
........(周運)克麗斯汀 每周占星運勢5.9

譯文:白羊座——譯者:Numb一些事情開始塵埃落地了,生活也逐漸走向平穩。本周末和下周初,你們的主星火星位於土象的處女座,與在金牛座水星和摩羯座的冥王星在你們的事業宮形成了一個穩固的三角形。這表明,你們對於細節的關注和小心謹慎的堅持,就要嘗到甜頭了。最近你們也會感覺到,每天就沒有足夠的時間去關注自己的生活,更別提關注自己的慾望了。但是還好,你們仍然堅持不懈,努力打拚,試圖尋找自己的巔峰狀態、合適的職位,最終也會感覺到付出汗水的成果就要到來。與此同時,土星位於你們的關係宮,與金星形成了強有力的相互支持,在人際關係上確保了你們一直以來的努力將會收穫成果,要麼是直接的利益,亦或是內心中踏實穩定的感覺。在你認識中的一些事情,縱然你還壓根不知道該怎麼辦,但是仍然是值得你去付出努力的。戰鬥仍在繼續,在其職,謀其位!金牛座——譯者:冰冷安魂曲這會有大概一周的緩刑或者一禮拜趕進度的時間,無論你更需要哪個,因為三星合相發揮作用並為你的生活和道路注入能量。水星會在5月9日,周三進入你的星座金牛座,並會在5月13日,周日逐漸和處女座的火星以及摩羯座的冥王星形成水火冥土象大三角。這股能量會長驅直入到周一當你準備為你的生活制定新的規則時。這扇交流之窗的時機已經成熟,調整你的靈魂的特別需求與慾望。土星在你的改善宮並與你在財帛宮的金星暗示你將會解決一個打開財政閘門的問題。這是你會親眼見證的進步的一周。充分利用吧!雙子座——譯者:麗迦生活遠非完美,何時它才能完美一次呢?本周,宇宙正在你的個人追求領域助你一臂之力,同時它還在幫你調整某些關係,因此你有望得到一份禮物,並有機會稍事休息。正在天秤座的土星與正在雙子座的和事佬金星緊密攜手,幫你確保某項計劃安排順利無誤,並有望幫你減少那些令你備感壓力的煩惱。同樣在5月13號的周日,你的守護星水星也以漂亮的姿態與火星和冥王星相交,這會強化你的意念和追求,使你的注意力和決心都非同一般的強烈,從而令你在某些艱難的戰役過程中屹立不倒。這個充滿活力的能量大三角會令你深深埋頭於工作之中,令你在靈魂的既定道路上漸行漸遠,因為此時此刻在你的眼中,除此之外的其他事物都黯淡無光。只要你對最終結果保持堅定的信念,你的耐心就一定會得到證明,也一定會有所收穫。一旦時機成熟、風起雲湧,也不要忘了去感謝你的福星!巨蟹座——譯者:兔子如果我只能為螃蟹們許下一個心愿的話,那麼這個心愿將會是幫助你們通過引發內心深處的愛和情感雨來滋潤和強化自我的內在基礎。巨蟹座是水相三星座里的第一個。水相星座出現的順序是巨蟹、天蠍、雙魚,依次代表著心臟、靈魂、精神。所以這條水相的河流發源於情緒中心也就是被稱之為心臟的巨蟹座,這也就是為什麼你的感受總是如此多的原因,這也就是為什麼你總是覺得好像沒有人能充分地了解你內心深處到底居住在何處的原因。在某種程度上這可能是因為沒有任何言語能夠帶給情感滿足,也可能是因為他人就是沒有你這般糾結。這周我為你許下的那個心愿也許就將實現了,因為土星與金星以十分堅固而可靠的方式給予彼此支持共同為大家提供了一個更加穩定的內在生活。當你的內心安定下來的時候,你便會如金子一般閃閃發光。同時,均位於土相星座內的水星、火星、冥王星在天空中形成了美麗的大三角相位,幫助你去鞏固和支撐你的位置、與他人之間的聯繫。你新近找尋到的內在力量將會給你帶來很大的回報。在那裡降落,在那裡發光。獅子座——譯者:西柚小姐我工作中最棘手,最有鴨梨的一部分就是報告壞消息。(==!作者吐槽么!)但另一方面,回報稱讚什麼的會在當我說,在經歷過生活中所有不可避免的努力嘗試以後,獅子們將會有個華麗的轉身優雅蛻變的時候到來。如果任何一個靈魂想產生影響的話,那麼這個嘗試將和領土領域之類的密切相關。但是,宇宙的運行是充滿各種奇蹟的。它從來不會給我們超出我們能掌控範圍的東西,然而對你們中的一些在之前的天蠍座滿月的時候覺得緊張的人來說,你們不免會想這到底是不是真的啊!你非常的統一,也意志力堅定,然而一步一腳印的這種固定的步態將導致你講成為眾人的目標,全都是因為這個周日的地球與星座間形成的大三角格局。也就是在5月13號,在你宮裡,有關政府的職業,收入,還有一些其他工作。土星在你的交流宮裡也與金星進行了意味深長的對話,某些方面肯定會得到穩固和提高,例如虛心與別人相處啦~你會感受到真理的真是意義所在即其他人都毫無疑問的被你保護著的,你將會對救濟幫助別人這件事兒產生一種新的理解。處女座——譯者:折玉笙有些處處可能覺得依然在清理自己,把自己從一條滿是碎石的道路上挪開,讓自己慢慢從雲霧中顯現出來,就好像一個戰士從沙場瀰漫的硝煙的籠罩下漸漸出現一樣。當水星進入同為土象的金牛,並與火、冥形成給力的大三角,你正在恢復自己的步調,對夢想又有了希望。本周,你如此讓人信服,在交流上給人留下深刻印象,因為你有自己的立場,並且向外傳遞著勇氣和關愛。同樣,代表安全感的土星在你的職業宮位邂逅了金星,這給你確保了某個發薪日,或者至少承諾那麼一天即將到來。因為你想要更有利的未來以充實自己的理想,所以你不在暈頭轉向並感到輕快的步伐又回來了~~沒時間撤退休整了,現在就雙腳起跳吧親!天枰座——譯者:L在雲間是時候了!老天爺知道你在重壓和擔憂之下等待了很久的某個行程已經要到來了。本周和下禮拜,在你宮內的土星和在雙子座內你的守護者金星形成了很好的角度,你可以託付你的所有靈魂。有些人就把錢掛在嘴邊,或者你找到某種溝通之道,可以確保把最終能幫到你的人牢牢黏在身邊。所有的一切不一定現在就會顯示出完美結局,但是天象在那兒了,六月初一切就會慢慢瓜熟蒂落,金星凌日。不管什麼時候,你將會知道這一切,你會確信這一切,很快就會真實發生。你對人和生活的信賴感在本周會很好的得到治癒,因為有人進入了你的生活,帶領你的靈魂飛升!不管你目前身處何地,你會很快發現你將接近你心中聖地,如果不是,那就在路上!天蠍座——譯者:王小亞俗話說,謹慎許願,因為願望可能成真。本周在你夢想之宮內的土星和靈魂宮內的金星形成個如天國般美妙的角度,使你的願望不再遙不可及。在你為之努力時,也得將要求說出口,因為往往它真的能有用。你的守護星冥王星在5月13日周日同火星、水星形成一級棒的大三角星象,水星和火星將你的關係宮和交流宮連到了一起,使你如釋重負,將你從過去給你製造負擔的不必要恐懼中解放出來。必須得將所有相關人員和你自己的內心關注焦點一同考慮進去,不存在什麼單純的付出,將阻力找出來,並讓形勢保持和諧。最終,雖然最終表達出來的是私人祈望和個人需求,但無形之中它將給你帶來永恆的效應。這是在暴風雨之後和繽紛彩虹出現之前的相對平靜!射手座——譯者:西柚小姐此時,一個和基本需求有關的主題毫無疑問的繼續重複,前方出現的救贖猶如一份姍姍來遲的禮物,無論它是和文字有關,還是和情感有關的。這份禮物讓射手們覺得很陌生,那是因為射手們典型的一馬當先的做事方式,總是不知疲倦的朝著他們一個接一個的目標或者需要前進。進來生活中的種種讓你不偏不倚的在某一時刻保持一致,這是為了讓你重新得到和正確的觀點,我猜著對你會十分有益的!現在,射手們,上面的不會再跑題了,你會變得謙虛而警覺的的,並且有條不紊的處理你現在的狀況,而你會發現因為你的小心小心再小心,你最終會收穫比預期多得多的獎賞。你發現土星在你的友情宮裡,他就像有意的與在你愛情宮裡的金星輕輕鬆鬆就產生了一些關係,這就更加證實了在這個意想不到的時間裡會得到讓事情發生轉變的支持力量。多多審視梳理自己的內心,得到的好處會把你嚇一跳!摩羯座——譯者:腳步一路以來都走得很辛苦,這一點毫無疑問。