
  胡少江:倫敦峰會上奧巴馬與"代表中國"的記者  星期四,舉世矚目的二十國集團倫敦金融峰會在倫敦舉行。會議結束後,美國總統奧巴馬在峰會會場舉行了大型的記者招待會。從現場錄像可以看得出,記者會的組織者事先給了他一張要求提問的記者名單。在禮節性地點了幾位在名單上的記者提問後,奧巴馬拋開名單,隨機地回答了記者們的當場問題。中國中央電視台的一位男記者得到了提問權。  這位中國記者在提問的一開頭就宣稱他的提問是"代表中國的"(on behalf of China)。我不知道這一代表國家的聲明是由於這位記者緊張而產生的口誤,還是由於中國官方媒體記者們的習慣使然,或者他真的是帶著這樣的使命而來的。無論是哪種緣由,這個在國際記者會上非同尋常的開場白立即使得他與其他所有的在場記者形成了鮮明的對比。  遺憾的是,這位中央電視台記者的 "代表中國"的身份並沒有給他的提問水平帶來任何幫助。與其他記者每人只提一個問題不同,他提了兩個問題。但是兩個問題都給他和他所代表的中共政府帶來了不小的難堪。而且,奧巴馬對這兩個問題的回答,都非常巧妙地通過這位提問的年輕記者給中共政府上了一課。  中國記者在提第一個問題時說到: "這次峰會並不是不少人所說的中國和美國"兩國集團"的峰會。不是嗎?"這句突兀其來的自說自話與他的前後文風馬牛不相及,但是 "代表中國"的這位記者卻通過這句話凸現了中共政府在世人面前的傲慢。聯想到中共政府在這次峰會前後以及會議上的平庸作為,這句話更容易產生一種這位中國記者在進行自我嘲弄的印象。  他的第一個問題是:"前兩任美國總統都有特別的術語來表達中美關係;柯林頓總統形容美中關係是『戰略夥伴",而布希總統則稱中國為『利益攸關的戰略夥伴"。不知道奧巴馬總統用什麼來形容重要的中美關係?"他似乎是在急切地期待這位美國新總統對中國的國際政治地位作出認可,就像中國的"二奶"甚至"三奶"們期待男人給她們一個名分。他和他代表的政府的十二萬分的不自信在這一問題中溢於言表。  奧巴馬對這個問題的回答倒也巧妙。他對這位中國記者說,你可以問問你的美國記者同行們,我並不擅長於編造類似的術語來界定現實。假如你能夠創造出一個恰當的辭彙,我將樂於使用它。奧巴馬關於他不擅長於創造新辭彙的話是典型的外交辭令,他在去年美國總統的競選中充分表現了這方面的能力。他的回答實際上表達了他對這個與峰會無關的提問的不屑一顧。  這位記者的第二個問題是:"各國領導人在國際會議上承擔了國際義務,但是這種義務可能會與他們國內的利益相矛盾。奧巴馬總統如何解決國際義務和國內利益之間的衝突。"這個籠統的概念化的問題似乎更應該出現在一場政治學和國際關係的學術討論會上,而不是在這樣的記者會上。但是他卻給了這位美國總統一個機會給這位來自集權國度的年輕記者以及他背後的政權上了一堂民主的啟蒙課。  奧巴馬嚴肅地說: "我是美國總統;是美國人民選舉出來的總統;不是其它國家的總統。維護美國人民的利益是我的最高使命。但是,美國作為一個世界的領導者,不能忽視世界其它地方的人民的利益;尤其是一些貧困的國家的人民,他們在這場危機中遭受到傷害。如果我們不關心和幫助他們,將把他們推向美國的對立面。我要說服我的人民,讓他們知道世界其它地方人民的利益與美國人民的長遠利益密切相關。"  顯然,這並不是這位中國記者所希望的回答。但是作為一個生活在民主社會的個人,我知道,這隻能是奧巴馬總統唯一的回答。我真地希望,有那麼一天,中共領導人也能夠理直氣壯地宣稱,"我們是中國人民選出來的"。因為只有這樣,他們才能真正將代表中國人民的利益作為他們的最高使命。代表一個國家,絕對不只是一種權力或者榮耀(就像這位自稱代表中國的記者心中所想的那樣),更多地是一種責任和使命。奧巴馬G20與中國記者精彩答問 風趣幽默顯睿智







