他們很驚訝,因為他們從一開始就不了解中國。大部分原因都在於文化差異。他們來到亞洲後認為自己高人一等,並自認為已經知曉了普通中國人的想法。但現實是他們就是堆臭狗屎。these people never underestimated the "power of the people". they didnt underestimate as much as feeling superior (racism). maybe not this dude but plenty of people came there with a sense of superiority and that the asians culdnt do anything. when in fact, it was the other way around. the asians were hardworking and streetsmart and streethungry. :這些人從不低估「人民的力量」。他們並沒有低估自己的優越感(種族主義)。或許不是這個傢伙,但很多人都是帶著優越感來這裡的,他們認為亞洲人無所不能。但事實上這只不過是另一種運作模式。亞洲人勤奮、聰明、對未知充滿了渴望。ptong2261 個月前It"s ok Dan, many ethnic Chinese didn"t see it coming too and they had more knowledge and ties to China than an American journalist.沒關係,丹,就連很多華裔也沒有意識到正在發生的事。哪怕相比於美國記者,他們對中國有更多的認知和聯繫。cujoe Mblakka1 個月前(修改過)it is willed by God, seen it some years ago. it take the leap of technologies, to eclipse the mistakes that were made by the greedy wall streeters in gutting the American economy for profit, to spare America from plummeting into oblivion, the strategy of oil over abundance was employed, but it also benefited the Chinese and the indians, while rusia, Venezuela, and others that are not astute in planning a diversified economy stumbled. A concerted effort must be made to mobilize industrial production at peak efficiency, and technical strides made to restructure and manipulate the energy matrix, through innovation of cheaper energy resources. it"s retribution from on high, be vigilant night and day. have food and water, fast and pray, wake up your spirit man, repent. I have I not given you all the " tools ".這是上帝的旨意,真相幾年前就可以看到了。為了讓美國免於陷入被遺忘的陰影,它通過實現一場技術飛躍來實施石油過剩的策略,以此來掩蓋貪婪的華爾街人士為了利潤而在美國經濟中所犯的錯誤,但它也讓中國人和印度人受益,而在規劃多元化經濟的過程中,俄羅斯、委內瑞拉和其他一些國家卻步履蹣跚。必須通過對能源資源的創新和技術進步來動員工業生產,並以此重組控制能源矩陣。這是高層次的報復措施,我們必須時刻保持警醒。每日定時就食飲水,堅持禱告,喚醒你失落的靈魂,對(自己的所為)懺悔吧。(最後一句不會翻,但顯然是傳教無疑)kwanarchive4年前You know what else caught the US by surprise? Pearl Harbour. Two years into a global war.你知道還有什麼曾讓美國措手不及嗎?珍珠港事件,兩年後的演變成一場全球戰爭。Cyrus2554年前Actually, keep this a secret, but the USA backed Mao Zedong, because it determined that he would set back economic development by 30 years. Look up the "Dixie Mission" and the Marines stationed in China after WW2, we had marines there for decades and we tactically pulled them out in a way to give the Communists control of the regions Japan withdrew from. President Truman issued an arms embargo of the capitalist KMT who were fighting the Communists. BOTH the US and China want to cover it up.事實上,這是一個秘密,其實美國是支持毛的,因為它認定他會讓中國的經濟倒退三十年。 看看第二次世界大戰後駐紮在中國的「迪克西使團」和海軍陸戰隊,我們在那裡駐紮了幾十年,我們在戰術上把他們(CCP)拉上寶座,讓CCP控制了日本退出的地區。 杜魯門總統命令對與共產黨作戰的資本主義國民党進行武器禁運。 美國和中國都想掩蓋這一真相。Wayne Tong4年前China"s leaders have announced openly in several international conventions & conferences that China does not plan to be the dominant superpower by military might in the future. But China will definitely equipped herself with very strong defensive strength for good, solid reasons. Watch this great video at -- * Youtube ( Hirohito & Asia"s Stolen Treasures ) a top secret involved with 100 billion in 1945. It is the most revealing video about WW 2 history.中國領導人已經在一些國際公約和會議上公開宣布,中國並不打算在未來成為軍事超級大國。但中國肯定會有堅實的防禦力量。看看YouTube上這個偉大的視頻(昭和天皇與亞洲的被盜珍寶)1945年 牽涉了1000億資產的最高機密。這是關於二戰歷史最具啟發性的錄像。

人口老齡化:一個無能的借口! ——中國人口問題對話(三)

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