我一直都在看著你們這些摩羯不知疲倦地向前推進著,不知道為什麼,你看上去更加強壯了,並因為做出了積極進取而給人們留下了深刻的印象。在你星宮內的冥王星並沒有將你擊垮,而是開啟了你的心門,將你所留存、壓抑與隱藏住的那一切真相都暴露出來。你必定是十二星座里那遲開的花朵,因為在你「成熟」之前你的真實潛力與能力通常都不會顯露出來,無論你覺得什麼時候才算得上是成熟。在這一周里你並不僅僅是會向自己證明這一點,也會就此向那些意味著是你全世界的人做出證明。冥王星與火星及水星形成了帶來高產出的相位,為你靈魂旅程上的下一階段提供了安全保證。那就好像你已經到達目的地一般,你知道這一點,於是他們也便都知道了。同時你的守護星土星也與優雅閑適的金星成就了極為有利的相位,於是你對授權與確認的渴切需求將會被滿滿填充。好好享受這場盛宴吧!水瓶座——譯者:Clover人生的本質就是制衡,有起必有落。與純粹的能量和因果法則相關,有云:失之東隅收之桑榆。你必定一直在不斷付出奉獻美好的事物,因為我能看到某些繁盛甜美的好事正在慢慢靠近。土星在同為風象星座的天平座,鼎力相助行運於雙子座的金星,這勢必依你心愿,趁你心意。5月13號周日火水冥三星各自發力,聯手,它們所在的宮位皆蘊藏巨大情緒,足以平復內心的波濤洶湧。本周瓶會著陸,一旦雙腳踏上溫暖乾燥的沙土,原有的煩躁不安消散而去,舒適感得以延續,一種久違的感覺再度包圍著你。一旦小船恢復平穩,你會清晰的看見前路,重要的創造之地。當你的心靈抵達目的地,這舞台就屬於你!做自己的事!雙魚座——譯者:PM近來數月都像是「清理店」似的,魚魚一直在清除那些不利於未來發展和目標的累贅關係。在此過程中,必然也有些艱難的愛,如若你依然找不到勇氣去傳達或表達自己必須展露的情感,本周就是屬於你的時機。冥王星、火星與水星在5月13日-周日呈和諧相位(土象大三角),讓你忠於內心的聲音與訊息,你會說出自己一直渴望說出的一切,不再對此感到負疚;土星依然在你的靈魂宮、與目前入駐魚魚家庭&情感宮的金星呈積極的三合相位,賦予你所需的更多力量去直言不諱且從容不迫地溝通交流。如果你能積極起來!主動一點!說出自己的心聲!此刻你就能經歷永生難忘的轉機!原文:ARIES(March 21 - April 19)Some of the dust is starting to settle and life may feel to be stabilizing some as your ruler Mars in earth sign Virgo in your house of career makes a grounding triangle in the sky to Mercury in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn this weekend and into early next week. It』s as if your attention to detail and careful follow through is beginning to pay off. It may have felt recently that there simply has not been enough time in your day to deal with life and manage some of the demands but you are digging in, finding your groove and finally feeling the results of your efforts are on their way. Also Saturn in your house of relationships makes a supportive link to Venus securing key partnerships either on a profitable front or else by providing a feeling of certainty that you are in it with them for the long haul. Something in you knows, yet you can』t quite put your finger on exactly how, that it will be well worth the trek.It has been a battle, but you are right where you need to be!TAURUS(April 20 - May 20)This will either equal a week for a reprieve or a week destined for progress, whichever you need more as three combinations of planets are syncing up and making stellar sense of your life and your path. Mercury will be in your sign Taurus by Wednesday, May 9 and will progressively form what we call a Grand Trine with Pluto and Mars in fellow earth signs Virgo and Capricorn this Sunday, May 13. The energy will strongly march into Monday as you initiate a new set of rules for your life. This window of time is ripe for negotiations and communication, tailored toward what your Soul specifically wants and desires. Saturn in your house of improvements also finds Venus in your house of how you earn suggesting you are going to solve a problem that opens some of those financial flood gates. This is a week for advancement that you will witness firsthand.Make the very most of it!GEMINI(May 21 - June 20)Life is far from perfect, when will it ever be? However, this week』s trends give you a gift and a break as the universe helps you in your personal pursuits and grants some justice with respect to certain relationships. Saturn in Libra reaches out with conviction to peacemaker Venus in your sign to help secure an