  一、 芮成鋼與奧巴馬問答

  OBAMA: All right. I"ve got time for just a couple more questions. I"m going to find a journalist here.  奧巴馬:好。我還有時間再回答幾個問題。我來挑一個記者。

  (CROSSTALK) (場下記者舉手,不時發出喊聲)

  OBAMA: All right. Here, I"m going to call on this gentleman right here. He"s -- he"s been very persistent.


  RUI CHENGGANG: Rui Chenggang of China Central Television. It seems the world leaders have been talking about increasing the voice and voting rights of developing countries. I would like to ask two questions instead of just one. First one, on behalf of China...


  OBAMA: I may choose which one I want to answer.



  RUI CHENGGANG: of course.


  OBAMA: That"s always the danger of asking two questions.


  RUI CHENGGANG: First one, you"ve had a very fruitful meeting with our President. And during the Clinton administration, U.S.-China relationship was characterized, in Clinton"s words, "strategic, constructive partnership." During the Bush era it was -- the catchphrase, quote, unquote, "stakeholder." The Bush administration expects China to -- to become a responsible stakeholder in international affairs. Have you come up with a catchphrase of your own? And, certainly, it is not the G-2, is it?


  And my second question is, on behalf of the world, politics is very local, even though we"ve been talking about global solution, as indicated by your recent preference over American journalists and British, which is OK. (Laughter.) How can you make sure that you will do whatever you can, so that that local politics will not trump or negatively affect good international economics?

  Thank you, Mr. President.



  OBAMA: Well, those -- those are excellent questions. On -- on the first question, your American counterparts will tell you I"m terrible with those little catchphrases and sound bites. So I haven"t come up with anything catchy yet, but if you have any suggestions, let me know. (LAUGHTER) I"ll be happy to use them.


  In terms of local politics, look, I"m the President of the United States. I"m not the President of China, I"m not the President of Japan, I"m not the President of the other participants here. And so I have a direct responsibility to my constituents to make their lives better. That"s why they put me in there. That accounts for some of the questions here, about how concretely does me being here help them find a job, pay for their home, send their kids to college, live what we call the American Dream. And I will be judged by my effectiveness in meeting their needs and concerns.


  But in an era of integration and interdependence, it is also my responsibility to lead America into recognizing that its interests, its fate is tied up with the larger world; that if we neglect or abandon those who are suffering in poverty, that not only are we depriving ourselves of potential opportunities for markets and economic growth, but ultimately that despair may turn to violence that turns on us; that unless we are concerned about the education of all children and not just our children, not only may we be depriving ourselves of the next great scientist who"s going to find the next new energy source that saves the planet, but we also may make people around the world much more vulnerable to anti-American propaganda.


  So if I"m effective as America"s President right now, part of that effectiveness involves holding a -- providing Americans insight into how their self-interest is tied up with yours. And that"s an ongoing project because it"s not always obvious.


  And there are going to be times where short-term interests are going to differ; there"s no doubt about it. And protectionism is the classic example. You can make arguments that if you can get away with protecting your markets, as long as the other folks don"t protect theirs, then in the short term you may benefit. And it then becomes important not only for me to try to give people a sense of why, over the long term, that"s counter-productive, but also it becomes important for me to put policies in place in the United States that provide a cushion, provide support for those people who may suffer local dislocations because of globalization. And that"s something that I think every government has to think about.


  There are individuals who will be harmed by a trade deal. There are businesses who will go out of business because of free trade. And to the extent that a government is not there to help them reshape their company or retrain for the new jobs that are being created, over time you"re going to get people who see -- who rightly see their personal self-interest in very narrow terms. Okay?



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