
環保問題是熱點問題,很有可能在試題中出現:提倡信 倡議市民綠色出行原文Dear Sir or Madam,As everyone notices, air pollution in Beijing has become an increasingly serious issue. This month, the city where we live and love has been hit hard by smog five times. With dense smog raising health concerns among the residents, improving the environmentbecomes a top priority for the government} it is each citizen』s responsibility as well.Green commuting is a meaningful way to protect the environment. Therefore, I advocate that we reduce using our personal cars so that the carbon dioxide emissions could be reduced to the minimum. Riding a bicycle or commute by bus or subway is suggested.Hopefully, you can be part of the green commuting event, doing your job to make the world a better place.Yours sincerely,Li Hua譯文尊敬的先生女士:正如大家所知,北京的空氣污 染問題日益嚴重。本月,我們居住並熱愛的這座城市已五次遭遇霧霾襲擊。嚴重的霧霾天氣讓市民對健康問題平添憂慮,因此,改善環境 成為政府首要關注的問題,同時這也是我們每個公民的職責。綠色出行是保護環境的一項有 意義的舉動。所以,我倡導大家能 夠減少私家車的使用,以使二氧化 碳排放能夠降到最低。建議大家采 用騎車、乘公交車或乘坐地鐵的方 式出行。希望你可以加入到綠色出行的 活動中,為美化我們的家園出一 份力。您忠實的朋友李華考查考生能力,特別是英語的運用能力,申請信是很好的體現申請信 申請為志願者原文Dear Sir or MadamI』m writing to you about volunteering at the foundation. I feel that helping those sick children is a responsibility of each individual. When I was little, I was inspired by Mother Teresa』s story. Her devotion to helping others and her tenacity to her charitable workalways encourage me to be ready to give more.I』m very good at reading and teaching, so I can help the sick children read and write when they feel lonely. What』s more important, I am now learning at a nursing school, so I do hope to help out as a volunteer at your foundation.I』m looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua譯文尊敬的先生女士:我寫此信是希望能夠成為貴基金會的一名義工。我認為幫助那些生病的孩子是我們每—個人的職責。 在我還是小孩子時,特蕾莎修女的故事給了我很大啟迪。她一心奉獻幫助他人和她對慈善工作的堅持一直激勵我隨時為奉獻做好準備。我擅長讀書和教學,所以我可以在生病的孩子感到孤獨時給他們講故事和寫些東西。更重要的是, 我目前正在一家護理學校讀書,所以我真心希望可以作為一名志願者為貴基金會做些事情。期待您的回復。您忠實的朋友李華祝賀信也是一種很好運用方式,特別用傳統文化作為載體,這個點需要考生們重視!祝賀信 祝英語戲劇社演出成功原文Dear Jack,Please accept my warmest congratulations on the club』s successful English performance, 「Romeo and Juliet「. Each member in the performance speaks very accurate and fluent English. Students』 acting skills are also much improved. In addition, your leadership in this activity should be highly praised.I hope the club would hold more English drama performances.By doing this, students』 interest in learning English can be effectively furthered and their oral English level could be improved. What』s more, students』 general skills and the ability of teamwork can be practiced and enhanced.I wish the club every success in the future.Yours sincerely,LI Hua譯文親愛的Jack英文戲劇社舉辦的《羅密歐與朱麗葉》的英語演出非常成功,對此我表示最熱誠的祝賀。每位成員 的英語都很準確和流利。同學們的表演技能也有很大提高。此外,也要對你在這次活動中表現出的領導才能表示褒獎。希望戲劇社舉行更多英語戲劇表演。這樣做,可以有效提升同學們學習英語的興趣,並且提高他們的口語水平。此外,可以鍛煉和加強學生的綜合技能以及團隊合作能力。祝福戲劇社未來的表演也都成功。您忠實的朋友李華感謝信是英語運用方面常見的交流模式,特別是與「社會主義核心價值觀」結合,是重點,也是熱點,需要考生們注意:感謝信 感謝的士拾金不昧原文Dear Zhang Wei,I am truly grateful to you for your returning my purse. I was so worried when l realized that I lost my purse the other day, and I had no idea where I lost it. The purse was so important to me since I have one confidential document in it. Besides, my ID card and a couple of credit cards are also kept in it.Your behavior not only benefits me but also sends a positive message to the society. people should and will learn from you. I told what you have done to my kid and people around me. I The positive energy you createwould inevitably multiply.Thanks again. Wish you all the best.Yours sincerely,Li Hua譯文親愛的張偉:我要對您拾金不昧的行為表示 由衷的感謝。那天,我意識到丟了錢包後萬分焦慮,而且我完全記不起是在什麼地方遺失的。這個錢包 對我來說非常重要,因為裡面有一份保密文件,此外我的身份證和兒張信用卡也都放在裡面。您的行為不僅幫助到了我,而且為社會傳遞出一種正能量。人如應該也會向您學習。我對我的孩子還有身邊的、講述了您的行為。您所創造出的正能量必然會得到加倍(傳播)再次向您表示感謝,祝您萬事如意。您忠實的朋友李華高考卷具有北京特色,衚衕文化是特色一部分,用這個作為切入點,是命題老師思考的方向:提倡信 提議保護北京衚衕建築文化原文Dear editor,Hutong is a traditional form of architec-ture in Beijing and as far as I know, many of hutongs were built during Qing dynasty. The long history and the distinctive culture have made them must-see attractions in Beijing.Unfortunately, the number of hutongs has dropped dramatically; hutongs』 culture is on the decline. Raising people』s awareness of protecting the. vanishing culture is now extremely urgent.Therefore, I suggest a law should be set up to maintain and protect the cultural heritage. I also propose that a hutong museum be established to exhibit the charm and significance of the culture.I myself, as well as many others, do l hope that Beijing hutong remains nothing more than a memory.Sincerely,Li Hua譯文尊敬的編輯:衚衕是北京一種傳統的建築模式,就我所知,很多衚衕始建於清朝時期。其悠久的歷史與獨特的文化使得它成為北京必游之地。遺憾的是,衚衕數量在嚴重下降,衚衕文化也處於被忽視的境地。提高人們保護這一正在消失的文化意識已經迫在眉睫。因此,我提議制定法律以維護並保護這一文化遺產。我同時提議建立衚衕博物館展現衚衕文化的魅力與重要性。我個人,還有很多人,希望北京衚衕文化不僅僅只是存留在人們腦海中的一個記憶。您的朋友李華

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