arrangement, and hopefully reducing some of those stress headaches. Also this Sunday, May 13 Mercury, your ruler connects handsomely to Mars and Pluto which strengthens your mind and your pursuits with a fierce focus and determination that keeps you unbeatable in a certain arduous process. This dynamic triangle of energy will take you deeper into your work and deeper into your Soul』s destined path because at this point in the game, the rest has lost its luster. Your patience is going to pay and prove itself as you stay rooted in your vision of the ultimate outcome!When the time comes, don』t forget to thank your lucky stars!CANCER(June 21 - July 22)If I had one wish for you Cancer, it would be to help strengthen your inner base as a result of inducing inner showers of love and affection. Your sign represents the first of three signs in the water trinity. It flows like this, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, each sign reflecting Heart, Soul, Spirit respectively. So the river starts in the emotional center Cancer known as the heart, which is why you feel so darn much and it is why you feel no one can quite understand where you inwardly live, in part because there are no words to satisfy the feeling. Also because others are simply not wired in the same way. This week my wish for you just might come true as Saturn and Venus connect with sound and solid support offering a more stable inner life. When that space is anchored, you are golden. Also Mercury, Mars and Pluto form a harmonious triangle in the sky in earth signs helping to bolster and reinforce your position and your connections with others. Your new-found inner strength will earn you high regard.Rest there and shine!LEO(July 23 - August 23)The trickiest and most taxing part of my job is to deliver hard news. On the other hand the reward comes when I can offer words of energetic openings for grace in the middle of all of life』s inevitable trials. The trials come with the territory if any Soul hopes to evolve. But the universe works in magical ways. It never gives us more than we can handle and yet for some of you post the intense Super Full Moon in Scorpio may be wondering if that is really true. Your consistency and persistence however in a step by step and steady fashion is going to produce the results your heart has been aiming for as a Grand Trine in earth signs forms this Sunday, May 13 in your houses that governs career, earnings and right work . Saturn in your house of communication also verbally commits to Venus with meaningful intent which will stabilize and enhance certain liked minded connections.You will feel the truth of key others camped unquestionably in your corner and that will create a true feeling of relief!Tally Ho!VIRGO(August 24 - September 22)Some of you may feel as if you are still dusting yourself off, removing yourself from a load of rubble and emerging from the cloud bank like a warrior becoming visible again after being trapped in the smoke on a battlefield. You are regaining your natural gear and feeling hope again in your vision as your ruler Mercury moves into fellow earth sign Taurus and forms a most encouraging Grand Trine