

Hillary Would Consider Naming Obama To Supreme Court After 2016 Win

今年年初民主黨總統候選人希拉里.柯林頓在愛荷華州拉票時,稱有考慮在奧巴馬總統任期結束後將他任命到最高法庭當大法官。希拉里說:「我肯定會考慮任命他到最高法的可能性。你看,他學法出身,聰明絕頂,而且資格閱歷都有保證。」「雖然他可能對退休後的去向有自己的打算,但是我跟你講,(奧巴馬成為最高大法官/首席大法官)絕對是好的不能再好的主意。」「不過民主黨如果不能把國會拿下來的話,實現的難度很高。」希拉里承認。美國最高法院是美國聯邦政府最高級別的法院,有絕對的司法審查權,包括對美國根本法——憲法作出最終解釋。由8位最高大法官(Justice of the Supreme Court)和一位首席大法官(Chief Justice of the United States)組成。首席大法官是美國最高司法官員,領導最高法院的事務,總是在各種案件討論或投票會議中任主席、首先發言並對整個討論產生重要影響。此外,首席大法官還在美國總統宣誓時擔任監誓人。首席大法官的另一項特定職責是可以在總統的彈劾裁決中主持國政。最高法院的成員不由選舉產生由總統任命,除非辭職,死亡或者被國會罷免外,任期無限長。目前9位最高法院的成員中,由民主黨人任命的已經有四位,如果希拉里可以將奧巴馬送入最高法院,民主黨將有可能掌控美國最高司法機構。

In response to an email from a supporter in Iowa, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she would consider naming current President Barack Obama to the US Supreme Court if she won the 2016 presidential race, provided she decides to run, while hinting that he might be given a cabinet position if 「the legality checks out.」Molly Warren of Mason City, Iowa emailed Clinton two weeks ago, saying that she was going into law school after being inspired by Clinton』s story. After vowing to vote for Clinton in 2016, which will be the first presidential election she』ll have been eligible to vote in, Warren asked if Clinton would consider placing President Obama on the Supreme Court, noting his legal education and background.「As for President Obama, I would imagine he』s looking forward to retiring from public life and taking a rest,」 Clinton said in part of her response. 「I know my husband wanted a short break after his eight years in the White House, before starting the Clinton Global Initiative. As for Barack, though, I would of course consider him for the Supreme Court. I believe he would make a great justice, and he』s certainly qualified for the role. No US President has ever gone to the Supreme Court, nor has any individual ever served in all three branches of our government, so it would be unprecedented. But I agree; he』d definitely make for a great Supreme Court Justice, at a time when we need those seats filled with strong independent minds.」Clinton went on to say she』d consider Obama for other roles, too. 「If President Obama weren』t up for the Supreme Court, I would absolutely love to have him in the cabinet, so long as the legality checks out. I would have to verify any rules that might prohibit him from holding certain offices due to the line of succession, but I think the world of President Obama and would love to see him keep up the good fight for the people of this great nation.」Clinton would not say whether she was going to run or not, nor would she address Warren』s question about other likely candidates, like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, or Rand Paul. Instead, she kept it vague, in classic Hillary fashion, saying 「I haven』t made up my mind yet, but you』ll know soon whose pin you』ll be wearing during the upcoming election [smiley face].」

Clinton Open to Idea of Appointing Obama to Supreme Court

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is open to the idea of nominating President Barack Obama for a seat on the Supreme Court, she said Tuesday, responding to a question at an Iowa town hall.

「I will certainly take that under advisement,」 she said in Decorah, responding to a man』s recommendation. 「I mean, he"s brilliant, he can set forth an argument and he was a law professor, so he』s got lots of credentials.」

She acknowledged that there might be a few obstacles in the way, first and foremost whether Obama would want the job after eight years in the White House. 「He may have a few other things to do,」 she said, 「but I』ll tell you, that』s a great idea.」

Another challenge: the process.

「We do have to get a Democratic Senate to get him confirmed,」 she said.



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