with Mars and Pluto. You are convincing and remarkably effective in your communications this week as you take a stand and deliver with courage and care. Also, Saturn the planet of security finds Venus in your house of career and just about guarantees a good pay day or at least a promise of one coming. You are finding your sea legs again and will feel the good clip in your pace resume as your hope for a more profitable future feeds your senses.This is no time to retreat, but a time to jump in with both feet!LIBRA(September 23 - October 22)It』s time. Lord knows you have been waiting and pressing and worrying but a certain ship is coming in. Saturn in your sign is making a clear and convincing angle of support to your ruler Venus in Gemini this week and next, one you can trust with your whole Soul. Someone puts their money where their mouth is or you find a way of communicating just the right message that sticks to someone who can ultimately help you. All may not play out perfectly now but the signs will be there and will certainly come to fruition by the first week of June when Venus makes an occultation to the Sun. Regardless of when, you will know and feel it in your bones that it will indeed be soon. Your faith in people and in life』s process is recovered this week as someone steps in, rising to your personal Soul spirited occasion!Wherever you find yourself now, you will soon be miles closer to where you want to be, if not all the way there!SCORPIO(October 23 - November 21)Be careful what you wish for as you just might get it, so the saying goes. Wishes are not so far away this week as Saturn in your house of dreams makes an angle of heavenly help to Venus in your house of the Soul. It does require that you ask and voice this request however as your efforts in this matter, as always, do count. Also Pluto, your ruler makes a stellar Grand Trine with Mars and Mercury on Sunday, May 13 linking your houses of communication and relationships which will allow you to get a load of weight off your chest, freeing you from a history of unwanted fear producing baggage. It is essential that you consider all parties』 inner space of concerns as well as your own, noting that a simple give and take un-earths a load of resistance and keeps the peace all around. Ultimately though it will be those private prayers and personal needs voiced to the invisible world that will grant you timeless results.A relative calm with a vibrant rainbow to boot, following the storm!SAGITTARIUS(November 22 - December 21)A certain repeating theme connecting to basic needs and survival appears to be present as of late, whether this is literal or emotional, it feels foreign for the Archer as you are so typically way far ahead of the game always reaching with tireless inspiration toward your next project or quest. So much in life lately has kept you smack dab square in the moment which I suppose is quite healthy for you in order to regain proper perspective. The upside is that there will be no getting ahead of yourself now Sag, you will be humbled and mindful and in ways methodical about your current reality and you will find as you carefully take care of business a plethora of rewards ensue. You will find also as Saturn in your house of friendships and like minded others connects effortlessly to Venus in your house of relationships, that certain others are proving to be anchors of support during these unpredictable times.Do the inner work and the benefits will blow your mind!CAPRICORN(December 22 - January 19)It has been a grind, no doubt. I have watched you Cappy』s press on tirelessly and somehow you look stronger and more impressive for having made the climb. Pluto in your sign has not beaten you down, he has opened the doors within you, and exposed the truth of all that you have been withholding, repressing and hiding. You are most certainly the late bloomers of the zodiac as your true potential and power does not typically surface until you have 『come of age』, whatever you feel that age needs to be. This week not only do you prove this to yourself, you prove it to others who mean the world to you. Pluto in your sign makes a highly productive angle to Mars and Mercury, securing your Soul』s next phase in the journey. It is as if you have arrived, you know it and so do they. Also Saturn, your ruler makes a highly favorable angle to loving Venus, the planet of grace and ease, as your hungry need for validation and recognition is fed in full.Enjoy the grub!AQUARIUS(January 20 - February 19)Life is about checks and balances, what goes up must come down. It is about pure energy and the law of cause and effect, suggesting what we put out there we do get back. You must have been putting out something good Aquarius because something hearty and sweet is surely coming your way. Saturn in fellow air sign Libra makes some cosmic love to Venus in Gemini which is sure to help your heart in needed ways. Also Pluto, Mars and Mercury unite with brilliance in your water houses this Sunday, May 13, those places where you hold tremendous emotion helping to secure and stabilize those inner seas. You will reach dry land this week and when your feet hit the warm sand you will feel an old restlessness ease and a comfort resume, a feeling you long forgot was possibly to experience. Once the boat stops rocking, you will see clearly the horizon ahead and your place of importance in a key creative endeavor. When your heart is in it my friend, the stage is yours!Do your thing!PISCES(February 20 - March 20)Recent months have all been about 『cleaning up shop』, sweeping out and clearing away toxic connections with those who are not benefiting your process or your path. There has been some tough love necessary along the way and if you have not found the courage yet to deliver or express what you must, this week is your week. Pluto, Mars and Mercury all harmonize with a sturdy strength on Sunday, May 13, grounding you in your voice and your message. You will say what you have been dyin』 to say and make no apologies for it. Also Saturn in your house of the Soul makes a supportive angle to Venus in your house of home and the emotional body giving you the added 『umph』 you need to be direct and deliberate in your communications.You can turn an impressive corner now if you rise up, reach out and speak!


TAG:占星 | 運勢 |